So, apperantly, 16% of Gen Z people are LGBT and this is significently higher than prior generations.
The argument for justifying this is that gay people were oppressed long ago and this caused people to be in the closect about it.
I think there is some truth to this, but if I were to ask, "Is homosexuality genetic?", most people woujld answer, "Yes".
How can this be the case? If straight people have sex, they produce a bunch of straight babies. Gay people don't reproduce, so I don't know how they are able to spread their genes to make homosexuality genetic.
I think the only other way homosexuality can be popped up is by mutations. However, there are 30,000 genes in the human genome, with an average of 60 mutations.
If the homosexuality gene was mutated the average number of times, this means .2% of the population is gay. Since this gene never reproduces if you get it, this means that due to evolution, the probability of being gay is probably much less than what it would be if homosexuality was an average mutation given the tens of thousands of years of evolution that has happened where the gay genes died out due to not reproducing and the straight genes carried on.
If homosexuality exists and is purely genetic, this means that less than .2% of the US population is gay. Instead, we are observing many more gay people in Gen Z. I therefore think that most people who think they are gay think they are gay because of a few thoughts about men sexually, but I think it's an illusion.
Either that, or the homosexuality gene will in time be replaced by the straight gene.