the bible only talks about rejecting the truth as the basis of condemnation.
around the infamous john 316, it says the light didn't come to the world to condemn it, but to save it. the condemnation comes when someone perfers darkness over the light.
also in john, jesus also said 'unless you believe i am he, you will die in your sins.'. this implies a rejection.
at the end of mark jesus said, 'go and baptize the world. he who beleives and is baptized will be saved, he who doesn't will be condemned'. again, this implies rejection.
i think there's one or two other examples where rejection is implied.
there are some references to 'unbelievers' being unsaved in the new testament letters, but you have to consider whether John 316 defined unbelievers as those who reject the light for preferring darkness. it is possible to insist these unbeliever references should be taken literatlly and all unbelievers are unsaved, but i think that ignores the context i mentioned above.
we also have to consider that NDEs teach us implicitly that everyone can experience heaven, regardless of religion or creed. but i think it's important to remember that we have free will, and if we prefer darkness over light... that is what we will get.