So if a women uses a man to get pregnant by messing with the condom or lying about using birth control, she should be put to death too?
She's pregnant, so killing her would cause the killing of the kid as well. But if it wasn't for that, I would give the death penalty in this instance.
Will the teenager or woman be allowed to get an abortion then?
She wouldn't be allowed since it would be punishable legally. But her boyfriend faces the punishment for it.
The pro-life people should focus on preventative ways to stop unwanted pregnancies instead of cracking down on abortion.
Imagine if I said, "The anti rape crowd should focus on ways to prevent rape rather than outlaw it."
Rape absolutely should be prevented by reasonable means (tough punishment, encouraging guys that need to watch porn watch porn so they get their sexual urges out on the porn rather than a non consenting woman, but don't castrate every male to prevent rape). Only reasonable things should be done to prevent rape. Outlawing and punishing rape is one of those things.
Abortion absolutely should be prevented by reasonable means (tough punishment for men that cause aborted pregnancies, free birth control, but don't castrate every male to prevent abortion). Only reasonable things should be done to prevent abortion. Outlawing and punishing abortion is one of those things.