when will jesus return?

Author: BigPimpDaddy


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Tradesecret's avatar
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To pay for and wash away the sins of the world, you bible ignorant dunce. See your own comment at (A) above. Obviously with "sin" still abound in the world your gods idea of cleansing the world of "sin"via a sacrifice of the blood of "his own son" doesn't seem to have gone anywhere in eradicating the sins of the world  now does it Reverend "Tradey" Tradsecrete?
Thanks for making it clearer for me Stephen.  

It seems you want to play "pedant" with the word "world".  Ok. 

I said by the way "God's solution to the world's problems is to deal with sin. That is what he has done through Jesus. "https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/6878/post-links/297453

Nevertheless, I DID NOT say in that spot that Jesus paid for and washed away the sins of the world.    I said God's solution to the world's problem is to deal with sin. That is what he has done through Jesus.  Please at least quote me correctly. At least then you might read what I wrote and perhaps understand what I am saying. 

For the record - I don't believe Jesus died for every person in the world.   I don't think that Jesus paid for every person's sin.  God's way of dealing with sin - was Jesus paying the price of it.   But does Jesus pay the price for every bit of sin? Obviously not - or people would not die.  People die. Death is the wages of sin.  

But every person redeemed by Christ - helps to light up the world.  And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 

If Jesus did die for every person - then every person is saved.  This is not what the Bible says. It clearly says not everyone will go to heaven. Hence Jesus DID NOT DIE for everyone.  

But this does not imply that the world will not improve over time. In fact it suggests it will improve at a pace which is perfect for the world. 

So once again - you misquote me - to make a strawman argument.  Well at least you are consistently boring. 

949havoc's avatar
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The truth is not decided by numbers.  

Many commentators also declare that Revelation predates the destruction of Jerusalem. It is typically liberal scholars who take the later date - since they don't believe in prophecy. 

Kenneth Gentry - Reference Material – End Times Study - very good book for your attention.  Before Jerusalem Fell. 

Come back and discuss it with me - AFTER you have read it. 
Stephen's avatar
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So once again - you misquote me - to make a strawman argument.  

I quoted you exactly as you wrote it, Reverend "Tradey" Tradsecrete:

  Tradesecret wrote: Sin is the issue for a Holy God.  It is what separated humanity from God. It is why Jesus died on the cross.God's solution to the world's problems is to deal with sin. That is what he has done through Jesus.  #119

See bold and underlined Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete.

And I am saying that according to your own words that  the blood sacrifice of his own son  obviously wasn't enough as "sin" is still abound on the earth. Attempting to backpaddle on, and rewrite  yet another one of your bullshit comments  doesn't work. You simply make it all up as you go regardless of what is actually written in scripture..... 

For the record - I don't believe Jesus died for every person in the world.  

I agree; but why not every person in the world? What was the point of a torturous blood sacrifice anyway? Why couldn't your all powerful god simply say all sin is forgiven for everyone?   Is it because you accept that Jesus HIMSELF SAID I came to save  "ONLY lost " Jews!  at (apparently) a risk to his own life, as the bible makes perfectly clear?
Mt 15:21-28 spell out that the god that supposedly sent Jesus sought above everyone else to save his chosen people: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And nope, not a christian in sight. The Jews were his "treasured possession" above of all other people.

And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 
Does the bible actually say this, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete? Where? Or is this simply more invented bullshite made up on the hoof?

until the world is reconciled with God. 

It sounds to me more like you are quoting directly from the Quran:

Quran 8:39
And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah.

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
Again this is atheists trying to take Jesus and make him more atheist to spite Christians
I don't understand. If there was an actual historical jesus he was an apocalypse preaching rabbi. That is theistic by definition. According to the story he was a theist as well as a socialist. The two are not mutually exclusive and I'm not sure how you would get the idea that they are.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
  Tradesecret wrote: Sin is the issue for a Holy God.  It is what separated humanity from God. It is why Jesus died on the cross.God's solution to the world's problems is to deal with sin. That is what he has done through Jesus.  #119
Stephen said "To pay for and wash away the sins of the world," and Stephen said "Obviously with "sin" still abound in the world your gods idea of cleansing the world of "sin"via a sacrifice of the blood of "his own son". https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/6878/post-links/298255

You can embolden and underline what I wrote. But it is not the same as how you misquoted and misinterpreted my words. 

And I am saying that according to your own words that  the blood sacrifice of his own son  obviously wasn't enough as "sin" is still abound on the earth. Attempting to backpaddle on, and rewrite  yet another one of your bullshit comments  doesn't work. You simply make it all up as you go regardless of what is actually written in scripture..... 
I know what you said. You are wrong.  I never said that. In fact you are changing the entire subject. Surprise surprise.  So when you talk about backpaddle - you clearly know you have once again missed the entire point. 

My initial response was to a question about sin. I indicated and I repeat - God dealt with the problem of sin by sending Jesus.  I never said Jesus washed the whole world with his blood.  But without his death on the cross - none of humanity would be redeemed from their sin.  This is Christian theology 101. I didn't make it up.  You don't have to like it or agree with it.  But it is still Christian theology. And I didn't make it despite your insinuations. 

For the record - I don't believe Jesus died for every person in the world.  

I agree; but why not every person in the world? What was the point of a torturous blood sacrifice anyway? Why couldn't your all powerful god simply say all sin is forgiven for everyone?   Is it because you accept that Jesus HIMSELF SAID I came to save  "ONLY lost " Jews!  at (apparently) a risk to his own life, as the bible makes perfectly clear?
You can do your own homework Stevie.   You have a bible. You have the internet. You probably have a big stack of books that can help you. It is not my job to explain these very basic things to you.  Most Sunday Schools ought to be able to help you out. 

Stephen's avatar
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My initial response was to a question about sin. I indicated and I repeat - God dealt with the problem of sin by sending Jesus. 

Well Jesus` bloody and violent death didn't "deal with the problem of sin" either now did he Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete. He was stopped in his tracks and died a tortuous and bloody violent death.  It cured nothing then and cures nothing now. Tell me, how  only by shedding the  blood of a man did god deal with "the problem of sin"? How does that actually work? 

For the record - I don't believe Jesus died for every person in the world.  

I agree; but why not every person in the world? What was the point of a torturous blood sacrifice anyway? Why couldn't your all powerful god simply say all sin is forgiven for everyone?   Is it because you accept that Jesus HIMSELF SAID I came to save  "ONLY lost " Jews!  at (apparently) a risk to his own life, as the bible makes perfectly clear? 
Mt 15:21-28 spell out that the god that supposedly sent Jesus sought above everyone else to save his chosen people: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And nope, not a christian in sight. The Jews were his "treasured possession" above of all other people.

You can do your own homework Stevie.   You have a bible. You have the internet. You probably have a big stack of books that can help you. It is not my job to explain these very basic things to you. 
I am doing my homework REVEREND! I am asking YOU a man of the cloth and someone that should  know and be able to provide the answers those "very basic things" that I am asking you.. After all, you are the one that comes here proudly boasting how you charge Universities for lecturing and tutoring their students in all things god and all manner of scripture. Are you saying that YOUR students haven't the brain to ask you questions concerning even " these very basic things" ?

No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them.  #20

Is your answer to those student to simply tell them to fk off and "do their own home work"?   Have you never explained to them why it was that only a violent and vicious sacrifice of the blood of a man could be the only solution to "dealing with the problem of sin"?  

And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 
Does the bible actually say this, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete? Where?

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
You seriously don't get it do you? 

I am not your little boy to go about doing your bidding.  You don't want to learn. You just want to make your point and EXPECT everyone to go "wow, isn't he wonderful"!

Well I don't particularly think you do any homework.  You just have read a couple of books - and simply cut and paste it.  

Stephen's avatar
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You seriously don't get it do you?  I am not your little boy to go about doing your bidding. 

 You are a tutor and lecturer in religious studies. That is why I am asking you "these very basic questions" . Who better to ask than a man of the cloth that lectures in such matters?  That has  " studied and was tutored by academics, scholars, and priests and fathers from the Orthodox Church". #91 That had his own personal "Hebrew teacher"#45 and that claims to  "study the original languages, translate them to English",  #25 ?

You are the perfect candidate going by your own freely given expertise and qualifications, yet fall at the first fence when challenged on your own comments.

You don't want to learn.

I wouldn't be asking you "these very basic questions" if I didn't want to learn anything  Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete. Questions that you should have absolutely no problem addressing with all those qualifications under you belt. This is you isn't it Reverend "Tradey" ?

Tradescrete wrote: "Yes, I am qualified by certified colleges with proper accreditation.  I am also a chaplain to our Countries Defence forces, a position I could not have without proper qualifications".  #20

You just want to make your point and EXPECT everyone to go "wow, isn't he wonderful"!

Nope. I want you to answer some of these "very basic questions". 

Well I don't particularly think you do any homework.  You just have read a couple of books - and simply cut and paste it.  

And all irrelevant, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete. 

No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them.  #20

Is your answer to those students to simply tell them to fk off and "do their own home work"?   Have you never explained to them why it was that only a violent and vicious sacrifice of the blood of a man could be the only solution to "dealing with the problem of sin"?  

And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 
Does the bible actually say this, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete? Where?

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I'm not interested in answering your questions.  

Stephen's avatar
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No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them.  #20

Is your answer to those students to simply tell them to fk off and "do their own home work"?   Have you never explained to them why it was that only a violent and vicious sacrifice of the blood of a man could be the only solution to "dealing with the problem of sin"?  

For the record - I don't believe Jesus died for every person in the world.  

I agree; but why not every person in the world? What was the point of a torturous blood sacrifice anyway? Why couldn't your all powerful god simply say all sin is forgiven for everyone?   Is it because you accept that Jesus HIMSELF SAID I came to save  "ONLY lost " Jews!  at (apparently) a risk to his own life, as the bible makes perfectly clear?
Mt 15:21-28 spell out that the god that supposedly sent Jesus sought above everyone else to save his chosen people: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And nope, not a christian in sight. The Jews were his "treasured possession" above of all other people.

And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 
Does the bible actually say this, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete? Where?

I'm not interested in answering your questions.  
Of course you're not.  They are just a tinge too awkward for you aren't they Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete?🤣 And you with all those imagined "accreditations" and "qualifications" too!!! #20 🤣. There there, deary deary, never mind, get better soon.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Nope. Not awkward. Not in the least.  I just am not interested in answering your questions.  As others will testify, I do answer when I desire too. 

Stephen's avatar
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 Not awkward. Not in the least. I just am not interested in answering your questions. 

If you thought you could take them on you would have. But I think you know that by approaching these " "these very basic questions"  that you would simply open the gate to the more difficult questions. Such is the nature of scripture: It hardly answers anything on the surface but gives rise to more questions than it OR YOU can answer.

As others will testify, I do answer when I desire too. 

And those "others" will be your other two personas, I guess.   Where is dimtim anyway?  He seems to have left you all stranded to make it on your own🤣. And the forum sex pest ethang5, your roll model who you aspire" to be like"  #76 has had yet another ban for multiple offences including ""Unwarranted systemic vulgarity and invectives," #34

Never mind Reverend "Tradey". You have show yourself to be spinless when caught on the back foot many times now.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Do you really think your endless goading is going to make me change my mind? 

I'm not interested in discussing anything with a person's whose agenda is akin to a tin foil hat - rabbit hole.

I have to deal with enough people in our current pandemic - falling down such holes - without entertaining you as well. 

My students are prepared to listen and reason with me.  They argue with me - which I encourage them to do. 

On the other hand, you think you are the MASTER TEACHER and although you suggest you are simply asking questions - it is not to learn. It is to intentionally find holes in other people's reasoning.  That is something you might enjoy and to be honest it is a genuine way of pulling down strongholds.  The problem for you though - is that you don't have anything to replace the buildings you pull down.

You - like most people find it easy to destroy - but you don't have the capacity to rebuild or to replace. 

Someone - once said "you can't beat something with nothing". 

You have NOT ONCE offered an alternative position that any would be content to replace what you spend your life destroying.  

Stephen's avatar
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My students are prepared to listen and reason with me.  They argue with me - which I encourage them to do. 

Yet fail to qualify  your own statements made about god and scripture on this forum.  You must have the dumbest students in all of Australia, or have you moved to another country this week?.

On the other hand, you think you are the MASTER TEACHER and although you suggest you are simply asking questions - it is not to learn.

Opinion doesn't count for anything, Reverend.


Nope. I am not here to teach anyone about anything.  I simply ask questions concerning these unreliable scriptures, make comments and share my thoughts , ideas and opinions about your unreliable scriptures.  And as I have already said, who better to ask than someone with your excellent accreditations and qualifications.#20

It is to intentionally find holes in other people's reasoning. 

 That will be discussion and debate, Reverend. And there shouldn't be any holes to find if your reasoning is sound and the New Testament is sound, now should there be? But holes there are. The point Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete is that the Jesus story is full of holes  because it is made up of ambiguous half stories contradictions and dead ends.
  Take Lazarus; He was obviously a character of some great importance to Jesus  and the Jews wanted him dead, but the bible never explains why?  What happened to Lazarus "who Jesus loved and wept over "after he was said to have been "raised from the dead", where does he go? What does he do?

Why didn't Jesus afford the same "miracle" of resurrection  to John the Baptist his own blood and said by Jesus to be " the "greatest prophet that ever lived"  when he died yet didn't even weep over? 
Where did Jesus stay while growing up in Egypt. Who taught him his craft? What happened to Mary "the blessed among women" who but for a few verses seems to have been written out of scripture altogether? And Joseph, where did he disappear to? 

 So do you see Reverend how just a few simple questions about these unreliable biblical half stories can cause anyone interested had they mind to- to start looking closer at the bullshite that the likes of you have been for feeding mankind since their childhoods for millennia, ?

You - like most people find it easy to destroy - but you don't have the capacity to rebuild or to replace. 

 The Jesus story as it has come down to us and has been preached by the likes of you  for millennia destroys itself and is reasonably easy to pick apart.

And tell me, what is it that you expect me or anyone to replace the Jesus story with once it has been scrutinised, picked apart and shown it for the unreliable mess that it is? Another unreliable story? I have said many times that I cannot support my own theories, opinions or ideas about what I believe is going on in the New Testament.

Someone - once said "you can't beat something with nothing". 

Who said that?  One of your other personas? But I agree with whoever said that. And you have nothing to defend you own statements and comments made up on the hoof concerning these unreliable scriptures, do you Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete.

You have NOT ONCE offered an alternative position that any would be content to replace what you spend your life destroying. 

 My position has been made clear on many occasions on this forum so many times that I am sick of having to repeat it and  to you especially.

You in particular Reverend afford yourself literary licence to throw into scripture anything you like and throw in conjecture at the drop of an hat while not allowing others to do the likewise and expect no one to challenge you because of your imagined status. Let me tell you, those days are long gone and the educated of the world do, and can,  read the scriptures for themselves if they care to do so. 

And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 
Does the bible actually say this, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete? Where? 

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
A love, hate relationship.

Two minds inextricably locked

In a remotely passionate binary embrace.
Stephen's avatar
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Two minds inextricably locked.

Such is the nature of the subject matter, Vic lad. More interesting to me is that he refuses to answer questions concerning the subject of his life choice  vocation  while he continues to respond with anything but answers and then goes on to accuse me of "endlessly goading " him!?  
FLRW's avatar
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when will jesus return?

When God wants to kill him again.  God has orgasms when he sees Man behead animals for food. That is how he designed the world.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
A conditioned theist will repeat the data that they feel compelled to repeat.

The conditioned atheist is the same I suppose.

Though relative to acquired human knowledge, the atheist now has the benefit of logic on their side.

The Hubble Telescope,  sort of puts into perspective, a floaty about bloke that nails his kids to wooden crosses for our sins. 
FLRW's avatar
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 The atheist now has the benefit of burden of proof on their side.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Poor atheist what do they do in real life when they can't talk about how much they hate theists to people's faces because they know that somebody would never speak to them again. I mean imagine if they were really honest looked at someone and said I think you're  illogical and I think you're mentally ill and I think you're evil but we can still be friends or family or whatever. LOL
Tradesecret's avatar
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A love, hate relationship.

Two minds inextricably locked

In a remotely passionate binary embrace.

I don't hate Stephen.

Nevertheless, if he were to ask genuine questions - searching for answers rather than to attack it would be a more beneficial discussion. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
A conditioned theist will repeat the data that they feel compelled to repeat.

The conditioned atheist is the same I suppose.

Though relative to acquired human knowledge, the atheist now has the benefit of logic on their side.

The Hubble Telescope,  sort of puts into perspective, a floaty about bloke that nails his kids to wooden crosses for our sins. 
I reject the assertion that I am conditioned.  I just would like atheists to admit what they are - and not to hide behind philosophical arguments of why they think they have the upper hand.

Take your - "the atheist now has the benefit of logic on their side." as an example - it simply is a nonsense. 

The Atheist does not rely upon logic. The Atheist relies upon an inconsistent premise. 

Yet, honestly, Zed, your response does not really surprise.   
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
My students are prepared to listen and reason with me.  They argue with me - which I encourage them to do. 

Yet fail to qualify  your own statements made about god and scripture on this forum.  You must have the dumbest students in all of Australia, or have you moved to another country this week?.
No that is just your impression based entirely on statements you think prove your point.  Perhaps I do have the dumbest students in Australia - but compared to you - they are Einstein.  I have always lived in Australia. I don't desire to move any other place. Weird Statement. England of course - particularly around Droitwich Worcestershire I reckon is full of the most obvious losers. 

On the other hand, you think you are the MASTER TEACHER and although you suggest you are simply asking questions - it is not to learn.

Opinion doesn't count for anything, Reverend.
Except when the opinion comes from an expert. 


Nope. I am not here to teach anyone about anything.  I simply ask questions concerning these unreliable scriptures, make comments and share my thoughts , ideas and opinions about your unreliable scriptures.  And as I have already said, who better to ask than someone with your excellent accreditations and qualifications.#20

LOL! Of course you are.   Master Stevie Blunder, where is your Padawan? 

It is to intentionally find holes in other people's reasoning. 

 That will be discussion and debate, Reverend. And there shouldn't be any holes to find if your reasoning is sound and the New Testament is sound, now should there be? But holes there are. The point Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete is that the Jesus story is full of holes  because it is made up of ambiguous half stories contradictions and dead ends.
Funny man.  Every debate in history is full of holes. Having holes is not the issue - and never has been.  You have yet to prove a hole in the Christian narrative. You assert much - but NEVER with any evidence.    

Take Lazarus; He was obviously a character of some great importance to Jesus  and the Jews wanted him dead, but the bible never explains why?  What happened to Lazarus "who Jesus loved and wept over "after he was said to have been "raised from the dead", where does he go? What does he do?
Well actually they do - but you refuse to accept the evidence.  A man allegedly raised from the dead is a threat to people who see the person who allegedly raised him from the dead.  I think afterwards, he probably wrote the gospel we know as John. 

Why didn't Jesus afford the same "miracle" of resurrection  to John the Baptist his own blood and said by Jesus to be " the "greatest prophet that ever lived"  when he died yet didn't even weep over? 
Ah, relying upon that old chestnut. LOL! the argument from silence. 

Where did Jesus stay while growing up in Egypt. Who taught him his craft? What happened to Mary "the blessed among women" who but for a few verses seems to have been written out of scripture altogether? And Joseph, where did he disappear to? 

Which craft are you referring too?  None of your questions demonstrate anything. The gospels are about Jesus. It is not about the narrative of every other person in his life. It is not a book trying to find the answer to every lose end.  Your lack of understanding of genre is beautiful. 

 So do you see Reverend how just a few simple questions about these unreliable biblical half stories can cause anyone interested had they mind to- to start looking closer at the bullshite that the likes of you have been for feeding mankind since their childhoods for millennia, ?
Your simple questions are good questions. But well - irrelevant. For not one of them adds or takes away from the gospel story.  Do you see that? OR do you think that because Joseph's story disapears that it takes away from what Jesus was doing? 

You - like most people find it easy to destroy - but you don't have the capacity to rebuild or to replace. 

 The Jesus story as it has come down to us and has been preached by the likes of you  for millennia destroys itself and is reasonably easy to pick apart.

And tell me, what is it that you expect me or anyone to replace the Jesus story with once it has been scrutinised, picked apart and shown it for the unreliable mess that it is? Another unreliable story? I have said many times that I cannot support my own theories, opinions or ideas about what I believe is going on in the New Testament.

But you don't pick it apart.  you ask a question - and think that - because someone can't answer you in the way you want - that it somehow refutes it. That is dear Stephen - a flaw in thinking.  Or are you not even aware of this? 

Someone - once said "you can't beat something with nothing". 

Who said that?  One of your other personas? But I agree with whoever said that. And you have nothing to defend you own statements and comments made up on the hoof concerning these unreliable scriptures, do you Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete.
An American potential president in his campaign. Perhaps you might like to look it up. 

You have NOT ONCE offered an alternative position that any would be content to replace what you spend your life destroying. 

 My position has been made clear on many occasions on this forum so many times that I am sick of having to repeat it and  to you especially.

You in particular Reverend afford yourself literary licence to throw into scripture anything you like and throw in conjecture at the drop of an hat while not allowing others to do the likewise and expect no one to challenge you because of your imagined status. Let me tell you, those days are long gone and the educated of the world do, and can,  read the scriptures for themselves if they care to do so. 
Yes your position has been made abundantly clear. This is why I say you have nothing to offer.  

And this changes the world bit by bit - one person at a time.  It was not meant to be an immediate thing for the whole world at once.  It will however change over time - one person at a time - one family at a time - until the world is reconciled with God. 
Does the bible actually say this, Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete? Where? 
Yes it does.  Stevie Blinder!

Stephen's avatar
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England of course - particularly around Droitwich Worcestershire I reckon is full of the most obvious losers. 

I am replying to the "Tradey" Tradesecrete  today I take it? I ask this because your response above is all very Ethangesque today. Have you recalled him from his exile?

Regardless. It is a very stupid  thing to say there Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete. 
But like I have mentioned before Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete, You never do your homework before spouting off that big preachers pie hole of yours.. There are many scholars, academics, authors , poets, physicians, scientists and even one Prime Minister hail from my neck of the words and it doesn't surprise me in the least that you didn't know one them in particular that you should know.

Take Lazarus; He was obviously a character of some great importance to Jesus  and the Jews wanted him dead, but the bible never explains why?  What happened to Lazarus "who Jesus loved and wept over "after he was said to have been "raised from the dead", where does he go? What does he do?
Well actually they do - but you refuse to accept the evidence. 
Then answer the questions, with supporting the evidence .
I have never seen any evidence. Lets see it? And you do mean the literal and physical "dead" don't you? I believe it was only a spiritual "death", myself and the "raising" was simply to another level in the Jesus movement. Anyway, don't forget that evidence Reverend, 

A man allegedly raised from the dead is a threat to people who see the person who allegedly raised him from the dead.  I think afterwards, he probably wrote the gospel we know as John. 

And your biblical evidence for this is what, exactly?  Or are you simply affording yourself conjecture whilst denying  other the same privilege AGAIN.

Why didn't Jesus afford the same "miracle" of resurrection  to John the Baptist his own blood and said by Jesus to be " the "greatest prophet that ever lived"  when he died yet didn't even weep over? 
Ah, relying upon that old chestnut. LOL! the argument from silence.
So you are assuming that Jesus did cry over the death of John his cousin and did resurrect him, without a single jot of supporting evidence yet  deny the same to others. You use this argument all the time.

I once asked you how did anyone know what was said between Satan and Jesus when only two of them was present and alone in the desert, you claimed that he told others, but failed again to support this nonsense and failed to admit that you were only using conjecture. Why can you not simply admit that you are ONLY assuming certain things and making conjectures. Or simply say that you do not know? 

You have NOT ONCE offered an alternative position that any would be content to replace what you spend your life destroying. 

 My position has been made clear on many occasions on this forum so many times that I am sick of having to repeat it and  to you especially.

Yes your position has been made abundantly clear.
Then why keep asking me what my position is you bible dunce?

Nevertheless, if he [Stephen] were to ask genuine questions 

They are genuine questions. You just don't like them because you cannot answer them, when you should be able to or simply be able to admit that you don't know, when you don't know. 

Get well soon Reverend ethangtradey Tradesecrete.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Keep barking up that old tree. I am not Ethang. Never have been.  This is one of the reasons I don't care to discuss things with you. You just want to pile up lies on top of lies. 

Ethang as far as I can tell works in Africa somewhere. But is an American. I live in Australia. I have never been to Africa. 

If you can't figure out your own answers - go and look it up on the internet.   Or go and find your secret book on Mark.  Despite the fact that it has well and truly been shown to be a fraud.     

Go and jump back in your rabbit hole - with your tin foil hat. What is the bet you have not had a vaccine. 

The 5G probably will give you Covid. LOL  
zedvictor4's avatar
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I was trying to  think how best to describe the Christian bible.

And I came up with semi-consistent.

In so much as it's an ongoing thematic rehashed development of a basically, hypothetical, supernatural premise, centred around a small regional group of people and their associated folk tales.

This atheists position is best described as super-consistent.

Theists must firstly prove the basic supernatural hypothesis.

This atheist is happy to accept the regional supernatural folk tales for what they are.

That is to say, a certain amount of regional fact, embellished with fantasy....Namely MYTH.

So whereas Stephen wants clarification of all the minor biblical details.

All that I want, is real proof of the major detail.

Let's start at the beginning and take it from there.

I'm certainly not ready to take on board the notion, that some dude was nailed to a post for my sins.....Where's the logic in that?

Stephen's avatar
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Go and jump back in your rabbit hole - with your tin foil hat.
You missed the questions that you say the bible answers Reverend "Tradey" Ttradesecrete. Or is this just you -AGAIN - claiming there to be "clear biblical evidence" where there isn't any?

here you go;

Take Lazarus; He was obviously a character of some great importance to Jesus  and the Jews wanted him dead, but the bible never explains why?  What happened to Lazarus "who Jesus loved and wept over "after he was said to have been "raised from the dead", where does he go? What does he do?
Well actually they do - but you refuse to accept the evidence. 
Then answer the questions, with supporting the evidence .
I have never seen any evidence. Lets see it? And you do mean the literal and physical "dead" don't you? I believe it was only a spiritual "death", myself and the "raising" was simply to another level in the Jesus movement. Anyway, don't forget that evidence Reverend.

A man allegedly raised from the dead is a threat to people who see the person who allegedly raised him from the dead.  I think afterwards, he probably wrote the gospel we know as John. 

And your biblical evidence for this is what, exactly?  Or are you simply affording yourself conjecture whilst denying  other the same privilege AGAIN?

A man allegedly raised from the dead

"ALLEGEDLY!!!!"? Either Jesus raised the rotten stinking 4 day old corpse of Lazarus or he didn't. What say you Reverend?

What is the bet you have not had a vaccine. 

You'd lose - again.😁 Double jabbed and waiting for my booster. Although I admit to some scepticism where all medicines are concerned. You see Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete what may work for some doesn't necessarily work for others. And a man of your extremely "alleged" high learning should know this fact.

Get well soon, all three of you.🤣
Stephen's avatar
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whereas Stephen wants clarification of all the minor biblical details.

All that I want, is real proof of the major detail.

And who better to ask than a man that claims  to be a tutor and lecturer in religious studies. #20  Who better to ask than a man of the cloth that lectures in all matters god and bible? That has  " studied and was tutored by academics, scholars, and priests and fathers from the Orthodox Church". #91 That had his own personal "Hebrew teacher"#45 and that claims to  "study the original languages, translate them to English",  #25 ? That also claims to be qualified by certified colleges with proper accreditation and  also tells us that he is " a chaplain to our Countries Defence forces, a position I could not have without proper qualifications".  #20 ? And on top of all this , a lawyer too!!!

All that I want, is real proof of the major detail.

It'll be a long time coming , Vic lad. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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Sometime never methinks.