The Muslim god and all the nonsense that goes along with it.
Is exactly like,
The Christian god and all the nonsense that goes along with it.
Imagine the muslim god and the christian god watching these fales people make up fales nonsense religions and religious groups for a few thousand years.
And thennnnnn. Them being like, STUFF IT .
then they make and form the first ever TRUE realy real RELIGION with them, the true one and only real true god at the helm . andddddddd, and what do you know.
its EXACTLY THAT SAME AS ALL THE FAKE nonsense and confusing crap ONES BEFORE IT.
How the fuck did the fake absolute made up by a mere bloke or two nonsense religions.
Get it so so closs to being like the first ever real true religious group with a actual god "running" it.
Crazy uncanny.
The one and only real god should of started a religious group on DAY 1.
But umm, No one could be 82% sure god exists.
Maybe yoU could be 60 to 65 % MAX. THAT god exists but , you look like a fuck wit thinking that you are over 85 to 90 % sure god exists.