I assume you’re talking about decadents from a conservative Islamic lens.
- Buddy, your culture is so far into the extremes of all Human History, the decadence is manifest through all lenses as the sun is in bright day.
Decadence leads to corruption which leads to oppression equaling death? Can you be more specific?
- Decadence corrupts people, both mentally & spiritually. On one hand, the stability & security which surrounds self-indulgence makes individuals desensitized from the harshness & realities of life, they lose their courage & sense of dignity. The strange things we see today are testament, all that nonsense about PC culture & "safe-spaces" & "triggers' & "mental" problems leading to even suicide for the dumbest of things. On another hand, the self-indulgence entails violation of all boundaries, i.e. hedonism. Individuals lose all self-discipline, hence all self-checks against immoral & oppressive actions. On yet another, self-gratification leads to selfishness (individualism), therefore loss of social solidarity & cohesion. All that said, with the slightest instability the whole nation collapses into chaos.
Self-gratification, self-indulgence, immodesty are all vague concepts.
- Don't play dumb with me, everybody knows EXACTLY what those mean.
Would you consider them more internally detrimental to a civilisation rather than externally?(Note: after reading your last paragraph I think I know where you stand for the most part.)
- What exactly do you mean by that?
For example public beheadings for witchcraft and other such things. In meany ways public executions are self-gratifying, self-indulgent, and immodest.
- & the earth is flat, & ice-cream is potato, & I'm the queen of England...
Though you might claim otherwise, many conservatives in the West wouldn’t mind invading said society.
- Of course they wouldn't. The great civilized Western nations need to show these other uncivilized people some civility. You people are seriously becoming a joke to the world, not a very funny joke though.
Some try to cling onto barbaric teachings which stagnate their societies.
- Barbarism can also be very successful, though it's unsustainable. It's like criminal organizations, they rise fast & fall even faster. Hence, the West is stagnating, & falling..
- You mean, decadence kills nations? Absolutely. It's just math.
We’re not just talking about nations.
Do you think the Aztec Empire died out due to too many human sacrifices to their gods?
- Part of the reason of their collapse is indeed some level of decadence, though majoritarily it's due to Spanish "civilizing" attempts, aka genocide & systematic deception.
I don’t think you understand how vague you’re being when talking about decadence.
- Which part of self-indulgent & self-gratification & degeneracy do you not understand?
Though you will probably think Allah gave them smallpox.
- Allah dominates all the worlds.
Can you give me estimates after you properly define what you mean by decadence?
- Are you seriously asking, or are you playing dumb.
Okay so mainly due to war and conquest then. Does that make war and conquest justifiable on that count? Do you think it’s justifiable in the modern era? Wouldn’t you also consider the ones conducting said wars are partaking in self-gratification, self-indulgence, and immodesty? In other words, decadence.
- What the hell are you even talking about?! Do you understand English?