In my profile, I've stated, as a Christian, that my approach is havoc, because it is so contrary to what most Christians believe.
1. Godhead: I believe in three distinct, separate, two physical and one spirit beings; that God, the Father, his Son, Jesus Christ, Redeemer of mankind, and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, comprise the Godhead.
2. I believe we were created first as spirits by God, the Father, that Jesus was one of his spirit children, and Satan, another spirit child. That pre-mortal spirit life preceded our mortal birth. When we die, our spirit and physical body separate, and they are then reunited in resurrection, which will result in a united, perfect sprit and physical body, which immortal state will continue in to eternity.
3. I believe Christ's atonement is infinite in nature, because it covers all mankind, whether or not all have heard of Jesus Christ in this mortal lifetime, and I believe it was suffered by Christ for not only all our sins, but also our suffering of pain, physical, mental, spiritual, our disappointments, sorrows, and losses. All will be restored at resurrection. I believe it was suffered by Christ even for Satan and his minions, event hough they will ever refuse to accept it, and thus are damned forever.
4. I believe in one mortal life, not a repetition, such as reincarnation, because of Christ's atonement, we need but one tour of mortality. Although commanded to be perfect [Matt. 5: 48], we all fall short for now, but repentance is the big qualifier, coupled with forgiveness. By constant use of these principles, we cam purify ourselves and qualify to ultimately become perfect. Therefore, no additional mortal lives are necessary to live. To think such merely belittles the power of the atonement.
5. I believe repentance is not merely confession of sin, using a confessional like a revolving door. That's not repentance; that's expectation of the impossibility to be on a path of continuous improvement. Repentance is a change of heart such as to overcome sin; all sins, ultimately.
6. I believe that, ultimately, man can become as God is now, while God, himself, continues to advance, and we, following in kind. Men can become gods, and create worlds of their own, thus generationally continuing expansion of the human species throughout the universe, forever and ever, worlds without end.
7. I do not believe God, our Father [of our spirits] and Jesus, our Brother, created the entire universe, but only part of it. There are other gods, like God the Father, who have created other worlds, and inhabited them with people like us. I believe the physical appearance of "humans" is a much wider variation than we see among ourselves on Earth, thus, people like the blue Na'vi in "Avatar" are possible, as well as the typical "Roswell" alien.