The United States of America is The Best and Most Successful Nation by Far

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
I've met a lot of people who think that the USA is one of the worst country's they've ever lived in, and that they would rather live in someplace like Germany or something along those lines. 

Why do they have the nerves to say things like that, when they are literally thriving off of the USA's riches. 

They complain about leaders being horrible on their social media platforms, yet they are blind to see that the fact they even have social media is a big privilege. 

If these types of people leave the country, then they won't be able to complain about the country that they are in like they do here, because the majority of other country's don't have free speech, and if they do its limited free speech.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
I wish I was born in North Korea. US sponsored homosexual education turned me into sodomy loving porn addict.

At least in North Korea, you have something to be proud of, like strong military and pornless society.

In USA, there is nothing to be proud of. Like, your military was beaten by Communists in Vietnam and Korea, and by Talibans in Afganistan.

The military you trained in Afganistan was crushed in 3 days.

In the Korean war, you lost over 1000 aircrafts and you were being crushed until the entire UN came to help you and you still couldnt win.

Today, North Korea has 70 times more military per capita than you do and they have more advanced ICBMs.

You only won 1 war against Iraq and that was when Iraqi military deserted and didnt want to fight.

So you can only win a war if opponent willingly surrenders without a fight?

North Korea just fired a missile that flew at mach 22 speed. Can you even compete?

I think you are jealous of North Korea because your government only lasts for 4-8 years while North Korean government is eternal and will last forever.

They are also more cool than you are, since they are stratocracy and necrocracy, while you are vaginal gay democracy wanna be.

Also, 40% of North Koreans have smartphones. So if I was in North Korea, I would still be able to post this comment.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
If you are trying to say that North Korea is better than the U.S. than your wrong.

People have gone to North Korea from the U.S. like the Globe Trotters, and they brought cameras with them to record life there. 

Their government told them they couldn't record in certain places, and if they did, they could be arrested. Now why would they do that unless they had something to hide.

And no, you don't have any freedom in North Korea. You don't even have control of your own emotions. When Kim-Jong-Il died, they were forced to cry for weeks, and if they didn't cry enough than they would be arrested. 

And no one has access to phones, or internet. That statement is a complete lie. There has been a documentary of Americans in a room full of North Korean's, "working on computers" but all of them only had their hands on the keyboard and mouse but none of them except for one man was actually moving their mouse or typing on their keyboards. 

The government tried to show the U.S. that their people were very social, but none of them have access to any advanced technology, and they wouldn't know how to work it anyways.

To prove that they do have that access, give me one example of a North Korean who is on the internet, that is a normal civilian. 

Also, North Korea is known as a hermit country meaning that no one is allowed in or out. 

America isn't perfect with its gay pride agenda, and its many addictions, but at least we get the right to choose.

North Korea kills their own people and hides it from the world. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
And no, North Koreas Military is far less advanced than the U.S. military. 
America is the strongest military force on the planet.

We've only had two attacks on our own soil. 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

We go out to help other countries in need and the only reason we lose, is because are not going to risk the safety of our country to protect another.

North Korea only has about 1.3 million military personnel, while the U.S. military has more than 4 million active military personnel.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
So no, you don't wish you were born in North Korea. Just because you're dealing with addiction, should make you want to move to one of the worst countries in the world. That's my whole point. People are complaining about how their dealing with this and that, but in other country's people are being slaughtered and massacred. Enslaved, starved and beaten, and here we are over here worrying about little minute things. 

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
I've met a lot of people who think that the USA is one of the worst country's they've ever lived in, and that they would rather live in someplace like Germany or something along those lines. 

Why do they have the nerves to say things like that, when they are literally thriving off of the USA's riches. 

They complain about leaders being horrible on their social media platforms, yet they are blind to see that the fact they even have social media is a big privilege. 

If these types of people leave the country, then they won't be able to complain about the country that they are in like they do here, because the majority of other country's don't have free speech, and if they do its limited free speech.
  • Indeed, it is the hallmark of many a great nation that her citizenry cannot stop whining for a moment to give thanks and acknowledge their great success.

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Your comment is a typical american stupidity with bunch of assumptions, such as freedom=good, everything that US media says=true.

The fact that you assumed how I think that freedom is good just shows how you are trying to make an argument.

There is no reason to allow freedom to talk against the government. Such freedom is harmful to the government and to the military

There is no reason to give any freedom to citizens other than for military purposes.

This creates the best possible military society that outproduces non-military societies.

This makes society strong and not weak like pathetic USA.

Do you think that the weak should rule in society? You do. Because you are weak.
This is why your society is weak and will get outmatched.

This is why, as I said, North Korea outproduces you in military.

Then you went on to explain to us how North Korea kills its citizens. First, capital punishment is there to maintain the military rule. Those with power can do whatever they want. You can cry about it all day. They have the power. You dont. Cry now. Second, your country too has capital punishment, so maybe sort out your logic.

Your citizens have a right to choose and your country is weak. So your argument is that we should endorse weakness? 

Real government gives rights to the military and not to the weak. You should learn this if you dont want to be outproduced by North Korea.

"To prove that they do have that access, give me one example of a North Korean who is on the internet, that is a normal civilian"

If you define "normal civilian" as "11 year old girl who is a government worker", I will be happy to provide you. Otherwise, you get nothing. So go ahead and define "normal civilian".
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
"North Korea only has about 1.3 million military personnel, while the U.S. military has more than 4 million active military personnel."

Typical American math fail. Even if your numbers were true, it would still mean that North Korea has more than double military per capita. Therefore, outproducing USA by double.

So you proven yourself wrong??? How silly!!!!

But your numbers are not true, because you took them from a fake site.

When you google "how much active military does US have", the result is about 1 million.

However, North Korea has 1 million active, and over 5 millon paramilitary troops, and almost a million reservists.

US has no paramilitary.

So US loses by how much? North Korea: 7 million. USA: 1 million. 

7 times larger!!! And North Korean military is also 70 times larger military per capita than US military.

It seems the americans have humiliated themselves again due to their math failure.

North Korea has 10 times more tanks per capita, more IBCMs per capita, 10 times more artillery per capita, and equal air force per capita as US.

This is all while having much less trade, much less resources, and under sanctions.

So country under sanctions outproduced you by 10 times?

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
I took a look at your source.

It says that USA has 1.3 active military troops. So you posted a source that proves you wrong? Why would you do that? Are you trying to demonstrate US stupidity????
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
"So no, you don't wish you were born in North Korea. Just because you're dealing with addiction, should make you want to move to one of the worst countries in the world."

Again, the american stupidity takes place. How would you know what I wish? How? Are you really so stupid that you cant understand that not everyone has same wishes? That not everyone wishes to have "freedom" imposed by US?

I understand that US education turned you into an idiot, but to have this levels of stupidity to assume what other person wishes based on what you wish they wish is the DUMBEST THING I EVER HEARD. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Since you said:

"To prove that they do have that access, give me one example of a North Korean who is on the internet, that is a normal civilian"

I replied:
"If you define "normal civilian" as "11 year old girl who is a government worker", I will be happy to provide you. Otherwise, you get nothing. So go ahead and define "normal civilian"."

Here is me providing an example of 11 year old girl who is a government worker using internet in North Korea:
Best.Korea's avatar
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Here is more examples of this North Korean girl using the internet:

Do you want for me to provide you with more examples of government workers using the internet??????
K_Michael's avatar
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We've only had two attacks on our own soil. 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
False. If we start at the Declaration of Independence, then the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican American War, WWI, and WWII all had attacks on U.S. territory, though WWI was technically an naval attack off the coast of Massachusetts, so no "soil" in that one. There has also been the '93 World Trade center attack and the Pensacola shooting, in terms of foreign terrorism.

Lemming's avatar
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I don't know about 'most successful,
But I do consider America successful,

Though some parts I'd want to live in less, than other parts.

I've never really thought about other countries 'too much in depth,
Comparing them and us, us and them.

I was thinking about mentioning that.
zedvictor4's avatar
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So, social conditioning dictates expectation.
What's new?

RationalMadman's avatar
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US is that typically extraverted, playboy masculine daddy nation on Earth.

Some people want to join that daddy, others prefer other types of alpha, beta, sigma and whatever.
Public-Choice's avatar
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Personally, until about 2019 I had a fervent patriotic passion in the present tense for my country. Even though we've had some horrifying leadership in the past, America was still a beacon of freedom.

I say "was" because, even though we are still freer than many other countries, our elections are rigged, our speech is censored, the literally locked down the country for almost two years. They prosecuted people opening their churches. They fired people for not taking a highly experimental vaccine that now is shown to cause heart problems in a large percentage of individuals and has had more side effects than all other vaccines combined, they label people enemies of the state for being patriotic, and the people, oh my gosh the people, almost everyone is so hateful, bigoted, narcissistic, and delusional now.

There's no tolerance in America anymore. There's no freedom. We are raiding lawyer's houses of political opponents. The government is telling Facebook what is fact and fiction, and Facebook is censoring it regardless of if the government is telling the truth. There's political prisoners rotting in a nondescript building with an indefinite trial date. We are launching investigations into political opponents based on dubious intelligence.

This isn't nearly the land of freedom it once was. But what really irks me about it is the amount of people who are completely ambivalent to all of this, and the number of people who believe it isn't even happening.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
So, if the whole point is to just listen to the government, and make them the most powerful, what's the end goal? We defeat our enemy's, and everyone is happy? No, the whole point of this is to point out that yes, the U.S. as of right now is rigging the elections, but that's because activists have given the government too much power. The government isn't perfect, they will do whatever to gain power and money, because theirs evil in everyone. You talk about hating the homosexual education, but guess what, the government takes part in supporting groups like that, because nothing says easy power like supporting the stupid idiots and rigging freedom just to get the majority gone. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Government needs to have as much power as possible. The power is the goal. There will always be new enemies. Even if there are no outside enemies, its important to have strong military to prevent rebellions and make everyone fear you.

Government should do anything it can to stay in power forever.

Personally, I like the idea of military units being deployed all over the country to collect taxes to sustain themselves and the central governnent.

Government doesnt have to be run by 1 person, even tho hereditary monarchy is prefered over government of self electing parliament or hereditary parliament.

US is federation republic, which is sad.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Well now this has turned into an opinion, which I do not agree with at all, but I will respect your opinion. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Well, its an opinion only in a sense of if you want power or not.

Government wants power, so government should do anything to get power if it is to realize its wish.

With power comes the ability for a person to fullfill his/her desires, and defend his/her self and create own history.

You may say: "I dont want power, I want to be weak and bullied"

Okay, that is your opinion. However, North Korean government does not want to be weak and bullied, but to have strong military ready to destroy anyone opposing to government.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
What I'm saying, is that you think that government should be in control, and the whole goal is to keep a strong government, and weak people to keep order. 

My opinion is that the people should decide what goes on in their own country, because as long as there are more people than government, if the people aren't happy, they can always revolt. 

If people as a majority make decisions, then everyone is happy. 

I don't want to be weak and bullied, but I do want to find the best way for everyone to be happy. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
You say that people can revolt? Maybe, but ideological education and largest military prevents that. Some of them could revolt, but we know what would happen to them.

There has never been a revolt in North Korea. Not during the war, not ever.

People should only be given a little power so that their lives arent too horrible.

The point of government is not to make you happy. It is to make government as powerful as possible so that it can survive and rule forever.

People dont even deserve to be happy. They deserve to be oppressed so that they know their place.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Ok I'm going to sum this all up

1. America has more freedom than North Korea
Just look at the constitution, we have more freedoms than any other nation by far. That has made us one of the strongest countries in the world.

We have rights to firearms, which helps us protect ourselves, and is a reason why most countries wont attack our soil, because most of our "weak civilians" as you would call it, have guns to protect themselves.

We also have freedom of speech, something North Korea doesn't have. Yes, that has caused some stupid things to happen, but at least people cannot live in fear of knowing that if they say something wrong then they will be arrested. If you really don't like this LGBTQ+ agenda, as well as I, then you'll agree with me, that saying people shouldn't live in fear knowing that if they use someone's incorrect pronouns, then they will be canceled, is the same as saying people shouldn't live in fear of knowing that if they say something wrong then they will be arrested. North Korean's don't even have control of their own emotions when it comes to this. If you are so certain you would still be able to post this in North Korea as you said, then go to North Korea yourself, and post from there, see if you can. In fact, why are you even living in America if you hate it so much, just move. But no, you are going to use your American privilege and your freedom of speech to argue against me online.

North Korean's also don't have the freedom to express religious beliefs. Yes, their constitution says, and I quote "...its constitution guarantees free exercise of religion, provided that religious practice does not introduce foreign forces, harm the state, or harm the existing social order." but that basically eliminates all religions given that North Korea's social order goes against almost all religions. 

2. America is stronger than North Korea
Unlike what you said, if America wanted to, we could wipe out North Korea off the face of the earth in a matter of days. We won't because of politics and morals, but we could if we wanted to. 

America has more advances ICBM's than North Korea. I found where you got the "evidence" that North Korea has more advanced ICBM's than Americas. the link has a link which is very unreliable. North Koreas most powerful ICBM's as of today, is KN-08 which no one really knows how much TNT it holds, and which is less powerful than all of Indias, Chinas, France's, UK's, USAs, and Russia's. The US's most powerful ICBM is Minuteman III, which holds 3 x 300 kt of TNT.

America has the most powerful military in the world. 
I would explain in my own words why the U.S military is the most powerful, but since I actually do research, I think this article speaks for itself. Here is a paragraph from the article, and a link. "While the amount of military personnel is an important factor of an army’s strength, what really takes the U.S. to the next level is our air superiority as well as naval prowess. The U.S. military possesses almost 2,100 fighters, 967 attack choppers, over 900 air transports, and special-purpose aircraft. Some notable units are the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, A-10 Thunderbolt II, and Apache Attack Helicopter. Drones shouldn’t be ignored either as they rise in popularity for taking out High-Value Targets." Does the United States Really Have the World’s Strongest Military? | The National Interest. I would read that article if I were you. And yes, you were right about our wars in Afghanistan and Korea, but if you look at the political side of it, you will see that the reason those wars took so long, is because our government kept pulling out and pushing in again. If our generals took full control, then those wars could have been done in weeks. 

3. Why you're thinking make sense
You said and I quote "People should only be given a little power so that their lives aren't too horrible. The point of government is not to make you happy. It is to make government as powerful as possible so that it can survive and rule forever. People don't even deserve to be happy. They deserve to be oppressed so that they know their place." This makes no sense, because the whole point of society, is to thrive and to get more advanced as time goes on. Humans live and thrive off their morals. Thats why we are such an advanced species, because we can understand right from wrong. Government can survive for long, if their people are dying at extreme rates, and people are trying to flee the country, daily. If the government is focusing on controlling people, then they can't focus on building themselves up technologically and societally. People don't deserve to be oppressed and know their place, you would say all this online in America, but as soon as your oppressed and put in your place, then you will be begging to come back to the American ways. If your already unhappy about this LGBTQ+ agenda, and your porn addiction, then you would be extremely unhappy in North Korea.

You also contradicted yourself when you said, and I quote "US sponsored homosexual education turned me into sodomy loving porn addict." Then after that you said," you say that people can revolt? Maybe, but ideological education and largest military prevents that." So, you do want ideological driven education, or not. You also said," With power comes the ability for a person to fulfill his/her desires and defend his/herself and create own history." and that might be true, but how are you going to have the future generation of people be smart and successful, if they are all being oppressed. At least in the U.S. most of the citizens have an education to get further in society. And you also said," Government doesn't have to be run by 1 person, even tho hereditary monarchy is preferred over government of self-electing parliament or hereditary parliament." Not everyone has the same ideas and beliefs, so if there is more than one person in charge your so-called structured society, will fall apart. Even with one person in charge, there will be a point where too many people don't agree and then it comes down to the people vs one person. I know this is not very reliable, but the series," The Hunger Games" is a great example of what would happen in a communist country.  

Now don't just take this from me, look at the people who have actually lived in North Korea, escaped, and have told their story. Stories of Us — Yeonmi Park: My Terrifying Escape from North Korea - YouTube

The audacity that you have, to say that you would want, and I quote," People should only be given a little power so that their lives arent too horrible. The point of government is not to make you happy. It is to make government as powerful as possible so that it can survive and rule forever. People dont even deserve to be happy. They deserve to be oppressed so that they know their place." and also," Personally, I like the idea of military units being deployed all over the country to collect taxes to sustain themselves and the central government." disgusts me.

You are basically showing your true colors by telling everyone that you're a psychopathic megalomaniac, who wants power and basically agrees with Hitler's ideology. You are telling me all this, in the comfort of your own home and access to technology, and Americas freedom. If you've done anything in this forum, you've just proved my point in saying that people in America are using their privilege to complain about where they are living and wishing to live somewhere else.

And I'm not saying Americas perfect or agreeing with what the government is doing right now. Most of the things that the government is doing now is horrible disgusting and is ruining America, like the push for the LGBTQ+ agenda, all the corruption and coverups, and the stupid economic decisions the Biden administration is making. That is another argument for another time. I'm just trying to prove to you that too many people are complaining and being entitled in America today. Unlike you I'm not calling you stupid dumb, or saying you are weak. I'm pointing out the flaws in your thinking and showing everyone who you really are. I had to cut this in half because I'm not going to waste all my energy on you, and not going to make you read a whole school essay. Trust me you don't want to argue against this. Honestly, people like you scare me because to think that people like you can rise up to power is very terrifying. 

I hope you put all this into thought, and I really hope you change your thinking, but I can't force you too, because you are in America, and you can have your own opinion. And that's the right thing to do.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
And if you really want to reply to this, let's just set up a debate so I can put the rest of my evidence on the table.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
"America has more freedom than North Korea"

North Korea has 70 times more military per capita. So North Korea has outproduced your freedom.

"We have rights to firearms, which helps us protect ourselves"

Gun can protect against a nuke? No, son.

"why are you even living in America"

Why do you assume that I live in USA? Disgusting.

"North Korean's also don't have the freedom to express religious beliefs"

Freedom needs power. Those who have power have freedom. Citizens didnt earn their freedom, so they dont have it.

Power is the most important thing in the world. Without power, there is no freedom.

Those who have power will rule over those who dont have power.

You can cry about this all day. Its the truth.

Countries with most power are the best.

"America has more advances ICBM's than North Korea."

No. North Korean ICBMs can travel +15000 km. Compared to that, US minuteman can only travel 10000km. So thats 33% less. How embarrassing.

Even CNN, american propaganda media, admitted that North Korean missiles can travel over 15000 km.

Who invented ICBMs? USSR!

Are you going to deny your own media, dumb american?

"America has the most powerful military in the world"

Not by capita, and not by ICBMs.

North Korea has 70 times more trained soldiers per capita.

North Korea has more ICBMs per capita. Russia has more ICBMs per capita.

North Korea has 10 times more tanks per capita.

North Korea is  under sanctions,much smaller country with much less recources, but still outproducing you?

North Korea with its nuclear strategic force is capable of wiping out half the US.

You literally have no way of stopping North Koreas missiles. In 60 minutes, half of US would be gone.

Your bomber stealth is useless as it is 10 times slower than ICBM.

But even then, even if it reached North Korea, you still wouldnt be able to destroy 7 million troops. Not to mention that South Korea and Japan would be wiped out.

"If our generals took full control, then those wars could have been done in weeks."

If. Since your system fails, there is no if.

"whole point of society, is to thrive and to get more advanced as time goes on"

No. The point is to get as much power as possible and dominate over the weak.

"Humans live and thrive off their morals."

No. Humans live and thrive from power. Unless you claim that starving children in Africa have no morals?

" If the government is focusing on controlling people, then they can't focus on building themselves up technologically and societally"

Wrong, dummy. If people are controlled, they can be directed to build military.

Entire point of military and government is to tax citizens to sustain itself and increase its power through robbing and investing more in military production by paying military producers more.

 North Korean population grew faster than US and South Korean population.

North Korean military grew faster than US military.

The point is to be as powerful as possible. Taxing citizens, investing in military and controlling military allows that.

"People don't deserve to be oppressed and know their place, you would say all this online in America, but as soon as your oppressed and put in your place, then you will be begging to come back to the American ways."

This is you confusing lies with objective reality. It doesnt matter what I would say if I was oppressed.

If I am oppressed, I deserved it because I am weak. If I wasnt weak, I wouldnt be oppressed.

Only the weak ones are oppressed.

So of course the weak ones will say they dont deserve to be oppressed. Its logical to use lies to gain more power.

The point of government is to gain power.

Power is gained by making people obedient. Power is gained by ability to defend yourself and destroy your enemies, and realize your goals.

So the government makes weak people obedient, through force and ideological education, and dominates them to serve the government.

"So, you do want ideological driven education, or not."

I want for ideological education to serve my desires. Government wants ideological education to serve its desires.

It is not the question of if education should exist or not, rather who should it serve.

Again, you are confusing desires with state of reality.

"how are you going to have the future generation of people be smart and successful, if they are all being oppressed"

The point for them is to be successful in serving the government. Oppression helps with that.

Oppression doesnt make people dumber, as you falsely assumed.

There is still education and military work where skilled oned are rewarded more for producing new weapons.

This is why North Korea's and China's technology is advancing faster than anyone's elses.

"Not everyone has the same ideas and beliefs, so if there is more than one person in charge your so-called structured society, will fall apart."

If this was true, democracy would fall apart on day one.

Society in charge of multiple people where each has equal power is led by voting.

"Even with one person in charge, there will be a point where too many people don't agree and then it comes down to the people vs one person."

You said you base your  argument on a TV show hunger games? Maybe I will base mine on North Korean movie "Nation and destiny".

Anyway, your argument is assuming that 1 person will always be stupid and unable to manipulate others.

Historically, your argument is wrong. Stalin ruled until he died. So did Mao. So did Kim Jong Il. So did Kim Il Sung.

So it is possible to have total power for the rest of your life if you know how.

The only proof for your argument is a made up TV show which you took as "more educational" than history itself.

Rule of 1 person is based upon observing society and learning how to control it.

If person fails at that, he deserves to be overthrown and replaced with one person who is more suitable.

Historically, monarchies lasted longer than democracies and were stronger than democracies.

Even today, more people live under dictatorship than democracy, and in military sense democracy was outmatched by China and USSR.

Democracy is failing to the point where people believe everything the media tells them. So really, your society is ruled by media.

Democracy in Ukraine was overthrown.

"Now don't just take this from me, look at the people who have actually lived in North Korea, escaped, and have told their story."

I dont care about their story. It is irrelevant to the power of North Korean government.

My ideas disgust you? Well, you can cry if you want. It wont decrease North Korea's power.

"You are basically showing your true colors by telling everyone that you're a psychopathic megalomaniac, who wants power and basically agrees with Hitler's ideology"

Everyone wants power. Power is everything in life. If you dont have power, you depend on mercy of others. This is a fact which you fail to understand.

"You are telling me all this, in the comfort of your own home and access to technology, and Americas freedom. If you've done anything in this forum, you've just proved my point in saying that people in America are using their privilege to complain about where they are living and wishing to live somewhere else."

I dont live in USA, THANK GOD.

It would be objectively better for me if I was born in North Korea, but sadly, I wasnt.

As we have proven, North Korea outproduced USA.

US governments only last 4-8 years, while North  Korean government lasted for over 70 years. Thats 10 times more.

Also, your point was not "people are complaining". Your point was "people shouldnt complain", "people shouldnt desire to live somewhere else", and "USA is most successful".

It  is sad that you are forgetting your own points. Maybe you have autism?

In your own words, you admitted that US government is failing:

"And I'm not saying Americas perfect or agreeing with what the government is doing right now. Most of the things that the government is doing now is horrible disgusting and is ruining America, like the push for the LGBTQ+ agenda, all the corruption and coverups, and the stupid economic decisions the Biden administration is making"

"I'm pointing out the flaws in your thinking"

No, you are pointing out the flaws in your thinking.

"Honestly, people like you scare me because to think that people like you can rise up to power is very terrifying"

So you admit that people who worship power can rise to power? So you basically admit that democracy is not secured.

One person will always thrive over others in society. Democracy limits that for a short time, yes. But in turn it makes country weaker in military.

Demise of democracy is inevitable, since individuals with power rule over the weak. Always.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
"And if you really want to reply to this, let's just set up a debate so I can put the rest of my evidence on the table"

I have already rejected your challenge. I am pretty much satisfied with humiliating you here on this forum. Since here you dont have american voters to defend you and argue for you, you are at a disadvantage.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
I'm not going to waste anymore of my time with you.

You are trying to lead me down rabbit holes that I don't really need to go down.

All I am going to say is this:

Show me any evidence to this argument you just posted.

And if you don't live in the USA, then what country do you live in.

My goal was to try to change your thinking, but your ideology is so messed up that it is useless to debate against you.

If you were so certain you would beat me, then you would have accepted my debate, but no you declined because you know you would lose.

At least I put down evidence and based my thinking in fact, and I could argue against you all day, because half of what you said is a complete lie.

And you didn't embarrass me, you embarrassed yourself. 

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Also, yes, I might not have any American voters to defend me, but you absolutely have no North Korean voters to defend you.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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"US sponsored homosexual education turned me into sodomy loving porn addict." 

So, you have or haven't lived in the USA?