Well, people have different pursuits and interests.
Different ideas about the purposes of life.
Financial success 'I'd think would be the gaining and holding of money and assets.
Maybe some other people would think you need to be 'spending that money as well, enjoying and spreading it more than hording it, for it to be financial success.
Lot of people think success at job is promotion and more money, others it might be easy job and 'enough money.
Some people think life success is job, family, kids, security, and retirement.
I'd see success in life more as acquiring financial asset, security, power, group, that I have the freedom to do as I like in life without worry. Be it hedonism or an altruistic bent.
Some people'd rather hermit themselves away from the world, be as an island, just finding peace and contentment in life's bare necessities.
Rambling a bit.
I think the answer depends, but to me success is measured by the achievement towards what one strives for, which again, can be a bunch of different objectives.
Though I 'still think I'm succeeding at life by having my physiological, safety, belonging, social, esteem, needs met.
Just happens I could be succeeding more, if I was capable, or wanted to. One of those two, or both.