->@<<<oromagi>>>You've responded to like 15% of what I wrote. I guess you agree with everything else I wrote.
- I just cut the repetitions and tangents.
- The obvious difference is that nobody is born a Christian, they are made Christian by their belief.
That's actually a similarity, not a difference.
The notion that people can be born into the wrong gender/biological sex is an acceptable interpretation, and not a mental illness, isn't a notion people are born with.
OK, let's' stop right there.
You are asserting that there is such a think as a Transgender Ideology and that it is defined as "The notion that people can be born into the wrong gender/biological sex is an acceptable interpretation, and not a mental illness,"
YFL asserts that Transgender Ideology is , " "gender identity is as important as biological sex," which is a radically different claim.
The first assertion is mainstream scientific reporting of observable facts and not a belief in any sense (and therefore not ideology).
The second assertion is an accusation against people who believe transgendered people enjoy the same constitutional rights as anybody but I don't anybody who beieve that "gender identity is as important as biological sex," or promotes any such notion and YFL has been unable to provide example of people who believe that. SO- while that belief might qualify as an ideology, it is not a belief that reflects the agenda of any known group or organization (and again, therefore not ideology).
I suggest you start a new forum topic where all the bigots get on the same page about what Transgendered Ideology believes and then try to find at least three examples of influential people making such a claim in questions of public policy.