vast distances of "empty space" have a (demonstrable) net repulsive
effect that not only "counter-balances" gravity, but outstrips it
Huh? Are you talking with our alledged local/pocket universe or outside of our universe?
If your saying there is occupied space with our alledged pocket/local universe, then I think very mistaken. No where have I ever seen evidence by scientist that Dark Energy in our alledged local/pocket universe keeps Gravity from not having mass-attraction everywhere.
this is why our own observable universe (cosmos) is continuously expanding at an accelerating rate with no signs of slowing down
Huh? 3Ru, your confused, mass-attracton is still happening in our alledged by you, pocket / local universe. All known forces are stronger than Gravity, and again, you dont seem to grasp the well not fact that Gravity/Mass-attraction has no distance limit.
Why you think our universe will expand forever I dont yet understand. Where did you get this idea that our universe is going to expand forever and infinitely?
That is really irrational illogical etc. The ultimate fate of our universe and any other local universes and the sum-total of all local universe is ultimately decided by the weakest force and that is Gravity.
also, gravity is not necessarily a component of these other pocket-universes
Where do you get this irrrationa, illogical ideas from 3Ru. Next your going to tell me there exists universes where there are Toyota cars and trucks that give birth to polka dotted unicorns, that transform into a black hole 5 days after there birth from a Toyota.
not all pocket-universes are necessarily "occupied" and may bear little to no resemblance to our own known-universe
Say what? Your not making any sense 3Ru. There exists Space: 1} macro-infinite non-occupied space, and 2} occupied space.
Where you get this idea of a universe that is not occupied space is likened to Toyota vehicles giving birth to unicorn that in five days the becomes a black hole.
3rU, you dont seem to grasp there exist finite limits that exist irrespective of one Universe we live in are finite multiverse set of that sum-totals to the one Universe we also live in.
There exist cosmic principles and physical laws that are inviolate, eternally. You dont grasp that yet.
Gravity exists every where as an occupied space, that is mass-attractive to all other occupied spaces.