To persevere in times of strife
To never lose our heart
“Turn it off”
To show to others the good and right
Of our great hegemon!
The viewer went blank, leaving the room and the six individuals within in an awkward silence that seemed to last for hours. Finally the one that had called the meeting spoke again.
“So… that was our message of inspiration against oppression?”
No response
“We hijacked a relay tower and held innocent people at gunpoint to broadcast to all of Elpizo the FUCKING ODIGOS ANTHEM?!”
There was another long pause before another spoke up.
“Someone had to have switched the data chip. Someone that had access to the lockbox before the mission, we were all there when it was put in. Only two people had the lockbox code. The two people that needed the code for the mission.”
Accusing stares. More silence.
Mission One Result: Failure by sabotage
Spy score: 1/3
Resistance score: 0/3