Mission Proposal Voting
Mission: Propaganda Broadcast
Mission Leader: Earth
Mission team: Earth and RationalMadman
Voting procedures...
With six players in the game, four yes votes are needed to accept this proposal (the minimum needed for a majority). The mission leader is considered a yes vote by default due to this being their idea and vote counts will reflect this by only requiring three yes votes and not counting any votes from the mission leader.
With six players in the game, three no votes are required to deny this proposal (the minimum needed to prevent a majority acceptance).
Voting period will last for 48 hours or until a yes or no vote passes. If the time limit is reached it will be treated the same as if the no vote passed.
Several people have expressed support for the current proposal before it was officially made, still need a rubber stamp from those individuals now that it is official.
Yes votes: none yet (0/3)
No votes: none yet (0/3)
Not voting yet: everyone