Stephen, I don't have to believe it for the sake of a discussion.
But the "discussion" is about the believer and why religion is important to him/her? What's the point to posting anything when you don't believe it?
Do you accept the KJV Bible Dictionary definition?
RELIGION, noun relij'on. [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.]
1. religion in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties.
Circular argument.
The believer in what? Religion or whatever a religion really is? I think you are a believer. Religion is inescapable. And it is inevitable.
I can accept any definition for the sake of the discussion.
Effectively, my point is - religion is a word that people use in different senses depending upon the situation.
I can use religion in the following ways:
Religion = worldview
Religion = an organization - organized or not that practices religious practices.
Religion = a worldview that promotes works to find happiness or heaven.
Religion = a worldview that leads to death and promotes slavery.
Religion = a charity that promotes the welfare of orphans and widows - the vulnerable.
Religion = an organization of like minded people to worship some kind of deity.
Religion = the opposite of Christianity.
I often talk about Christianity not being a religion when distinguishing it from religion per se. And yet, when I am talking to fellow Christians, I would say Christianity is a religion. It has the hallmarks of what some call a religion. And yet it - is also a way of life which goes beyond the ordinary definition of religion. In America religion is defined very broadly. In the UK and Australia it is defined narrowly.
Within church circles, religion can have a good name or a bad name. I am not talking about its links to child abuse and greed and lack of morals - which is a different topic altogether. Rather about - the point of religion. Christians would often argue the case that Christianity is not a religion - because religion pursues ways of trying to please God in order to get to Heaven. Whereas Christianity teaches that God came to earth - and brought salvation without the need for humanity to try and please God.
In that sense - Christians see religion as slavery. Always working for God to please him. As opposed to a way of life where God has demonstrated a willingness to live with and love humanity.
Christians therefore distinguish themselves from religions. All other religions attempt to please God - by working hard to please him. Christians want to please God - but it is Christ's work which secures salvation - not theirs. Their good works - are not to please God so much as demonstrating their gratefulness for what God has already done. Saved by grace not by effort.