Already did
This is a bit of a dark horse choice. It wouldn't be the first time that we've had a team who started out relatively inactive and largely just let the main conflicts between town members play out. The more I'm watching you participate, the less I'm buying this as a viable team, but I'm still considering it.
1. You are scum2. WF is scumThat's the read I have. You are pushing a narrative that these 2 roles can not co-exist in anygame, this is not true. I have had these roles co-exist in this game before in a modified game
However, my issue with WF stems a bit more. He is pushing a VTNL to test his claim, "theory" to prove his innocence about himself, but that makes me believe he is going to bait mafia into doing a gambit, like he did in the game with me with the redirect
I claimed vanilla a long time ago with my actual claim
I literally said you are less likely to be scum after reading up than whiteflame. Reading comprehension -100
Going to try to hash out the theme. Would like someone to repost the claims list.
All of these techniques shown are a combined attack and defense type martial arts, but boxing is more reliant on the attack,
Also, let's be clear about something: seeing RM as sus means you do not trust his Justice result.
I do, however, see having a Watcher/Tracker, Cop and Justice as problematic, so yes, I have reason to suspect that either you or Earth are scum at this point, and based on your responses to him and me, I'm suspecting you more at the moment.
it's entirely concocted by either very irrational townthink from Mharman (which contradicts his lynch-happy attitude DP1 when he joined the bandwagon on CN who he'd previously defended) or by whiteflame (who I am absolutely certain is scum now).
but at any rate I think we should NL.