why don't people consider being a christian who thinks the bible is not the exact word of God?

Author: n8nrgim


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Melcharaz's avatar
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cry me a river, hypocrite. you mentioned me by @ and by blue links.
if you want to show your superiority, why not block me yourself? or find a method of making it where my posts dont appear on your ui?
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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Yep..............pretty self explainatory. 
Stephen's avatar
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Melcharaz wrote; you mentioned me by @ and by blue links.
 I don't have you on block; you fkn dunce. Melcharaz

Melcharaz wrote: if you want to show your superiority, why not block me yourself?

I have no reason to. Bone head!  Unlike yourself , that blocks without reason or because you cannot stand the competition. 🤣

Stephen's avatar
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The Bible is the word of God, and everything the Bible claims to be true is true and will forever be true.

So all of the bible is true unless it claims otherwise? 😂

Yep..............pretty self explainatory. 

Un-fkn - believable.

Melcharaz's avatar
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my head does indeed have bone, more than 1. Thank you for acknowledging that.

reason? i have many reasons to block. they arent valid to you, as you arent me, nor do you care for me at all.

you simply refuse to block me because it makes you feel superior over me, ego. that for some strange reason, you want to prove to yourself and this insignificant debate site that you are in a twisted way, better than me. but the reality is that we are all equal, differently equal sure, but still no better or worse than anyone else.

besides, you enjoy mocking and insulting me. though not once have i insulted or mocked you. ironic.
Stephen's avatar
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Melcharaz, wrote: you enjoy mocking and insulting me. 

Waaah. Waaah   Turn the other cheek you hypocrite. 😭 I always give credit where its due, even if its negative.

Go back to your discussion with those two other bible dunces that you don't agree with. They are equal in bible ignorance as yourself.

Off you trot now.
Melcharaz's avatar
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Melcharaz's avatar
you have never asked me or challenged me on knowledge of scriptures. you assume im ignorant, but you dont know.
ask what you will.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Un-fkn - believable.
You don't have to believe the truth. 
That's up to you. 
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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As before, in prayer with Jesus all the time, He wants me to correct His Bible stupid creation like MIss Tradesecret, because it is the godly thing to do in His behalf!
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)


MELCHARAZ QUOTE: “scripture asserts that the holy spirit is evidenced by speaking in other tongues”.

MISS TRADESECRETS BIBLE STUPID RESPONSE:   “No, the Scriptures do not assert this at all. Don't put your church traditions on me.”

MISS TRADESECRET  BLATANTLY CONTRADICTS HERSELF AND ADMITS NOW THAT TONGUES ARE RELATED TO THE SPIRIT: “I suppose one might raise the argument that since it is connected to the Holy Spirit, that a cessation might signal that God is no longer interested in the world and has withdrawn his Spirit and therefore tongues.”

I don't deny that tongues was evidence for some people in the NT of the Holy Spirit, but you have not demonstrated why it still is the case today.”

MISS TRADESECRET SAYS THE BIBLE IS WRONG AGAIN WHEN SHE SAYS TONGUES ONLY WERE AT THE EARLY CHURCH AND ARE NOT TO BE PERFORMED TODAY: “For me, tongues are clearly something that occurred within the early church.  Yet, Paul also clearly says that they will cease.”

Again Miss Tradesecret is Bible stupid because  in addition too the following passage that states the Christian is to go upon the world and proclaim the gospel, you will also have a sign that you truly believe, of which one sign is to speak in tongues of which are you to do forever!

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:15

MISS TRADESECRET POSITING FROM HEARSAY, WHERE SHE DOES NOT GIVE CREDENCE OR PEER REVIEWED REFERENCE TO HER CLAIMS:  “LOL @ you.  the Pharisees could cast out demons - without the Spirit of God. Mormons and JWs and eastern religions, including the new agers regularly heal the sick. “

Where is the truth to Miss Tradesecret’s claim where Mormons and JWs’ can heal the sick?  Just another STUPID claim by Miss Tradesecret that we are used too.

The following links are shown below where Miss Tradesecret is a continued Bible stupid fool, AND WITHIN THIS THREAD ALONE!

Jesus and I will give you another update of Miss Tradesecret’s unbelievable Bible stupidity, because she just can't help it,  subsequent to her next postings.


Stephen's avatar
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Where is the truth to Miss Tradesecret’s claim where Mormons and JWs’ can heal the sick?  Just another STUPID claim by Miss Tradesecret that we are used to.

It amazes me Brother that all three of these theists do not appear to agree on a single interpretation of a single verse in the bible.

 they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:15

Indeed Brother D. It simply means a new language to that of their mother tongue. What it didn't mean was  they would be speaking gobbledegookbollockus that no one on the planet would understand.

All good entertainment though, Brother D.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Paul asked a serious question when he asked "do all people speak in tongues? " And his question in the Greek implies a no.  Even Paul knew it wasn't the only evidence for having the Spirit of God.  It's amazing that you think you know more than Paul.  
i dont think i know more than paul or God (as God gave him the knowledge) but i know he is referring to the eventual ending of the need for the gift of tongues, not the removal of the evidence thereof which accompanies recieving the Holy Spirit. thats a distinction most brainwashed hellbound demoninal and traditional guided false christians dont understand because they dont have the Holy Spirit.
Please explain the distinction then rather than playing games.  And stop with the language. Jesus indicated that we will know his followers by their fruit- and by their love for one another and for their enemies.  

I think Sidewinder has every right to discuss the bible and its verses.  If he can demonstrate what he is saying, I don't have an issue with that at all.
and i have the right to rebuke/correct someone in error according to scripture.
No, you don't. You have a right to discuss his answers and to respond appropriately.  that doesn't include judgmentalism. It doesn't include abuse. As for correction, by what authority do you have any right to rebuke him? You are not his pastor or his elder. He is not a believer and is not under your jurisdiction.  Correcting an interpretation of a passage is a good thing, but it is not your right. 

That's elitist and it's wrong
not at all, if there is truth that you are incapable of understanding, then as scripture shows, your mind is blinded by the god of this world (satan). if you need verses for anything just ask!
Yes, it is elitist and it's wrong.   I accept that truth can be perceived as elitist, but only if it is done in love.  Love is not elitist. And therefore it is doubtful that the truth can be elitist.  And in any event, you have yet to show me that you know the truth. 

Wait until we talk about infant baptism and why baptism in the NT can't possibly be submersion. that will really rock your boat. 
that shows that not only are you ignorant of context, but also greek language. i assure you, you dont have the knowledge to "rock my boat" but bring forth your strong reasons, by God's understanding ill disprove them all.
I will be very happy to show you the Greek and Biblical understanding of baptism.  Let's start with the one reason you don't believe in infant baptism. Yes, I know you have more. But let's start with one.  The most common one is - there are no specific examples of any infants being baptised in the NT.  This of course is an argument from silence.  The argument concludes that unless there is one example, then the NT church did not practice it, otherwise they would have provided a specific example.  Of course, anyone with half a brain can see the fallacy of this argument.  Imagine if we applied that to the other sacrament, communion.  And imagine if we applied this test to females having communion.  Unless we can find one specific example of a female having communion, then we should accept that the NT did not give females communion.  Does this prove females didn't have communion? No. Does the fact that there are no specific baptisms of infants prove that they didn't occur? No. It is an argument from silence and therefore is of no help whatsoever.  I will keep going, but perhaps it should be on one post at a time, not mixed with the rest of our ramblings. 

Well, that's an interesting perspective.  You certainly haven't shown any ability to do so. But I am happy to hear what you have to say. 
I cant read your mind, i dont know how you discern or apply the 9 gifts. for all i know you could be wanting me to tell you your mothers maiden name to prove prophecy.
Do you know my mother's maiden name? I know you can't read my mind. But you raised the issue of me not applying the gifts.  9. really, haven't you read Romans? 

 LOL @ you.  the Pharisees could cast out demons - without the Spirit of God. Mormons and JWs and eastern religions, including the new agers regularly heal the sick. 
ah, but i didnt say they had the spirit of God, i said BY FAITH. anyone who has faith can do the works of faith. Thats not the same as the gifts of the spirit. already i see that you lack discernment between faith and the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus cast the demons out by the Spirit of God. I noticed you said faith, that is what so called faith healers say.  You however continue to not say much at all. 

If you could do these things which you can't, you would be obligated to go down to the local hospital and perform some miracles. But hey, you won't or when you get there - they don't get healed do they? they don't have strong enough faith. 
You fool. Do i heal or does God heal? I pray and command "In the name of Jesus Christ" and those who are healed, are healed by God.
and no, just because i may or may not have the gift of healing, doesnt mean i can use it how I want to. I have to do what God tells me to do. 
There will be many in hell who healed the sick because THEY THOUGHT it was God's will, but it wasnt. IT was THEIR thoughts. 
No, The right way to use the gifts is how God tells me to. 
There is no point in discussing that with you though, by your assertion i see you are too blinded to understand what God's will is concerning HIS gifts.

he who calls his brother a fool is in danger of hellfire.  Isn't that what Jesus said?  Hey it is my view that God heals and not us. Yet that is not what you were saying above. You asked whether we healed or cast out demons. Now you change the goalposts. 

Do you even read your bible? Or do you just sit on your bed, like Benny Hinn and wait for the Spirit to sit next to you and show you? It is not me who is blind, but I will pray for you. 

Melcharaz's avatar
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Let's start with the one reason you don't believe in infant baptism.
right off the bat you assume you know what i think about infant baptism. I assume you will tell me why i eat tuna next?

i dont argue against infant baptism on the precept of silence. i argue against it based on scripture. here is 1 verse.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
can infants believe God is? no, therefore they cannot come to God, the baptism is of no effect without faith.
But you raised the issue of me not applying the gifts.  9. really, haven't you read Romans? 
finally you actually caught the error, its 9 FRUITS. and they are galatians. gj.

Yes, it is elitist and it's wrong.

No, you don't. You have a right to discuss his answers and to respond appropriately.
well, no need to continue those topics, you refuse to listen to me on those, showing you are incapable of understanding them, or that you think you are smarter than me. i vote the latter because you are already trying to tell me what i think, ironically like an egotistical woman. idk if you are one or not, but you share that same arrogance as they.

Jesus cast the demons out by the Spirit of God. I noticed you said faith, that is what so called faith healers say.
you admit that you noticed i said faith, yet still accused me of topically applying spirit. you seem to be good at falsely accusing and then being flippant about it.

he who calls his brother a fool is in danger of hellfire.
you dont have the holy spirit and therefore are not my brother/sister via blood or spirit. We just agree that jesus saves as far as i can tell, no brotherhood there.

Hey it is my view that God heals and not us. Yet that is not what you were saying above. You asked whether we healed or cast out demons. Now you change the goalposts.
another false accusation, i asked concerning your works, not the authority. if you have no works of faith then i dont need to ask the authority, as faith in you is dead.

Do you even read your bible? Or do you just sit on your bed, like Benny Hinn and wait for the Spirit to sit next to you and show you?
i dont know what benny does, nor his beliefs. but i do read AND i pray. which is what scripture tells us to do.

i perdict any future discussion will simply come to more false witnessing and strawman's on your part, you seem angry and emotional. I notice you no longer bless me the moment i started opposing your beliefs.
i believe you will fail soon, and when you hit the bottom, remember that emotions dont guide, they only reinforce.
that being said, i wont respond anymore to you until you seem open to what i have to say and stop acting like a know it all emotionally charged little girl who tells me what i think and believe and you dont even know my name. Until then, i ask God help give you his peace.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Let's start with the one reason you don't believe in infant baptism.
right off the bat you assume you know what i think about infant baptism. I assume you will tell me why i eat tuna next?

i dont argue against infant baptism on the precept of silence. i argue against it based on scripture. here is 1 verse.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
can infants believe God is? no, therefore they cannot come to God, the baptism is of no effect without faith.
I never said it was the only reason. But it is one. And yes I know you think that because it is the primary reason people are opposed to it. Your provided reason is the second reason people use. And the problem, for this reason, is that it PROVES too much. It makes God to be opposed to the vulnerable. And I reckon you can't even figure out why.  So I will explain to you why.   The argument suggests that "faith" is the issue. Therefore anyone without faith is unable to come to God.  This means therefore that babies that aborted, toddlers who can't articulate their faith, adults who have autism or other severe mental health issues are rejected by God because they can't have faith.  This is contrary to everything the bible says of course.  So what do people with your terrible logic do?  Rather than admit you might have it wrong, you change the goal posts. You introduce an age of accountability and then say that faith is irrelevant in such situations. 

You fail to realise that in the NT, Jesus often acted on the faith of another person for a person's healing. You also fail to realise that salvation belongs to God not to man and or his faith.  Yet it still comes back to this point. Your argument blocks the most vulnerable from access to God. You suggest that intelligence is what matters to God for that is what faith is to you if they need to be old enough to demonstrate it.  I notice you ignore the testimony of John the Baptist who while still in the womb and unable to articulate his faith, nevertheless, demonstrated his faith, by jumping in the womb when Jesus was close by.  

Jesus cast the demons out by the Spirit of God. I noticed you said faith, that is what so called faith healers say. 
you admit that you noticed i said faith, yet still accused me of topically applying spirit. you seem to be good at falsely accusing and then being flippant about it. 
That's because you were.  And I wasn't being flippant. I was telling it how it was. 

he who calls his brother a fool is in danger of hellfire. 
you dont have the holy spirit and therefore are not my brother/sister via blood or spirit. We just agree that jesus saves as far as i can tell, no brotherhood there.
Well the testimony of my presbyterian congregation, the PCV, the Baptist church in Australia, the Charismatic churches I used to attend, the Episcopalian church in Australia, the local Church of Christ,  other local pentecostal churches, all say differently to you. From their point of view, and mine and I believe the Bible, we all would declare your position on me to be incorrect and out of step with the church and the bible.    If you are suggesting that you are not a brother of those in the church, then that is a matter for you.    I will let God be your judge. 

Hey it is my view that God heals and not us. Yet that is not what you were saying above. You asked whether we healed or cast out demons. Now you change the goalposts. 
another false accusation, i asked concerning your works, not the authority. if you have no works of faith then i dont need to ask the authority, as faith in you is dead.
LOL @ you.  you don't even know your own mind.   

Do you even read your bible? Or do you just sit on your bed, like Benny Hinn and wait for the Spirit to sit next to you and show you? 
i dont know what benny does, nor his beliefs. but i do read AND i pray. which is what scripture tells us to do.
Well I am pleased you don't know Benny Hinn. that is a relief.  Although much of what you have been saying is pretty much out of his textbook.  

i perdict any future discussion will simply come to more false witnessing and strawman's on your part, you seem angry and emotional. I notice you no longer bless me the moment i started opposing your beliefs.
So you admit you are a false prophet?  Please notice, it's a question, not an assertion.  I am not angry, nor am I irrational.  Name-calling typically demonstrates an acknowledgment that your arguments are weak.  I haven't cursed you and have taken care not to berate you too much.  You continue to ignore my question to you about your view of God and the Holy Spirit.  Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is God and a person? OR do you think he is an it, a power? 

i believe you will fail soon, and when you hit the bottom, remember that emotions dont guide, they only reinforce.
that being said, i wont respond anymore to you until you seem open to what i have to say and stop acting like a know it all emotionally charged little girl who tells me what i think and believe and you dont even know my name. Until then, i ask God help give you his peace.
You only need to respond when you want to. I don't have any personal vendetta against you.  I think your theology is dodgy but that's a different matter.  If you love Jesus, and you seek to share his gospel, that to me is honourable.  But it was you who said you had a right to correct bad theology. Surely, you wouldn't think that the same should not be applied to you when you communicate bad theology. And just because you want to silence me by saying I don't have the Holy Spirit is a weak and cowardly thing to do - even or especially if you believe it.  Still, I will pray that God softens your heart to the truth. 

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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As before, in prayer with Jesus all the time, He wants me to correct His Bible stupid creation like Miss Tradesecret because it is the godly thing to do in His behalf!
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)


MELCHARAZ RESPONDS TO THE BIBLE STUPID MISS TRADESECRET: "i have the right to rebuke/correct someone in error according to scripture.

MISS TRADESECRET’S BIBLE STUPID RESPONSE: “No, you don't. You have a right to discuss his answers and to respond appropriately…….. Correcting an interpretation of a passage is a good thing, but it is not your right.”

As shown Miss Tradesecret does not read her Bible very well, or at all, because Jesus’ inspired words specifically state that we Christians are to rebuke the Bible Stupids®️like Miss Tradesecret when we find them, and Melcharaz DOES HAVE THE RIGHT to correct anyone according to the scriptures as shown in the passage below!

"He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it." (Titus 1:9)

MISS TRADESECRET CALLS JESUS A LIAR!!!!!!: “Hey it is my view that God heals and not us”

Once again we are shown that Miss Tradesecret has overdosed upon her Bible Stupid Pills®️ by stating that TRUE Christians that believe cannot heal the sick, whereas Jesus says Christians can heal the sick in truly believing in Him as Jesus says in the following passage:

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:15-18)

Stephen, isn’t it about time again for the #1 Bible fool Miss Tradesecret to take another “convenient vacation” from this Religion Forum  to save face upon her outright Bible stupidity all the time?


Stephen's avatar
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 Well we can see above that melcharaz is having a taste of the real arrogant and haughty lying  Reverend Tradesecret, Brother D.

All the same traits are there.  The Reverend's self centred personality that is only overshadowed by his self-delusion of being of some higher authority which borders pathological. Lots of self-aggrandizing exposing his/her now infamous narcissistic personality.

I  am sure melcharaz has realised  that the Reverend Tradesecret does not respond well when his illusions of personal superiority are challenged. 

And it appears that melcharaz has also come to the conclusion that the Reverend Tradescret is actually a woman/girl saying:

melcharaz wrote:  I vote the latter because you are already trying to tell me what i think, ironically like an egotistical woman. idk if you are one or not, but you share that same arrogance as they.

melcharaz wrote: I wont respond anymore to you until you seem open to what i have to say and stop acting like a know it all emotionally charged little girl who tells me what I think and believe#102

Well let's us not forget that the Reverend Tradesecret has admitted openly that he is a woman with a past of sexual deviancy. i.e putting it about.

I am just  sorry that melcharaz has decided he doesn't want to play with the Reverend anymore.

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUOTE: "I am just  sorry that melcharaz has decided he doesn't want to play with the Reverend anymore."

Uh, it looks like he can't to begin with, because he was banned  by "request" whatever that means. :(. This banning of Melcharaz for 6 months at least gives Miss Tradesecret a breather to not be so Bible stupid in front of the membership by trying in vain to address his Bible knowledge against her.

YOUR QUOTE: "And it appears that melcharaz has also come to the conclusion that the Reverend Tradescret is actually a woman/girl saying:"

It is without a doubt that Miss Tradesecret is a WOMAN as shown in the following link as her gender is female, duh:

Stephen's avatar
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 6 months at least gives Miss Tradesecret a breather to not be so Bible stupid in front of the membership by trying in vain to address his Bible knowledge against her.

She will always be a  Bible dunce. She is probably here under another name there were quite a few "new" members signed up here and all around the same time. So  I wouldn't put anything past a person with narcissistic personality problems like  the Reverend Tradesecret . Still, has Sidewinder to preen himself  in front of and  gasconade  to, peacock fashion.🤣
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Duh, look at how many times that I have had to correct the Bible Dunce Miss Tradesecret IN THIS THREAD ALONE as shown in the links below!

The irony is that I only have to wait for her to post again to correct her Bible stupidity again! Seriously, I don't think she understands in just how Bible ignorant she truly is, other than to read my posts showing this to be a FACT!  As we can readily see, it is no wonder why she holds the title in being the #1  Bible fool of this esteemed Religion Forum, where as you inferred, as if her admitted SEXUAL DEVIANCY wasn't embarrassing enough!

Let us wait for Miss Tradesecret to biblically post once more, so I can correct her Bible stupidity AGAIN! 


Stephen's avatar
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Let us wait for Miss Tradesecret to biblically post once more, so I can correct her Bible stupidity AGAIN! 

Well my guess would be that s/he already has posted again , Brother D.

It's just than some here cannot see it.😉
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Hot cross buns, yum.

Went away for a few days,

And came down with Covid.

Don't forget to social distance.

10000 miles should be OK.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
I like to heat mine up a bit first.
Then a layer of butter. 
I then give it a second. 
Then another  layer of butter. 
If the cross comes off easy , I de-cross.  To make em safe. 

Phanks  jesus. 
If you consume enough HCB's you go straight to heaven.   
Im not sure on the number but. 

I seen ones with pink crosses today,  first time ever. 
They kind of looked gross. 

The bible never mentions hot cross buns. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Nor Chocolate Eggs.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Im not going to say jesus gave us christmas on the 25th. 
What about black friday ? 
Did he give us that or was that one of pollys mobs ? 

All  inamadment. (  you know that word zed )  objects.  
But HC muther fucking buns are a something Zed. 
They are sumfing. Oh they are sumfing. 
I would of save jesus from his death back then. Thus wreaking the whole sin thing andddd HC fuck buns.  

There is nothing more religious. 
Welll apart from what i mentioned the other day , 
Thats like a hot cross buns with a layer of christ body fkavored waffers on the bitch. 
Thats like. .  You can call it a  ( ' Go directly to Heaven  @  do not pass judgment berger. )
I mean bun. 
With a cross on it. 

I've eaten the 100 required to enter into heaven . 
Thanks zed. 
Thank you. 

You'd be up over 100 buns Zed.

(  my bacon consumption and foreskin may rules me out  of some religions butttttt) 
My hot cross bun consumption has gaining in others. 

Let us now thank the jesus guy. 
4 he died for you,  and he died for me for HCB. 
He was put to good use.  

I like mine with Triple Butter. 


zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Mrs Zed is just off to the shops.

I'm putting in an order for another pack of six.

I also do baby Jesus proud at Christmas by stuffing myself senseless with all his puddings and cakes and turkey and tins of chocolates and brussels sprouts.

They certainly knew how to have a good time in Nazareth back in the day.

And for sure, we must certainly pray to those Judean bun makers.

Is Bun the new religion Deb?

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
So she returned with.

A Pack of four.

But I never question Mrs Zeds integrity.

She always gets 10 out of 10 for effort.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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A bun in the hand is worth a flaming bush. 
Or something like that. 
A bun in the oven is worth ,,,,, stop stop.

No but. 
Do you De-cross em. 
I peel mine off , just in case. 

A bit like how i ONLY walk backwards into the doorways of churches. 

6 hot cross buns.
I guessing you get yours for the same price everyone else does. 
Thats being Approximately ,Ohhhh. 
One a penny. 
Two a penny .  

And Thats not bad for . 

Oh and i am not going to eat meat on good friday. 

Re fucking spect right there zed. 
' give hand symbols ' 

All i do is ...... 
I squat down.
I place my head between my knees. 
Then i simply tilt and fall towards.  
I fall towards.  
Well thats how i roll.

Great weekend mate. 

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Zedvictor 4.

Four is good . 
Thats one hole tub of butter.  

Mrs Zed will be picking up fish for good friday also?

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
Make up a joke now about.
There must be like a small  poor selection of  fish are found around Wales 
And  then add ,  and Thats how i krill.
I dont want to spend time on that
Can you make up a joke about yourself for me zed IS what im asking you.
Thanks Pal.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Q. Who do Welsh Fishermen pray to.


Q. Why does my COD always get a bad deal.

A. Because I always batter it.

Q. Why are Welsh Fishermen a lost cause.

A. Because they have no sole.

I was born on a Good Friday 15. 4. 1960.

I can't remember if we had fish.

And yes I'll get the trout to pick some up.

Ooops. (Freudian slip)

I mean, I'll get Mrs Zed to pick up some trout.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
I like the first one is nice. 
Good post. 
And the freud slip nice. 

But yeah .
Atheists must not eat meat on good friday. 
They just don't. 

 ya know what the main cause for that is 
Thats 100% pure atheist moral right there. 
But it doesn't help know one. 
Welll im gonna pretend it does help all.

Truth be told . 
I wouldn't think jesus would be happy with not being able to profit from the sale of every bun with a cross on it. 

Your a Funny fella zed .  
BF =  Before fishes and  WF =  with fishes 
Nice post.