@#113On a case by case basis.
give me some kind of "best case" example
that (hopefully) doesn't involve throwing the woman in a jail cell
@#113On a case by case basis.
Do we also have right, as Washington did, to treat our slaves as we like?
Parents who burn their children with their cigarettes, or break their babies legs for crying, ought not have custody.
But she 'would end up somewhere where she was under watch.
Privacy is not considered unlimited, is my point.
unborn do not ever outweigh the living. Whatever reason a person chooses to not carry their pregnancy to term is none of my business.[...]My view on it is is that a woman is the life support for her unborn and if at any point she chooses to terminate that life support it's up to her. And this completely psychotic off the wall that means you think women should be allowed to hurt neglect or abuse their born children is complete and utter psychotic b*******
A place similar to a hospital, or a prison, or an asylum, I suppose.
We are fools not to demand substantially increased protections
Perhaps something similar in the way individuals are deemed flight risks, and prevented from leaving prison,Deemed suicide risks, and prevented from leaving a short term inpatient psych ward,Deemed of unsound mind, and prevented from leaving a hospital.
Does the law say anything about pregnant women engaging in "activities that are known to be potentially harmful to the development of the unborn"?
If you 'thought 'maybe you saw someone being mugged, should you call the police?
that neglect laws never limit otherwise perfectly legal activities
If a teleporter malfunctioned,And I was half transported into your body, that we share it,It doesn't feel quite fair to me, that you should be able to kill me for that.'Especially when in time, we can be separated.
The individual mugged,Or individual born deformed,'Might disagree.
Hospitals at any rate,Regarding possible child abuse,I'd say have a duty to ask probing questions, or flag investigators.
Hospitals at any rate,Regarding possible child abuse,I'd say have a duty to ask probing questions, or flag investigators.
But let's not use a comparable standard when assessing how miscarriages should be handled in a pro-life society, any loss of a child should be the death penalty!