I suppose to me, the left wants to give privileges to people who don't need or deserve them,
And take away privileges from people who need or deserve them.
But that's vague of me.
Hm, Google. . .
"Ideological groupings. Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism" ..."
Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia
Eh, in the 'general Left,
I see people who are opposed to family values, who'd rather the government educate their kids more than themselves, take away guns from the citizens, encourage internationalism and immigration so that cultural values of America are destroyed, increase taxes, number of bleeding heart causes and expectation I share their opinion on said causes (Make me go to sensitivity training will you), 'force people to bake cakes for weddings they consider immoral.
The Right, vote on more a state by state basis, number of laws that divide a fair bit based on values, leave people alone in their private lives.
Course this is a 'poor perspective of either side, I get that.
Personally I'd say Fascism is 'Far Right Wing, though that doesn't go with my earlier description, my description being more complaints I have against the Left, than what I think of the Right, Right has plenty of problems, but I view those problems more as problems with the 'individuals, than the Right.
Though Right 'is known for Authority.
I also think that a lot of people on the Left end up going 'so far Left, they end up on the far Right, as if the Left and Right Spectrum is a circle, rather than a line.
I don't mean that as a good or bad thing,
But I don't remember long past conversations or posts with you much,
And in recent conversations, I haven't been able to get a read much on your beliefs, values, ideologies.
But you seem to support your country and it's authority over it's people strongly, don't 'seem to like religion much in general,
Only conversation way back I recall, was something about trouble with other people in school, I 'think,
You've an extensive number of topics and posts, on DART, just none come to mind much, 'this moment for me,
I'm rambling.