To what extent ought the religious person engage with the world and ...

Author: Tradesecret


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
This is an intriguing dilemma that many in the church have discussed. What do you think? 

Should the religious person be in the world but not of it? and what does that mean? 

Should the religious person retreat into his or her or their own little worlds or communes? 

Should they send their children to public schools or private schools or homeschool?

To what extend should they engage or choose not to engage?  Is it simply a matter of preference? 

Some might suggest that the mission of the church is to convert as many as possible. If this is an admirable goal, how do they do that and retreat from culture? 

Should Christians - be separate - from the world and politics and life completely? Or should the engage in the public square?

And if so. - whose rules should they follow? The rules that suggested by the organisation they are trying to engage with or their own set of principles?

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
I've just been referencing overthink in another forum.

Get up, defecate and urinate as necessary, ablute, eat, go to work perhaps, eat, defecate and urinate as necessary, work perhaps, return home, eat, defecate and urinate as necessary, do a bit of religion and/or some other hobby, watch T.V, defecate and urinate as necessary, go to bed, have sex or masturbate perhaps.

Or do you mean a monastic existence.

Similar to above, just add more praying and chanting to the mix and call it work.

Such is the religious person

Not so remarkably different to the person.

Variable overthink of course...Religion, football, other sports, gardening,  etc etc etc.

Got to pad out the day with something now that the supermarket has replaced hunter gathering.
n8nrgim's avatar
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chrisitans are called to evangelize. like st francis said, peach the gospel, use words if necessary. they should focus on outreach, doing good, being good examples, involvement in church, and to some extent, that is healthy, they should involve themselves in politics. it's not usually christian values to be hermits or reclusive. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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We all know that you are really Shinto. Trying to get back at USA because they nuked your samurai land?
Stephen's avatar
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chrisitans are called to evangelize.

They are. Its called the Great Commision, yet, in the past the author of the op has, while claiming to have been chosen by god himself has denied this is not his purpose although he claims to be both a Chaplain and a  Pastor. Something else the clown didn't know.

The Great Commission
Matthew 28:18--20 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I've just been referencing overthink in another forum.
Good for you. 

Get up, defecate and urinate as necessary, ablute, eat, go to work perhaps, eat, defecate and urinate as necessary, work perhaps, return home, eat, defecate and urinate as necessary, do a bit of religion and/or some other hobby, watch T.V, defecate and urinate as necessary, go to bed, have sex or masturbate perhaps.
that's funny. Except that's not what I am asking. 

Or do you mean a monastic existence.

Similar to above, just add more praying and chanting to the mix and call it work.

Again not what I am asking. 

Such is the religious person

Not so remarkably different to the person.

Variable overthink of course...Religion, football, other sports, gardening,  etc etc etc.

Got to pad out the day with something now that the supermarket has replaced hunter gathering.
hmm. perhaps I worded my question wrong.   I am asking in respect of engaging as a Christian. Not just in respect of life. 

As I said - be in the world, all those things you mentioned, but not of the world - what is the difference? And perhaps what is the world being defined as in the context?

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
We all know that you are really Shinto. Trying to get back at USA because they nuked your samurai land?
Hmm good guess. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Engage with the World or die Trade.

Overthink the condition and...

Vegan woman dies of starvation.

Ok retreating into little Worlds and communes, if you follow the same general rules that I listed above.

Little Worlds and communes require effort Trade and not just overthink.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
thanks for that. I think.

I don't think we need to overthink. 

But the question remains. To what extent should Christians engage with the world and how should they engage? 

Obviously, I am not talking about living as we mostly do. I am talking about - whether they should attempt to push their own particular view. 

After all, everyone else does.  People say - let people live as they want to - but at the end of the day - they still push their own barrows. 

I think the Christian worldview is very mixed at this point in history. A lot like the world at large I reckon. the world doesn't seem to know who it is - anymore and the church is very much the same. 

I sometimes think that the world really is just a wider portion of what the church is anyway. 

The church has sadly joined the relative and post modern ranks of the world - it has left modernity behind and become even more fluffy, if that's possible. 

But there are pockets of the church who have really good ideas - and plans for this world. Should they engage or just go back to their communes? 

Stephen's avatar
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The Reverend Tradesecret wrote @ zedvictor4

 But the question remains. To what extent should Christians engage with the world and how should they engage? 
To this extent,. and in black on white from the scriptures themselves.

Mark 16:15 -16
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Matthew 28:18-20
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The Reverend clown has learned nothing nor does he know anything. No doubt he will be asking for definitions of the words - "all",  "world" and nations".

The Reverend Tradesecret wrote @ zedvictor4
But there are pockets of the church who have really good ideas - and plans for this world.

yet the bible tells us that god made all the plans ?

IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
It depends on how dogmatic the Christian is. If you feel like a zealot that doesn’t want to be "contaminated" and is really scared to go to hell (LOL), then isolate yourself from the whole secular world, nobody will miss you, but if not just enjoy the life as it is.

I mean, I'm not saying that being a zealot is wrong, there are people that were born to live like this. What is wrong and pitiful to me though is that a person gets a life that doesn’t want to live just because his religion tells him to do so. This is a very nasty way to spoil a person's life, seriously.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
It depends on how dogmatic the Christian is. If you feel like a zealot that doesn’t want to be "contaminated" and is really scared to go to hell (LOL), then isolate yourself from the whole secular world, nobody will miss you, but if not just enjoy the life as it is.
Thanks for the response.  Zealots don't believe they are going to Hell even if they are contaminated. There is also a presumption in your words that by isolating from the secular world it's impossible to enjoy yourself.  Many people who live in communes or don't mix with the secular world have immensely satisfying and fulfilled lives. And many people living in the secular world, have miserable and awful lives, many to the point of killing themselves.  I accept that I might have read that presumption into your words, and probably you accept what I have articulated as well.  Yet, Hell is a place to avoid like the plague. Worse even. It's not a fun place. Having said that, I don't believe that escaping from Hell is the best reason to believe in God. It certainly is a factor but not the most compelling one for me. 

I mean, I'm not saying that being a zealot is wrong, there are people that were born to live like this. What is wrong and pitiful to me though is that a person gets a life that doesn’t want to live just because his religion tells him to do so. This is a very nasty way to spoil a person's life, seriously.

I think I did see your presumption.  Living as a Christian is not a bad thing. In fact, even if God is a made-up myth, people who live as Christians generally have a better life and community. I guess it depends on what you think living is. Is living - living a life of debauchery? Or is it more than that?  hey thanks for the thoughts. 
Lemming's avatar
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I'm not specifically speaking about Christianity or religion,
Really many beliefs fall into my thoughts below.

If a person is strong enough, I think it is better to be out in the world, yet aware of there being more.
(Not that I believe in such myself, but if I 'did believe in something after)

There are people suffering, that one could aid,
Though living by example can be good as well.
. . .

Though perhaps even living in a monastery,
One could aid others.
"Science and education the way we know them did not appear until the 17th and 18th century. Until then, the centres of knowledge, education and culture – in Western Europe and Russia alike – were the monasteries. Unexpectedly, the people who left the secular world gave it multiple inventions that have continued to play prominent roles in people’s lives to this day.."

One is 'still of this world, being human,
Even should one practice some aesthetic, spartan, abstaining lifestyle, that is not focused on rampant greed, power, and acquisition at the cost of others.
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To be in the world but not of it.
, ,
People sometimes talk of the body as a vessel, a shell, this life temporary, these materials not what we take with us.
To be not of it, is to focus on development of ones character, I imagine.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

I don't know if the religious should isolate or not,
It doesn't seem a bad way to live according to their beliefs,
But it seems better even, to try to help others.
(Depending on the religion)

Depends on one's means maybe,
And the character of the various schools.
. .
People often yelp about religious people doing a disservice to their kids,
But eh, same people would probably think it's fine to pull kids out of Nazi Germany school teaching Aryan Power.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

I don't know the to what extend should they engage or choose not to engage.
Not everyone is 'capable of doing 'more,
Sometimes people can do more harm than good,
Depends on the people maybe.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

To convert and retreat, applies the same for many a cause maybe,
Send people out to gain people, power, and land.
Increase one's Enclaves, land, inner territories,
Insulate the center, while wearing away at what surrounds.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

My view is 'many creeds ought do both,
Weak and lukewarm believers, will only get converted if sent out,
Will not raise their children properly,
Will not maintain their community properly.

Strong believers, are able to maintain themselves, their descendants, and communties.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 

Though that's not to say what is Caesar's cannot be changed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Really it even applies to the individual.
Common theme with some mental health, is separating oneself from bad environments.

You are what you eat, even life experiences.

“On the average, only those prisoners could keep alive who, after years of trekking from camp to camp, had lost all scruples in their fight for existence; they were prepared to use every means, honest and otherwise, even brutal force, theft, and betrayal of their friends, in order to save themselves. We who have come back, by the aid of many lucky chances or miracles - whatever one may choose to call them - we know: the best of us did not return.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

One may want to help others,
But environment can harm oneself, and one's tribe,
Degrade morals.

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
Tough  question. 
And heres why All these religious people are lucky. 

Apart from infinite wisdom.  
Gods* has / had foresight.   
Sooooo,  they / them ( GODS )  got / get a bunch of dudes to write some shit down for em. 
And them dudes do like a little book book thingy for him.  
Simple as answer. 

We know this right ? 
I'm talking A TRUE GOD.
I mean 
No REAL GOD hasn't done this right. ? 
Correct ..

So now. 
When ( you ) ask. 
( what should i do with my kids " type questions " . ) 
Or questions like. 
( Can i kiss boys anddddddd girls ) 
You simply reference it off to like a john 15 : 43. Or a Paul 18 : 53.
You then open the required page from the required book that refers to the god thing that you on your litte own chose. 
That being the one real true  god. 
Then just read it off. 
It will say for example
( purple monkey dishwasher sneakers.  )   
Sooooo,  upon reading this,  you know pretty much know straight away that . 
My kids should go to public school but one year later then others. 
And it then goes on to tell you what they should have for school lunches ( fairy bread )  and other extremely  valuable things  like that.  

Its Fucking simple as shit. 

What im trying to say is. 

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆    GOD DID A BOOK FOR US.    ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

But christians be all like. 
Yeah god did that book for us .
' SO WHAT ' 

It truly is,  A fucking mazing right. 
It is. 

You never once here them say god is real because we have the bible. 
bringing us to what is happening here. 
I call it . ( Half assed christians  ) or HAC for short. 

These folks that call themselves a "Christian" are not like ummm.
really a , real Christian.

Side note 
I suspect These are the ones that dont state there denomination.
They are just. 
What are they. 
They say it like there is only 4 to 5 types of Christians tops .  

So where was i. 
Yeah the " christians "

The " HAC "  are the better type of christians because they are not proper hell fire christians. 
They don't follow the bible to a T. 
So they ain't like the wacky ones. 
Well they are still wacky but not as wacky as like the wackiest wacky ones. 
You know what i mean. 

So when you ask a question.  
You have to ,
otherwise the answer you recive may be the total opposite of ummmmm, 
Lets say gods will. 

I would now like to take a 1 min  in THANKS.



IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
I think I did see your presumption. Living as a Christian is not a bad thing.
Of course it's not. What it's bad is that some Christians pretend to impose their dogma and boring lifestyle on the rest of us that are not christians. I can tell you there are several of these annoying people trying to make us believe their nonsense, and I'm not talking precisely about Jehovah's witnesses. 

That's why you'll see me here exposing the countless contradictions of christianity as a way of alerting people about the risks that christianity represents for our freedom. I'm a libertarian and it's my duty to say that christianity is nothing more than slavery, because ignorance makes us slaves of a system, contrary to knowledge and openmindness that give us freedom to evolve as humanity.

I say all this by experience. I had to cut out whole relationships with family and friends because of that. You can't imagine how disgusting is to endure people that believe themselves to be the holder of truth. But the most disgusting to endure from these people is the shameless way they condemn you for the life you have, eventhough your life could be utterly average and far away from being bad. Honestly, fuck these people!!!
Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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As we can readily see, Miss Tradesecret took her “Bible Stupid Pills®️” again!  Whereas she doesn’t know the answers that she presented, other than for others to answer for her, how sad for her once again.  :(

MISS TRADESECRET’S UNGODLY FOOLISH QUESTION #1:  “Should the religious person be in the world but not of it? and what does that mean?”

Firstly, as usual, Miss Tradesecret doesn’t separate her pseudo-christian belief from other religious beliefs, whereas Christianity is as part of the world of Jesus’ creation as much as the animals Jesus created and that Adam named, and that would be all 8.7 animals that the world has at this time, and Adam did this in one day of creation, praise!

MISS TRADESECRET’S UNGODLY FOOLISH QUOTE #2:  “Should the religious person retreat into his or her or their own little worlds or communes?”

Absolutely not!  They are commanded by Jesus’ inspired words to spread the TRUE gospel of Christ, therefore they are to get out into the world and perform this godly act, DUH!   

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19)

MISS TRADESECRETS UNGODLY FOOLISH QUESTION #3:  “Should they send their children to public schools or private schools or homeschool?”

They should send their indoctrinated children to Christian Schools ONLY!  How dare she posit a question like this in the first place!

MISS TRADESECRETS UNGODLY FOOLISH QUESTION #4: “To what extend should they engage or choose not to engage?  Is it simply a matter of preference?”

She meant “extent,” therefore Miss Tradesecret doesn’t say to what “extent” the TRUE Christian, of which she is not one because of her outright Bible Stupidity that has been shown over the years, should choose to engage in what?!  Duh!

MISS TRADESECRET’S UNGODY FOOLISH QUESTION #5:  “Some might suggest that the mission of the church is to convert as many as possible. If this is an admirable goal, how do they do that and retreat from culture?”

Poor Miss Tradesecret again, there is no need to “retreat from any culture” when being a part of a Christian churche’s mission to convert as many of Jesus’ Jewish creation in the first place to any one of the many DIVISIONS of Christian churches!  What a dumb ass question of hers again.  :( 

MISS TRADESECRET’S UNGODLY FOOLISH QUOTE #6:  “Should Christians - be separate - from the world and politics and life completely? Or should the engage in the public square?”

YES!!!  We TRUE Christians need to be separated from the ungodly other religions, aka, Hebrew and Islam, even thougth their foundations are also from Abraham, because how can they be all tied together when they all CONTRADICT each other to Christianity!  Miss Tradesecret still doesn’t understand this simple proposition!

MISS TRADESECRET’S UNGODLY FOOLISH QUOTE #7:  “And if so. - whose rules should they follow? The rules that suggested by the organisation they are trying to engage with or their own set of principles?

As shown before, it is truly amazing in how Bible ignorant and Stupid Miss Tradesecret is, and she has a congregation of allegedly 300 people in her showing her Bible stupidity too at all times, BLASPHEME!

What the hell does she mean by ungodly saying “And if so” which is not a part of the true teachings of the Christian Bible for Christ’s sake, where there are no "if so's" in the Bible, whereas there are only "absolutes!!!!"  Poor girl.

True Christians follow Jesus’ rules as God, HELLO?  Simply put for the weakened mind set of Miss Tradesecret is this passage: “But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29). DUH!


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Of course it's not. What it's bad is that some Christians pretend to impose their dogma and boring lifestyle on the rest of us that are not christians. I can tell you there are several of these annoying people trying to make us believe their nonsense, and I'm not talking precisely about Jehovah's witnesses. 
The Christian life is not boring.  But what exactly are you talking about? I personally don't think Christians should impose their dogma on others.  And yet, at the same time, others are always trying to impose their dogma on us. After all, what is boring for you is not the same as for us and what you find exciting some of us find boring and valueless. 

That's why you'll see me here exposing the countless contradictions of christianity as a way of alerting people about the risks that christianity represents for our freedom. I'm a libertarian and it's my duty to say that christianity is nothing more than slavery, because ignorance makes us slaves of a system, contrary to knowledge and openmindness that give us freedom to evolve as humanity.
You see that is where you contradict yourself.  By exposing others - you are imposing your own value system and dogma on others. At least admit what you are doing. I'm also a libertarian and yet  I am a Christian and hold the view that it was Christian values which brought slavery to its knees. I also think that Christian thinking is more about reason and knowledge and truth than a non-christian worldview. And I think that non-Christian thinking is a form of slavery. 

I say all this by experience. I had to cut out whole relationships with family and friends because of that. You can't imagine how disgusting is to endure people that believe themselves to be the holder of truth. But the most disgusting to endure from these people is the shameless way they condemn you for the life you have, eventhough your life could be utterly average and far away from being bad. Honestly, fuck these people!!!
No one can deny your experience. But we can offer an alternative experience which is at odds with yours. I've seen family members cut off - by people were secular and atheistic. I also think it's kind of cute to accuse others of being the holder of truth. After all, how do you know that they don't have the truth unless you think you are the holder of the truth?  You can't deny that they hold the truth unless you have something to measure that idea against. So although it pisses you off, and they disgust you, you should realise that - what most people see is you pointing your hand - with three fingers pointing back at you. And that doesn't help your cause. 
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
The Christian life is not boring.
But what exactly are you talking about? I personally don't think Christians should impose their dogma on others. And yet, at the same time, others are always trying to impose their dogma on us.
Maybe that is not your approach, good for you. I met a lot of religious people that respect other people's beliefs, which is cool, but there are some of them that don't respect other's beliefs and try by all means to prove we are all wrong about our lifes and that we need to know "the truth" (most of the times they mean Jesus the christ by that), and that this is the only way to "get our lifes together and be saved". Really, there is nothing more disgusting that a person that believes to have the right to point and judge because he is pretty sure of holding the truth. They are defenitely zealots, people that are blind by their religion, and they are quite dangerous for our liberty. Note that these kind of dogmatic people are not only in the religion but also in the politic.

You see that is where you contradict yourself. By exposing others - you are imposing your own value system and dogma on others. At least admit what you are doing. I'm also a libertarian and yet I am a Christian and hold the view that it was Christian values which brought slavery to its knees. I also think that Christian thinking is more about reason and knowledge and truth than a non-christian worldview. And I think that non-Christian thinking is a form of slavery.
In what way exposing religions' contradictions is imposing my own values? I don't even have to bring up my values to the discussion because the lies and contradictions of religions are exposed by means of pure logic.

As to "the reason and the knowledge", they have nothing to do with christianity. Religions are the result of faith which is a blind belief, not reason let alone knowledge.

After all, how do you know that they don't have the truth unless you think you are the holder of the truth?
I've never said I hold the truth. What I say is that through the logic it's possible to know if something is true or not, and religions fail miserably in telling the truth.
FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar

     Well stated.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
The Christian life is not boring.
Laughing at something doesn't make it true. How is the Christian life boring? 

But what exactly are you talking about? I personally don't think Christians should impose their dogma on others. And yet, at the same time, others are always trying to impose their dogma on us.
Maybe that is not your approach, good for you. I met a lot of religious people that respect other people's beliefs, which is cool, but there are some of them that don't respect other's beliefs and try by all means to prove we are all wrong about our lifes and that we need to know "the truth" (most of the times they mean Jesus the christ by that), and that this is the only way to "get our lifes together and be saved". Really, there is nothing more disgusting that a person that believes to have the right to point and judge because he is pretty sure of holding the truth. They are defenitely zealots, people that are blind by their religion, and they are quite dangerous for our liberty. Note that these kind of dogmatic people are not only in the religion but also in the politic.
There are zealots in every part of life, not just religious. My father-in-law was until he died a militant atheist. He was blinded by his own pride. He preached tolerance but he didn't practice it. He drove all of his children away from him, both the religious and non-religious. He died a sad and lonely old man.  I think people should desire to know the truth.  And if they happen to find it, then there is probably a duty to teach others.  Truth is never DANGEROUS to liberty. 

You see that is where you contradict yourself. By exposing others - you are imposing your own value system and dogma on others. At least admit what you are doing. I'm also a libertarian and yet I am a Christian and hold the view that it was Christian values which brought slavery to its knees. I also think that Christian thinking is more about reason and knowledge and truth than a non-christian worldview. And I think that non-Christian thinking is a form of slavery.
In what way exposing religions' contradictions is imposing my own values? I don't even have to bring up my values to the discussion because the lies and contradictions of religions are exposed by means of pure logic.
Are you serious? Can you not see that by exposing anybody is to put your own values as the  basis for what is right and wrong? it doesn't worry me too much that you do that - but at least have the integrity to admit what you are doing. 

As to "the reason and the knowledge", they have nothing to do with christianity. Religions are the result of faith which is a blind belief, not reason let alone knowledge.
Christianity is not based on blind faith. Christianity is opposed to blind faith.  You are simply preaching urban myths. It is not really helpful to the discussion.  If you were to say - you believe it is based on blind faith, that is a matter for you, since you can have your own opinion.  But Christianity is opposed to mysticism. Mysticism is not faith. Faith without reason is mysticism. If you have read the Bible, which maybe you have or you haven't, you would know it urges people to think and to use their minds, to learn, and to increase in knowledge.  

After all, how do you know that they don't have the truth unless you think you are the holder of the truth?
I've never said I hold the truth. What I say is that through the logic it's possible to know if something is true or not, and religions fail miserably in telling the truth.
Your last sentence is a self-contradiction. That's a logical conclusion based on your reasoning.  Logic, says you, makes it possible to know if something is true or not. I don't disagree with that statement. Yet to preface that by suggesting you don't hold the truth is to say - "Don't believe a word I say", just take me on blind faith". 

You don't even agree with yourself. 

Hey thanks for your thoughts. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Nice try Shinto samurai
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ONCE AGAIN, for the second time in Miss Tradesecret's own thread, and in prayer with Jesus last night, He told me to biblically CORRECT her post #17, as if her initial post of her thread wasn't enough for Jesus and I to correct!

MISS TRADESECRET'S QUOTE OF BIBLE IGNORANCE #1: "I personally don't think Christians should impose their dogma on others"

Huh?  Then what part of the following Jesus' inspired passages, as God, doesn't she understand in that a TRUE Christian is to impose their dogma upon others?!

" Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15)

MISS TRADESECRET'S QUOTE OF BIBLE IGNORANCE #2:   "I'm also a libertarian and yet  I am a Christian and hold the view that it was Christian values which brought slavery to its knees."

WTF did Miss Tradesecret just say, that Christian values brought slavery to its knees, LOL!!!  Did she really say this, where this notion is the furthest from the actual truth within the scriptures, and to not overtax her mind, I will only show a FEW OF MANY outright examples of being able to own slaves within the Bible, and to be able to BEAT THEM, as shown herewith below:

“If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.”   (Leviticus 25:44-46)

“You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.”
(Ephesians 6:5-8)

Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.” (Colossians 3:22)

“Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.” (1 Peter 2:18)

MY JESUS CONDONES BEATING SLAVES!:  “The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows.  But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
Not Peace but Division." (Luke 12:47-48)

MISS TRADESECRET'S QUOTE OF BIBLE IGNORANCE #3:  "After all, how do you know that they don't have the truth unless you think you are the holder of the truth? "

Hmmmm, does Miss Tradesecret hold the alleged truth where there are many, many, many divisions of christianity that all hold the truth in their eyes, but at the same time, these divisions contradict each other? Huh?  A "plethora" of divisions of Christianity are unfortunately listed in the link below, where it will take days to review them all, BUT, at the same time they ALL CONTRADICT each other, but nonetheless they believe that they hold the true truth!  LOL!

Stephen, I get banned for acting like Jesus did with His verbal abuse in the Temple where the money changers went against His word, then at what point do the moderators allow anyone like Miss Tradesecret to be so God-Dammed Bible Stupid in front of the membership, whereas Miss Tradesecret should be banned because of her outright continuous  Bible Stupidisms®️!

AGAIN, Jesus is NOT smiling in behalf of Miss Tradesecret!

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MISS TRADESECRET'S QUOTE OF BIBLE IGNORANCE #2:   "I'm also a libertarian and yet  I am a Christian and hold the view that it was Christian values which brought slavery to its knees."

WTF did Miss Tradesecret just say, that Christian values brought slavery to its knees, LOL!!! 

I was quite amazed at this statement from our resident Chaplain/ Pastor the Reverend Tradesecret, Brother D.  It is of course yet another one of those statements made by the ignorant before doing the slightest research.
Slavery is far from being "on its knees".

Slavery is a bigger problem now than when it was 'abolished' 

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Miss Tradesecret's alleged notability and credence within this forum is ZERO because of her Bible stupidity!  Therefore, why does Miss Tradesecret remain upon this esteemed Religion Forum making a continued Bible fool of herself as shown, other than for us and others to correct her Bible ineptness, and therefore taking this information we give her to not be so Bible dumb!   Thusly, she is learning from our superior Bible knowledge where she owes us immensely!  LOL!

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Shinto Samurai.

thanks for the compliment.

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Thusly, she [Tradesecret] is learning from our superior Bible knowledge where she owes us immensely!

I doubt it Brother. The Reverend is far too arrogant and ignorant, not to mention pompous.

Why!? I hear you ask.

Well reason 1.  S/he tells us : 
Tradesecret wrote: Ihave been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have readthe bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year andthe NT twice a year.  I know it reasonable well and can evenread Hebrew and Greek.    #52
Ido  understand Orthodoxy. I studied and was tutored byacademics, scholars, and priests and fathers from the OrthodoxChurch.  #91

2. S/he is also a defence lawyer after all -

Tradesecret wrote: I am a lawyer.  There you go. Now you know.  I always counsel my clients that "no comment" is the only wise thing to do when being questioned by the police. #20 +    #231

3. and won't be taking any lessons from those - especially  atheists that s/he deems to be "drug addled kiddie fiddlers".

Tradesecret wrote: Youmust be an unusual atheist. Most atheists I know are impractical andairhead.  Many end up in prison, for theft and sex relatedcrimes, mostly kiddie crime. Many commit suicide and or are on drugsand alcohol. Not too many get married, or if they do - are on totheir 4 or 4th marriage. Many are gay or lesbian. #33

Are those reasons enough for you Brother D.? 

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

determiner1. greatest in amount, quantity, or degree.. Nearly all. The majority. Almost all.



  1. as regards the greater part or number.
    "the culprits are mostly, but not exclusively, male"

    Similar: mainly.  For the most part. On the whole. In the main. Almost entirely.

IlDiavolo's avatar
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How is the Christian life boring? 
More or less like Flanders' life, you know, from the simpson. 😁
Again, there might be people that like this life but most of us don't, we find it fucking boring and stupid at times. 

To end with this discussion that is getting boring, I just want to say that you can't consider a belief a truth because they're diametrically opposed, as well as you can't consider a faith not blind because faith is blind by nature. If you understand this simple concepts, you wouldn't be going around trying to convince people that christianity is the truth. The christianity can be a truth for you and for the zealots that attend your church, but not for the others, so that makes you not have the right to fucking bother us with your nonsense, otherwise we have all the right to argue against your nonsense with the only tool available for reasoning: the logic.
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There is something that is not clear here, Tradesecret is a she or he? 🤔 😁
Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUESTION: "There is something that is not clear here, Tradesecret is a she or he? 🤔 😁"

In the beginning Tradesecret's biography stated that her gender was FEMALE as explicitly shown in this link:

Subsequently to her being a FEMALE, her biography now states her gender as "UNKNOWN" as shown in this link:

Therefore, we can only assume that her gender is still a FEMALE because it would be very ungodly and unchristian-like for her to have a sex change from the gender that Jesus, as God, gave her at birth in being a FEMALE!

Miss Tradesecret is a FEMALE, case closed!

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YOUR QUOTE TO THE #1 BIBLE FOOL MISS TRADESECRET: ".... so that makes you not have the right to fucking bother us with your nonsense, otherwise we have all the right to argue against your nonsense with the only tool available for reasoning: the logic."

Lest we forget, in addition to Miss Tradesecret's nonsense of explaining the Christian faith, she is so God Dammed Bible Stupid, whereas this only adds to her nonsense of the faith, and is embarrassing to Jesus as He watches her being the pseudo-christian fool (Hebrews 4:13)!  I alone have had to correct her Bible ineptness in countless of times over the years, and at her embarrassing expense in front of the membership, as shown recently in this thread of hers twice, and other times in members threads.  

Unfortunately, the only entity that Miss Tradesecret is truly  known for in this very esteemed Religion Forum, is her outright Bible Stupidity!
