Fine, let's destroy your argument then. I wanted to leave you with some type of win, but oh well:
If you want to destroy my argument you’re going to need to type some words. That’s how productive conversation works.
Just to humor you I clicked on the link, it’s a 55 min Ben Shapiro show segment. I watched the first 1:27 before I already got to the first nonsense point and turned it off. The argument he presents is a Lawrence O’Donnell clip where Lawrence says something and then corrects it the next day.
This doesn’t prove your point, if anything it shows the exact opposite. Lawrence was just talking off the cuff and in so doing said something that he later explained ‘didn’t go through the networks vigorous fact checking process’. In other words, MSNBC does not stand by his statement because Lawrence didn’t prove to the network that what he said is factual. That’s not how a propaganda outlet intent on spreading misinformation operates.
This is a tired old tactic. News networks like MSNBC operate 24/7. Of course they are going to get things wrong from time to time, every human being on earth does. If you want to argue that a network is “spreading misinformation” you need to provide examples of where they did so knowingly or provide reliable data. I’m willing to bet Ben Shapiro knows this, but he also understands that people like you are easily manipulable so you’ll just buy into his shotgun fallacy hook line and sinker.
I could of course be wrong, maybe he did go on to explain all of this. Don’t know, don’t care enough to watch the next 53 minutes. If Ben were here to discuss the issue with I’d watch it, but he isn’t here. You are. So if you want to have a conversation on this topic feel free to present words that you typed so we can have a dialog.
Yes. Books that come from where? Oh that's right, the government.
The government doesn’t publish books, and much of the literature on the subject is centuries old.
Hate to break it to you, but:
So the argument here is that the basic concepts CRT is founded on are “being taught” in class, and they gathered data on this by asking students of they’ve heard this concept and from where.
First off, no where in this article do they find that the material students are “being taught” is part of any curriculum anywhere. That’s already remarkable, because to claim a subject is being taught in schools requires that at bare minimum.
Essentially, if a teacher tells the class their opinion on any of these questions, that would qualify as “being taught”. But what is most remarkable about this entire study is that it took place from August 18th-23rd 2022. In other words, they asked students if they heard about or had teachers tell them their opinion about an issue which republicans catapulted to the forefront of the national dialog. An issue that is literally vilifying teachers nationwide.
Teachers and students are going to talk about what’s going on in the world. In 2022 CRT was everywhere, so of course teachers are going to comment on it. That doesn’t mean CRT is “being taught” in classrooms.
So when you advocate for banning CRT in classrooms, a subject that isn’t in any curriculum anywhere, what you’re actually advocating for is for teachers to not be allowed to talk about race. That is amazingly stupid and remarkably hypocritical coming from the “free speech” crowd.
The fact that you heard me talk about these two subjects and immediately heard “politics” is a perfect demonstration of the point I just made.
But you did bring up politics........
I brought up two subjects and how those two subjects would likely impact politics. You then characterized them as political subjects.