Are you saying we can know the mind of a literal God?
No, I’m saying that if one has to appeal to God’s omniscience then their argument is clearly not valid.
Again, I’m not weighing in on the actual question of God’s existence, that’s what most theists do not seem to understand. This is about logic. 1+1+1 does not equal 4.
If God is all powerful, then he controls everything including his own circumstances, thus he could never be put in a situation where he had to do anything. So if he for example created a literal place of torment and torture (hell), then he did that by choice because that is what he desired.
But no being that is anything recognizable as good would ever think to torture its own creations for all eternity for the crime of disobeying them or not believing they exist.
This is why, given the contents of the Bible, one of those two options must be true. He either desired these things making him a moral monster, or he did not and they happened anyway, making him impotent. There’s no third option except cognitive dissonance.