Oh stop the nonsense lol; that’s a big fat lie #154,you’ve just been dishonestly quote mining #155
I’m arguing that morality isn’t subject to whim: you went from criticizing subjective morality to being subjective to personal preference to now trying to argue that I am wrong because morality is actually subject to personal preference… it’s hilarious you’re refuting your own position #156
personal preference is sort of a side note.It’s splitting hairs because it takes away from the larger point, which is you can’t criticize me for personal preference when that’s included (according to you) in morality that you don’t keep that same energy for, it’s hypocritical whether that be the core or a side note it’s still included period.
Good god, really? You are making me explain this to you? You’re being a complete cretin #157.
I criticized your argument because you were using your own personal preference to argue one thing made sense over another; you’re criticizing me, because one aspect of subjective morality involves personal preference; other than the two things using the same words; they are completely different things being used in completely different contexts for completely different reasons… I mean come on lol if I have to explain this to you, I’m impressed That you haven’t choked in your phone.