Tru dat!
Wow, you hate Jews and Homosexuals, don't you?
this thread is comical in how stupid it is. i know that wasn't the author's intent, though.
The proof for evolution doesnt exist. But lets face it, even if you had proof, I still wouldnt believe in it because I believe in creation.
I believe that the Bible is the word of God.
Therefore, if scientists say the opposite of what Bible says, I prefer to believe the Bible rather than to believe the scientists.
God hates homosexuals and rapists, but he hates homosexuals more. Thats why Bible commands death penalty for homosexuals. Obviously, God hates trans too, thats why Bible commands the death penalty for those who wear clothes of opposite gender.
And yes, God says that there are only 2 genders: male and female. So no, a man cannot become a woman. He can merely stop being a man.
I would suggest that creation and evolution are compatible theories.
God hates sin. That is true. But does that extend to the people? That is a further question.
I thought that a Hindu would be more flexible and fluid in their position.
What does the Bible say about pedophiles?
if creation is the foundation of evolution why would the process suddenly stop after several billion years
and the magic dude suddenly decide to make a unique animal.
Same format as most higher mammals, and other animals
The proof for evolution doesnt exist. But lets face it, even if you had proof, - I still wouldnt believe in it - because I believe in creation.
this thread is comical in how stupid it is. i know that wasn't the author's intent, though.
God hates sin. That is true. But does that extend to the people? That is a further question.There is no reason to assume it doesnt. God can love sinners and hate sinners at the same time. Bible says "hate your enemies" and "love your enemies", basically saying that love and hate arent mutually exclusive.
I thought that a Hindu would be more flexible and fluid in their position.Hindu?
Yet there are certain factors that begin immediately, such as humility. Humility is the character trait that you don't seem to understand, let alone exhibit.#51
Tradesecret wrote : [Stephen] the serpent, satan, whatever - he is the accuser and you follow after him. you are his disciple. From my point of view - he is slime. You know like the stuff we find after a snail has passed by. creepy. disgusting. Ugly. \ #24Tradesecret wrote: [Stephen] Aftercall, you are the swine and the dogs that trample over the pearls. #36Tradesecret wrote: [Stephen you are] a stupid man. Dumb as fuck. . #161
Tradesecret: "Ethang5is a good friend of mine. I have know him for a significant period of time. And if you think we are like each other, that is a huge compliment for me. If I could be more like him, I would". #76
I'm picturing God building the earth and then realizing he totally forgot about burying weird looking animal bones everywhere in it.
God doesnt need to exist for me to believe in him. Plus, he can come into existence at any time since he is all powerful.
there is no reason for anyone to engage in any kind of intellectual discission with you