It came from the way roe v wade justifies abortion. I am just applying that logic to all "so called life ."
Your "so called life" is a complete misnomer, because you assume all "life" referenced in the decision is the fetal life when, in fact, of three separate references to "life" rendered, fetal life is the least mentioned by the numbers in the decision. The "lives" discussion are:
1. Mother's life.
2. Human life, generally
3. Fetal life.
of the 3, Mother's life is the most frequently mentioned. Read the decision.
And, while you conclude that the Court concluded there is no pre-natal life at all, that is a grave misconception of the Court's attitude and decision point. Read the decision.
When you read, I suggest you pay particular attention to paragraphs 42, 52, 82, 84, and 86. The Court is, at best, conflicted, even among those seven who found in favor of plaintiff Roe.