..a strong arument can be made that Kurt Godel proved in cannot be a closed system.Nothing he offers informs of a closed Universe scenario.
Kurt Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem is analytically perfect and rigidly deductive and therefore it is conclusive as far as logic and science are concerned. It states categorically that no axiomatic system is, or can be complete without reference to a higher system in which that system must be embedded. Mathematically, Gödel proved that even an axiomatic system as simple as arithmetic cannot be internally consistent and logically complete without reference to a transcending system in which it must be embedded.
Logic and science are indeed axiomatic systems, therefore logic and science themselves have proven that they are not complete without reference to a transcendent system. Gödel proved that the ideal of science is therefore impossible, which is to say that it is logically and scientifically impossible to devise a set of axioms from which all the phenomena of the external world can be deduced, which eliminates the possibility of a unified scientific theory which would have to include arithmetic.
The full range of the human experience of reality is such that it has personal and impersonal, transcendent and immanent aspects. These can be taken as aspects of one rich reality, which can only be spoken of analogically in any case, rather than in the complete and exclusive descriptions necessary to represent the Universe as a closed system.
“Gödel proved that the world of pure mathematics is inexhaustible; no finite set of axioms and rules of inference can ever encompass the whole of mathematics; given any finite set of axioms, we can find meaningful mathematical questions which the axioms leave unanswered. I hope that an analogous Situation exists in the physical world. If my view of the future is correct, it means that the world of physics and astronomy is also inexhaustible; no matter how far we go into the future, there will always be new things happening, new information coming in, new worlds to explore, a constantly expanding domain of life, consciousness, and memory.” — Freeman Dyson
Nor does validate or invalidate an origin of biological life, or the opposite, eternal biologic life.
Thanks Rainman, I got your opinion the last twenty times you said it.
but our current scientific theories involve fundamental violations.Provide the info please. I think it is not valid info.
I already have multiple times in this
thread, pay attention.
Current cosmological theory explicitly violates the 1st law, in an expanding universe light is "redshifted to a lower energy state, and Dark Energy is understood to be the intrinsic energy per volume of empty space, in an expanding Universe the volume of space expands and so does the total energy.A photon going to longer wave { lower frequency } length does not violate 1st law. Try again.
Its basic high school physics, the frequency of light determines its energy, the
red end of the spectrum is lower energy, the blue end is higher energy, for
light to redshift, it must lose energy.
The conservation law is fundamentally incompatible with General Relativity,I dont think so. Try again.
Whoa, “I don’t think so” is really a
strong argument, but I’m afraid you think I was talking about your fantasy
world where reality is a matter of what you think? Nope, I was talking about the real world, logic,
science, that kind of thing. If you can
muster an argument with some of these attributes, I’ll be glad to debate it with you.
The 1st law doesn't even port to quantum physics in any recognizable way, it cannot deal with wave particle duality, or the collapse of the wave function.Sine-wave is conceptual abstract of multiple quanta { observed reality }
Meaningless Nonsense.
Those are our three best physical theories, the 1st law conflicts with all three in basic ways, in the end, the Conservation law is going the way most of our classical laws of physics have gone, to a limited domain of applicability.Not.
Oh boy, "Not" is another strong argument, hard to refute, how about this, "Uh huh, is to".
Pleases share evidence of such violation.
I already
have several times in this thread, try to pay attention.
Relativity Theory: The theory of the conservation of energy is based on time-translation invariance, which requires that the background on which particles and forces evolve, as well as the dynamical rules governing their motions, be fixed, not changing with time. Relativity theory states that time and space are dynamical, and in particular that they can evolve with time. When the space through which particles move is changing, the total energy of those particles is not conserved. Consequently, depending on their relative motion or relative gravity, different observers will measure different energies of the same system, and as time and space evolve, the total energy changes.
Big Bang Cosmology: Current theory says the Universe is expanding, this violates the 1st law in multiple ways, 1) the evidence that the Universe is expanding is the Redshift of light, if the light is redshifted, then it is losing energy as space expands. 2) The acceleration of the expansion is explained by Dark Energy, defined as a constant value in the density of the vacuum energy of empty space, the volume of space grows as the universe expands, so the total energy (density times volume), increases. 3) The inflationary epoch postulates rapid expansion of the Universe based on changing energy density, hence, nucleosynthesis, flatness, and the baryonic asymmetry that gives us a Universe in the first place, are all dependent on the violation of the 1st law.
Quantum Physics: The Conservation law doesn’t port to quantum physics because the concept of energy is different than it is in the classical physics the 1st Law is based on. Classically, a particle has a constant energy, which is the sum of its potential energy (position) and its kinetic energy (momentum). But in quantum mechanics, the state of the particle isn’t a function of position and velocity; The state of the system is given by the wave function, which is mathematically incompatible with the 1st law’s time translation invariance.
In quantum physics, the system is defined by the Schrodinger Wave Function, which predicts probabilities and the energy of the system is an average of all the probabilities, the energy of the system is constant as the system evolves. When a measurement is made, the wave function collapses to a single state and the energy of the system changes, the average energy is not conserved in the process of quantum measurement in violation of the 1st law.
Because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle virtual particles are created in direct violation of the conservation law, these exceptions have been demonstrated, precisely measured, and accounted in things like zero-point energy, the Lamb shift, and macroscopically, the Casimir Effect.