I just explained to you that words change over time.
They evolve. Some evolve more than others, but none have deliberately changed the definition entirely.
But I still bring up the point, that changing the definition isn't even the worst part. It is that the definition, that they used to describe a woman, has many flaws, and is not a valid definition.
Also, you seem incapable of understanding the difference between referring to “we” as individuals vs “we” as a society. Once again, no one is arguing that every individual can just run around making up their own words. Language is about communication, and we need other people to understand our terms if we want to convey thoughts and ideas. But if everyone is on the same page, we can all change terms to whatever we want because we will now be able to understand each other.
….did you reread what you just wrote?
This is really basic stuff and is not controversial when it comes to any other topic. The fact that now, all of a sudden on this one topic right wingers need this very basic fact explained speaks volumes about how political ideology deludes the human brain.
It's a little weird that biology is now controversial, and is a part of politics now.
Biology is what we base a lot of our knowledge on. If we can't even agree on that, then we have already failed as a society.
Define God.
And don’t give me some definition that other people out there disagree with otherwise we won’t be able to use it and all of our language will just dissolve into mess causing chaos within our society that will take us all down.
My definition of God is based in faith.
I never forced anyone to believe God is real. I just believe that myself. It is up to others to make that decision for themselves.
But with this new definition of woman, people are trying to force others to come to terms with this new definition, even though a lot of people don't agree with it.
That's the major problem with the left. They want everyone to support and believe in what they believe, and they always preach equality. But then they go behind everyone's backs and try to censor and silence people who have a differing opinion, because it challenges theirs, and they know they won't win a debate on it.
So my definition of God, is:
"in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being."
This definition of a God isn't wrong. That literally is the definition of the concept of a God.
The new definition of a woman isn't even right. It is flawed in every aspect.