why don't people consider being a christian who thinks the bible is not the exact word of God?

Author: n8nrgim


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Melcharaz's avatar
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Melcharaz's avatar
by the way, jesus called himself the son of God in verse 36. for those who thought he didnt
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YOUR UNGODLY QUOTE: "Its my understanding that this simply means speaking in another tongue as in anything aside your mother tongue or language: learning a new language"

WRONG, my hell bound Atheist friend!

You tell me if the following Christian examples of "Speaking in Tongues" in the links below are learning a new language:

Remember what Jesus' inspired passages shown below states that is relative to the above links in "Speaking on Tongues" where  Christians are uttering their  blather jabberwocky of words like a baby learning to speak:

"If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds?" (1 Corinthians 14:23) 

"For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit." (1 Corinthians 14:2)

"Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue." (1 Corinthians 14:19)

Do you think the #1 Bible fool Miss Tradesecret speaks in tongues as the Bible says she is to do to have the spirit of Jesus within her?  I speak in tongues all the time subsequent to having 5 or 6 shots of 104 rye whiskey before dinner, praise Jesus!

Lemming's avatar
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Why would the Jefferson Bible method, not be workable?
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Your revealing post #58, and my previous posts relating to the poor pseudo-christian, the #1 Bible fool of this Religion Forum, Miss Tradesecret, has explicitly shown that she has absolutely no business being upon this esteemed Religion Forum to begin with, period! 

As is seen, it is a BLOOD BATH relating to Miss Tradesecrets outright Bible stupidity, her contradictions that you have brought forth, her LIES that she has given, and where she hardly ever uses actual  Bible verses to "try" and prove her otherwise Satanic positions, is outright embarrassing to say the least!

I was going to hire a secretary to TRY and keep track of Miss Tradesecrets Bible stupidity, but then I remembered that I actually followed Jesus' word and gave away all of my possessions to the needy, and now live down by the river in my Bible bus: "Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” (Matthew 19:21)

Stephen's avatar
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YOUR UNGODLY QUOTE: "Its my understanding that this simply means speaking in another tongue as in anything aside your mother tongue or language: learning a new language"

WRONG, my hell bound Atheist friend!

You tell me if the following Christian examples of "Speaking in Tongues" in the links below are learning a new language:

Well, what can I say Brother D. You got me there. 

Maybe with all his training in ancient languages The Reverend Tradesecret can translate for us? 

I looked a bit deeper into this speaking in tongues Brother D. can you translate this for me?

And this please?

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As before, in prayer with Jesus all the time, He wants me to correct His Bible stupid creation like MELCHARAZ, because it is the godly thing to do in His behalf!
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)

MELCHARAZ QUOTE SHOWING HIS BIBLE STUPIDITY AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAN: "by the way, jesus called himself the son of God in verse 36. for those who thought he didnt"

Barring Melcharaz in not capitalizing Jesus's name in showing respect for Him, He now promotes that Jesus is the son of God, whereas Peter says that JESUS IS GOD shown in the passage below:

Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours.” (2 Peter 1:1)

Stephen, when does the outright Bible stupidity ever end with this current crop of "pseudo-christians" like Melcharaz that are bumbling around this Religion Forum making Bible fools of themselves?!   ENOUGH!
SkepticalOne's avatar
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Why would the Jefferson Bible method, not be workable?
Because that is not a matter of  trying to understand, but of quite literally changing the story. If the book were a message from God, then humans shouldn't need to be editors...nor would they be qualified. It would be pretty damn arrogant to think we with our finite wisdom could improve upon the words of an omniscient being, don't ya think?!

Lemming's avatar
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"why don't people consider being a christian who thinks the bible is not the exact word of God?" - Topic

Sounds to me like 'you're making it the exact message of God.

But I'm 'pretty sure there's plenty of denominations in history,
That have accepted their lack of complete knowledge in their various faiths.
Stephen's avatar
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MELCHARAZ QUOTE SHOWING HIS BIBLE STUPIDITY AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAN: "by the way, jesus called himself the son of God in verse 36. for those who thought he didnt"

Barring Melcharaz in not capitalizing Jesus's name in showing respect for Him, He now promotes that Jesus is the son of God, whereas Peter says that JESUS IS GOD shown in the passage below:

Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours.” (2 Peter 1:1)
Indeed  Brother D. and it appears that Melcharaz seems to have forgotten that there were other "son's of god" in the bible too. I think he's a bit on the slow side to realise that "son of god" is only a title given to other bible characters. In fact, god says the whole  nation of IS-RA-El  were his children.

Stephen, when does the outright Bible stupidity ever end with this current crop of "pseudo-christians" like Melcharaz that are bumbling around this Religion Forum making Bible fools of themselves?!   ENOUGH!
.Nah. Keep em coming I say, Brother D.

I found those comments from the Reverend Tradesecret in case you missed them Brother D.

Odd don't you think, that he want's religion "abolished" and has never believed in it but has a congregation of over "300 worshipers"!?

I am sure he also told us once that he was a Preterist? (I'd have to check). here we are #92

  AND that  he never believed in religion and believes it should be abolished.!!!!#52

Funny that, considering he spent most of his life " studying world religions"

Tradesecret wrote: "Yet, I have experienced and talked with and studied with many of the different world religions. I have found all of them - similar in respect to Atheism.  They all are pointless and devoid of life and meaning.  They all have the façade of profundity yet - all fall at the first hurdle.  #8

All very odd for someone that also says:

Tradesecret wrote: I didnot choose my religion. God chose me. I did not have the capacity orthe ability to reject him. He outsmarted me.

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUOTE IN WANTING TO KNOW THE INTERPRETATIONS OF PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS SPEAKING LIKE A 3 MONTH OLD BABY: "I looked a bit deeper into this speaking in tongues Brother D. can you translate this for me?

I had to down 5 shots of 104 rye whiskey before I could translate the above "speaking in tongues" video, and my godly interpretation  of it is the following:

The video above is a singer speaking in godly tongues, where he was referring to the fact that he knew a moniker named Tradesecret was frequenting DEBATEART Religion Forum, and she was sad that she didn't have a body like the women dancers in the background of this singer!  Furthermore, the singer went on to say that with him being a TRUE Christian for showing "snake handling" is no big deal if you truly believe in Jesus (Mark 16:15-18), he knew that Tradesecret  never put the snake handling verse to a test because she was scared  that she didn't believe in Jesus enough because of her outright and continued Bible stupidity!

The above video is representative of the camel riding Muslims in not being hot enough in their 120 desert land, and therefore to show that they believe in Allah, they get sweatier and more smellier  by dancing with like-minded stinky Muslim men that smell like camel sweat to begin with.  This is why you don't see many women around, because they couldn't stand the smell!!!

See? Anyone can interpret the godly act of "Speaking in Tongues," praise Jesus!

Stephen's avatar
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I had to down 5 shots of 104 rye whiskey......."speaking in tongues" 

 I am the same Brother. Mrs Stephen tells me that I sometimes speak in tongues when I arrive home after a session in the pub.
Melcharaz's avatar
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so uh, which one of you has the brain right now? im confused how an athiest and supposed believer can be friends. cause scripture tells us that whoever is friends with the world is enemies of God.

frankly, its amusing to see yall echo each other, kinda like 2 lame bad guy brothers in a sup par video game

Tradesecret's avatar
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1 Corinthians 
2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. 3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. 4 Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. 5 I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be edified.
9 Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. 10 Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. 11 If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me. 12 So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.
13 For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. 16 Otherwise when you are praising God in the Spirit, how can someone else, who is now put in the position of an inquirer, say “Amen” to your thanksgiving, since they do not know what you are saying? 17 You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified.
18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19 But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue.

i mean you can say speaking in tongues isn't for modern man, but the most straightforward interpretation is that the bible would indicate it is. dont you think? 
Well, I suppose if you ignore the context of the passage you quoted, and gee, ignored other parts of the bible which say that it is temporary, well I suppose you can think anything can't you?  

Why did the OT say that tongues would occur? and has that been fulfilled? And what is the straightforward understanding of 1 Corinthians 13:8?  Why would Paul bother raising the idea that tongues would cease IF it doesn't actually cease? His point in that section is about the enduring power of love.  Yet he refers to tongues, wisdom and prophecy.  Obviously, these are related - but how?  The common factor is "revelation". Why is it important to mention they will cease at all? 

Now it is true that many commentators suggest that the perfect is the second coming.  But many others say it is the completion of the Scriptures and of fresh revelation.  Charismatics and Pentecostals, have to hold to the former view, otherwise, it proves their position is a sham. Pressies are able to hold both views for obvious reasons.  

For me, tongues are clearly something that occurred within the early church.  Yet, Paul also clearly says that they will cease.  The question is when will it happen and for what purpose does it cease?  The context demands that it is within history. Not just because the world ends.  So if within history, when in history? Most Pentecostals would never bother asking this question, because it simply wouldn't occur to them to ask it.   Yet if the second coming can't be the reason for the ceasing of tongues, then what event or purpose in history might it fit?

I suppose one might raise the argument that since it is connected to the Holy Spirit, that a cessation might signal that God is no longer interested in the world and has withdrawn his Spirit and therefore tongues. This would signal that the world is about to end anyway.

What other events or purposes are there for us to consider?  The OT suggests that when people hear people preaching to them in strange tongues, it is a sign of judgment. Perhaps the Jews completed their judgment at the end of AD 70,  then there would be no need for tongues.  One might respectfully ask how judgment on the Jews brings about the perfect? And what would be the perfect in that situation?

It is also important to note the word "cease" in 1 Corinthians 13:8 is in the Middle voice.  In English we have active and passive. The boy kicked the ball. The boy was kicked by the horse.  Yet the Greek has middle which is quite distinct.  Here the verse intimates that - it ceases for itself.  Why would it cease for itself? Because it has fulfilled its purpose and no longer is necessary.  

Me, I suggest that it ceases for itself - because revelation has ceased.  Like prophecy, and wisdom ( a spiritual gift and not wisdom as we often talk about in life) it no longer is necessary. As Paul puts it - when the perfect comes, we put aside the imperfect.   What is subjectively known is now objective. We can read it with our own eyes.  We no longer are like children, but are grown up  as adults with proper food.   We don't have to look in a dark glass dimly.  What is a glass? In those times, there was the idea of telling the future. Gods looking down on the earth like a glass. A clear reference to revelation.

Yet now - Paul is saying - keep loving each other - don't stop loving each other.  God will soon give us full disclosure, stop worrying about the future. Love - and love love.  Don't get caught up with petty jealousies - wanting what everyone else has. Gifts are temporary - but love - goes on forever.   
n8nrgim's avatar
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n8nrgim's avatar
you may be right... i really dont know. i never considered those verses that talk about 'ceasing' in that way. 
Sidewalker's avatar
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by the way, jesus called himself the son of God in verse 36. for those who thought he didnt
The Bible says we are all God's children (1 John 3).

Jesus commonly referred to Himself as "Son of Man", it's unlikely He ever actually referred to Himself as Son of God.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
by the way, jesus called himself the son of God in verse 36. for those who thought he didnt
The Bible says we are all God's children (1 John 3).

Jesus commonly referred to Himself as "Son of Man", it's unlikely He ever actually referred to Himself as Son of God.
The term "son of God" has more than one meaning.   To suggest it always means the one thing is a simplistic way of reading Scripture.

It refers in some places to the people of Israel. It refers in some places to angelic beings. It refers in some places to kings.  

Jesus may or may not have referred to himself as the son of God.  He did call himself a son of man. Probably a reference to Ezekiel either as a man or a priest. 

The Pharisees understood these different terms for the Son of God, but they also allowed it to refer to divinity.  

Jesus was a Jew. He was not an angelic being. He was a son of David, and potentially a king of the Jews.  Yet the nation of Israel never crowned him even if God anointed him as king and as his Son at his baptism.   At his baptism, God the Father revealed Jesus as his son.  Whereas the prophet John the Baptist, who also was a Levite (probably a priest although this is inferred not testified to) anointed him with water, and the Spirit of God, descended upon him.  Hence, Father, Son and Holy Spirit witnessed this inferred anointing as priest and king.  A sweet and unusual combination of priest and king, Levite and Judahite together. 

Jesus on numerous occasions did refer to himself as God. the I AM statements of John are obvious statements of this. The fact that he forgave sins was another. The testimony of the gospels also testify. And why is it he NEVER denied it either?   
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
by the way, jesus called himself the son of God in verse 36. for those who thought he didnt
The Bible says we are all God's children (1 John 3).

Jesus commonly referred to Himself as "Son of Man", it's unlikely He ever actually referred to Himself as Son of God.
The term "son of God" has more than one meaning.   To suggest it always means the one thing is a simplistic way of reading Scripture.

It refers in some places to the people of Israel. It refers in some places to angelic beings. It refers in some places to kings.  

Jesus may or may not have referred to himself as the son of God.  He did call himself a son of man. Probably a reference to Ezekiel either as a man or a priest. 

The Pharisees understood these different terms for the Son of God, but they also allowed it to refer to divinity.  

Jesus was a Jew. He was not an angelic being. He was a son of David, and potentially a king of the Jews.  Yet the nation of Israel never crowned him even if God anointed him as king and as his Son at his baptism.   At his baptism, God the Father revealed Jesus as his son.  Whereas the prophet John the Baptist, who also was a Levite (probably a priest although this is inferred not testified to) anointed him with water, and the Spirit of God, descended upon him.  Hence, Father, Son and Holy Spirit witnessed this inferred anointing as priest and king.  A sweet and unusual combination of priest and king, Levite and Judahite together. 

Jesus on numerous occasions did refer to himself as God. the I AM statements of John are obvious statements of this. The fact that he forgave sins was another. The testimony of the gospels also testify. And why is it he NEVER denied it either?   
He denied it in Matthew 23:9,  Luke 18:19, and John 14:28.

Tradesecret's avatar
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He denied it in Matthew 23:9,  Luke 18:19, and John 14:28.
Wow, you must be reading a different bible to me. 

In Matthew 23:9 Jesus says: "Do not call anyone on earth father, for you have one father, and he is in heaven. "

Strange, I don't see any denials in this statement at all. What he says is - don't call people "father". Not meaning of course that people should not refer to their biological fathers on earth as father, but not to call people father, as in Spiritual father.  

Jesus is not the Father, and he is neither a father, biologically nor spiritually.  He is not the father of the church. If there is a denial in this passage, it is that he should not be called father, since he and the father are not the same person. It is not a denial that he is God, which is the topic here. So score a fail in relation to that passage. It is interesting though, it is a good reason not to call the pope, the pope. Pope means father. 

the second passage is Luke 18:19. Where Jesus responds to the question by a rich man. His answer is "why do you call me good"? "No one is good except God alone". 

Rather than denying he is God, this question actually suggests that Jesus is God.   There is no denial here. He doesn't say to the rich man. Don't call me good. He says - why do you call me good? In other words, do you realise what you are saying by calling me good?  Only God is good is what Jesus claims, hence to call me good is to call me God.  That is the logic of the response by Jesus.  A second fail for you. 

the third passage is John 14:28. 

"You have heard me say, I am going away, and I am coming back to you. If you loved me you would be glad I am going to the father for the father is greater than me. "

Again there is no denial in this passage.   Jesus is declaring that he is going to die and rise again. He is going to the Father.  But there is no denial that he is God. He denies I suppose that he is the Father. Which is absolutely true. Jesus is not the Father. Just like he is not the Holy Spirit.  Yet Christian theology says - God is Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.    

I suppose you are suggesting that since Jesus is saying the Father is greater than me, that this means that Jesus is not God.  In other places, Jesus is worshiped as God,  and he never forbids people from doing so.  Yet worship is reserved for God alone. I don't see a denial here. The question of what greater means is discussed at length in the commentaries.  I can't recall any suggesting this is a denial of Jesus' divinity. But it would be nice if you could find one which says denies it. 

It is true that Jesus will deny he is the father. I deny that Jesus is the father.  but denying Jesus is the father is not the same as denying that Jesus is God. Not in Christian circles anyway. God is Trinity.  He is Father Son and Holy Spirit. And each are not the same as the other - although all are ONE.  

So from my point of view - this too is a fail. 

That is three fails - three places where there is no denial by Jesus of being God. 

Melcharaz's avatar
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Melcharaz's avatar
im not sure either of you have the right to speak. trade denies tongues as evidence of the holy spirit, which is in the bible, sidewalker denies that jesus said he is the son of God, which is in john 10:36.

frankly, yall both need to pray, cause your brains cant recieve the word of God, you got satan blinding your minds.

and im certain that neither of you exercise the gifts of the spirit.
probably dont even heal the sick or attempted to cast out a demon.(through faith in Jesus Christ)
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
Classic case of : 


ah scripture 
You wouldn't have ya god speak anything but.

Very well played 
Very well played indeed.  

Let us now take 5 seconds to think about Frank that day saying.
'Ill tell you what we should do guys.  
We'll write it in a scripture like format. 
What a fucking mind. 

And it was decided,  from this day forth when inventing gods they would "speak" ummmmm oddly.
They will be nor here nor be nor there. 


PS.   Im probably the best ever scripture translator thats ever been . 
Thats all .  I do it semi illiterately hehehe. Thats beyond  tongue.
Hey Do you speak tongue in ya head.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Ive just realized.  
I could probably sell holy water.

Let me think for a second. 
I got buckets 
I'll probably need bottles.
How would i transport this .
Ive a infinite supply of holy water
Its just 
Well its getting it out there. 

Yeah i can do it. 
Im gonna sell holy water. 

The first complaint will be . 'That ain't holy water' 
To wich I'll answer.  yes it is . And its one of the purist and best ever . 
HOLY WATER get yours now.

Currently looking for the recommend avrage anuual intake of Holy water. 
What ever it is i am sure we don't get enough ..  

Pm me

God practicality made us out of water.
I mean clay 
Wink wink.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I'm not sure either of you have the right to speak. trade denies tongues as evidence of the holy spirit, which is in the bible, sidewalker denies that jesus said he is the son of God, which is in john 10:36.
I don't deny that tongues was evidence for some people in the NT of the Holy Spirit, but you have not demonstrated why it still is the case today.  Paul asked a serious question when he asked "do all people speak in tongues? " And his question in the Greek implies a no.  Even Paul knew it wasn't the only evidence for having the Spirit of God.  It's amazing that you think you know more than Paul.  

I think Sidewinder has every right to discuss the bible and its verses.  If he can demonstrate what he is saying, I don't have an issue with that at all.  I even think it's ok for you to explain yourself - despite the fact that you seem well, interesting to say the least.  

frankly, yall both need to pray, cause your brains cant recieve the word of God, you got satan blinding your minds.
That's elitist and it's wrong.  Wait until we talk about infant baptism and why baptism in the NT can't possibly be submersion. that will really rock your boat. 
and im certain that neither of you exercise the gifts of the spirit.
Well, that's an interesting perspective.  You certainly haven't shown any ability to do so. But I am happy to hear what you have to say. 

probably dont even heal the sick or attempted to cast out a demon.(through faith in Jesus Christ)
LOL @ you.  the Pharisees could cast out demons - without the Spirit of God. Mormons and JWs and eastern religions, including the new agers regularly heal the sick. 

If you could do these things which you can't, you would be obligated to go down to the local hospital and perform some miracles. But hey, you won't or when you get there - they don't get healed do they? they don't have strong enough faith.  

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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I'd say if speaking in tongues is like something godly 

Typing in tounges would be much MOREEEEEEE GODLYYYYY.
remember,   you seen it here first.


' catches breath '  


' out of breath '

Thats it . 
I now need to rest.

Thank you.
Melcharaz's avatar
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Melcharaz's avatar
Paul asked a serious question when he asked "do all people speak in tongues? " And his question in the Greek implies a no.  Even Paul knew it wasn't the only evidence for having the Spirit of God.  It's amazing that you think you know more than Paul.  
i dont think i know more than paul or God (as God gave him the knowledge) but i know he is referring to the eventual ending of the need for the gift of tongues, not the removal of the evidence thereof which accompanies recieving the Holy Spirit. thats a distinction most brainwashed hellbound demoninal and traditional guided false christians dont understand because they dont have the Holy Spirit.

I think Sidewinder has every right to discuss the bible and its verses.  If he can demonstrate what he is saying, I don't have an issue with that at all.
and i have the right to rebuke/correct someone in error according to scripture.

That's elitist and it's wrong
not at all, if there is truth that you are incapable of understanding, then as scripture shows, your mind is blinded by the god of this world (satan). if you need verses for anything just ask!

Wait until we talk about infant baptism and why baptism in the NT can't possibly be submersion. that will really rock your boat. 
that shows that not only are you ignorant of context, but also greek language. i assure you, you dont have the knowledge to "rock my boat" but bring forth your strong reasons, by God's understanding ill disprove them all.

Well, that's an interesting perspective.  You certainly haven't shown any ability to do so. But I am happy to hear what you have to say.
I cant read your mind, i dont know how you discern or apply the 9 gifts. for all i know you could be wanting me to tell you your mothers maiden name to prove prophecy.

 LOL @ you.  the Pharisees could cast out demons - without the Spirit of God. Mormons and JWs and eastern religions, including the new agers regularly heal the sick.
ah, but i didnt say they had the spirit of God, i said BY FAITH. anyone who has faith can do the works of faith. Thats not the same as the gifts of the spirit. already i see that you lack discernment between faith and the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit.

If you could do these things which you can't, you would be obligated to go down to the local hospital and perform some miracles. But hey, you won't or when you get there - they don't get healed do they? they don't have strong enough faith.
You fool. Do i heal or does God heal? I pray and command "In the name of Jesus Christ" and those who are healed, are healed by God.
and no, just because i may or may not have the gift of healing, doesnt mean i can use it how I want to. I have to do what God tells me to do.
There will be many in hell who healed the sick because THEY THOUGHT it was God's will, but it wasnt. IT was THEIR thoughts.
No, The right way to use the gifts is how God tells me to.
There is no point in discussing that with you though, by your assertion i see you are too blinded to understand what God's will is concerning HIS gifts.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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The Bible is the word of God, and everything the Bible claims to be true is true and will forever be true.
The Bible is our guide to living a better more fulfilling life, and key to gaining a closer more loving relationship with God. 
It's that simple. 
Stephen's avatar
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The Bible is the word of God, and everything the Bible claims to be true is true and will forever be true.

So all of the bible is true unless it claims otherwise? 😂

Melcharaz's avatar
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unless it is proven otherwise. There is nothing that disproves what the bible says except for false accounts which contemporaries there of either slightly deny them or say nothing because they were not credible.
just like you wouldnt write a 100 page commentary on why a child lying about wolves is wrong.
Stephen's avatar
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@ a complete coward.

unless it is proven otherwise. There is nothing that disproves what the bible says except for false accounts which contemporaries there of either slightly deny them or say nothing because they were not credible.
just like you wouldnt write a 100 page commentary on why a child lying about wolves is wrong.

STOP!!!!  addressing my comment to others while you have me on block, you fkn spinless coward!

Melcharaz's avatar
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Melcharaz's avatar
you first. you reap what you sow.

but you cannot contridict scripture's accuracy, you can only misunderstand it or bring false witnesses against it.
do your  best, so that when you fail, you will only be ashamed in that you failed, not that you didnt try.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

Why are you addressing me while you have me on block?

To have me on block means you want nothing to do with me. I don't have you on block you hypocritical spineless coward.
I will raise this cowardly practice with moderation if you persist.