Don't respond to him please. Ty
<<<<<<<<<<The MadMan Wrote>>>>>>>>>>When Coal blocks, it is great restraint in the face of idiocy, when RM blocks, it is a show of great cowardice in the face of great toxicity.Right.
Well Coal, that’s the beauty of it! These people self-identify as transgender without any sort of diagnosis. Hardly any need for the government on that front at all. Just offer the option to switch their gender on a piece of paper and voilà: dangerous mentally ill person identified.When you have a group of which nearly half attempt suicide for not being able to self-mutilate on the tax payer dime or use the bathroom of their choice, it is easy to see the public good of such a ban.And I understand yet reject the lack of nuance in the libertarian position of not banning anyone. Seriously, by that logic, would you argue that we should allow felons to own guns? The government can create wacky laws that will strip them of their ‘rights’ whenever they want, after all
Don't respond to him please. Ty
In fact, probably 1/5th of all "felons" currently incarcerated are probably innocent of the crime for which they were charged. The only reason they're in prison is because they're poor, and did not have the money to afford a competent lawyer.
I personally have warrants in 2 states. One crime I am innocent of and one I am guilty of and am currently squirreling enough money away so that hopefully when I turn my self in, I am not coerced into a guilty plea to avoid time
Let’s face it- some people are just incapable of impulse control and are prone to violence
Are you being sarcastic? I have to wonder, in the face of such a stupid response.
Bingo. We can fix some problems through policy, but the problems behind the problems can only be solved with cultural improvements.How many of these shooters were raised poorly, or had some kind of traumatic experience in their past? I suspect it’s almost all of them. Not defending those evil people, but it’s clear that there’s more going on with them than the sheer moral depravity required to shoot up a school.I view mass shootings as a reflection of our cultural decay. Guns are not a new thing in this country. If anything, they were once far more ubiquitous (per capita) than they are now. But mass shootings are a new thing. So what changed? The culture decayed, of course. I think it started with FDR and the progressives, frankly.Most of the mass shooters come from deeply troubled backgrounds. But people with deeply troubled backgrounds aren't new, either. The only thing that's changed is that almost all kids now either do not grow up in two-parent households, or if they do, both parents work.They grow up disconnected from their families and without a place in their communities.They get placed on lists, labeled, categorized, evaluated, diagnosed with behavioural problems, pumped up with prescription drugs.When they go to school, they sit in prison-like "educational institutions" under fluorescent lights and forced to stay inside listening to shitty people (most teachers I think are pretty shitty people) drone on about shit the kids do not see the value of, for the purpose of performing on standardized tests that set the trajectory of their lives.When they come home, they eat processed food with no nutritional value, consume vapid media content (if not woke propaganda), and asynchronously interact with their friends (or bullied by their peers) through screens alone.They do not go to church, belong to institutions outside of those created by the state (e.g., school).They are conditioned from birth to defer to authority.I think if our social fabric was stronger, we'd have less mass shootings.
President of the website is a criminal encouraging people to follow and see it as okay behaviour. This is a permanent ban (as he is a serial offender) for encouraging criminal behaviour but let us see how you twist your CoC to avoid it.You have disallowed me to flag posts, thus I must @ you as a good user who wishes to report.
One crime I am innocent of and one I am guilty of and am currently squirreling enough money away so that hopefully when I turn my self in, I am not coerced into a guilty plea to avoid time
Shall I see the incel-chud threads where he encourages people to assault debt collectors and to randomly beat up people in a restaurant?
You have disallowed me to flag posts, thus I must @ you as a good user who wishes to report
Tell us more about his planned guilty plea evasion.
So he is doing something he doesn't endorse?