
Author: janesix


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janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
Not "coincidence" please.

An old friend that I havent talked to in years died a few days ago. I found out about it yesterday afternoon.

I was reminded of her a few hours before that, someone said a name similar to hers and I briefly thought about her. When I hadn't for a long time.

She wasn't close, but a good friend and person. 

I beleive she is still here, some where and how.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


It was a premonition directly from my serial killerJesus, as he likes to do at times to the heathens like you, in letting you know that He is around you at all times. WhenJesus reminded you of her a few hours before her death, He was giving you a sign to possibly save her from her death if you came to Jesus to be one of His followers!  But, you didn't, therefore you blew it. sorry. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." (John 16:13)

YOUR QUOTE OF WISHFUL THINKING: "I beleive she is still here, some where and how."

If you were her friend, then she is probably burning in the sulfur lakes of Hell as we speak, as in "guilt by association!"  (Revelation 21:8)

Sum1hugme's avatar
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Sum1hugme's avatar
I'm sorry for your loss.
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
Then that would make you a believer of dualism, as you certainly believe something “changed” when your friend died, but not disappearing.
janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
Maybe, I think life is a bit different from consciousness. I think the consciousness survives death. Just one component of life. There is also the life energy.
janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
Thank you for your kind words.
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
Sympathy like a bed of nails. Crucify a cat, lately?
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
Though not a close friend, her passing has obviously touched you and put you in a better place, and you are better for it. Thanks for sharing these intimate feelings.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
I mean.. literally the only reasonable explanation is "concidence". Unless you can demonstrate some other cause I don't see how it can be anything else, unless your thinking of it caused you to affect that person - maybe you called them or contacted them - and that somehow led to their deaths. However, that is extremely unlikely, the most reasonable explanation is.. well, a concidence. 
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Sorry for your loss. My personal take would be she probably came by to see you before she went on because she hadn't seen you in so long. It's also my impression whenever we think of someone that's passed they kind of hear that and come and check on you but that's my personal opinion. Can't verify any of it.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
The initial response is that it really is a coincidence and that you're prone to see patterns where there aren't any.

If we accept supernatural possibilities, first consider how you were reminded of the friend. If the reminder was external to yourself and undeniably would trigger the reminder of the friend, consider then how the friend died.

It supernaturally is more likely to be god sending a warning sign to you on what to avoid yourself regarding death than your friend's soul/ghost trying to get hold of you. Of course, this applies only if her death wasn't entirely natural causes via aging. Another thing it might be a signal of, if we entertain supernatural ideas, is something regarding you and the friend and how you lost ties. Perhaps a message along the lines of not to so readily cutting ties with people and spending times you have left with those that matter.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

It was a premonition directly from my serial killerJesus, as he likes to do at times to the heathens like you, in letting you know that He is around you at all times. WhenJesus reminded you of her a few hours before her death, He was giving you a sign to possibly save her from her death if you came to Jesus to be one of His followers!  But, you didn't, therefore you blew it. sorry. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." (John 16:13)

YOUR QUOTE OF WISHFUL THINKING: "I beleive she is still here, some where and how."

If you were her friend, then she is probably burning in the sulfur lakes of Hell as we speak, as in "guilt by association!"  (Revelation 21:8)

Mocking Jesus and Christians is one thing.  Leading others up the path is another thing altogether. Again I refer you to Luke 17:1-3. 

Why don't you get a life and grow up? 

This sort of thing is unacceptable. 

Janesix is asking a question based on her interpretation of her experience, not seeking to be bashed by someone who has no clue about Jesus.  

I find it profoundly disturbing that you misrepresent Jesus and Christianity with your garbage.  

The FACT that you have been abused as a child is itself disturbing - but this is not a persuasive reason to attack an entire religion mocking it to relieve your own grief.  It is sad and pathetic really.  

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Not "coincidence" please.

An old friend that I havent talked to in years died a few days ago. I found out about it yesterday afternoon.

I was reminded of her a few hours before that, someone said a name similar to hers and I briefly thought about her. When I hadn't for a long time.

She wasn't close, but a good friend and person. 

I beleive she is still here, some where and how.
I don't think it is coincidence.  But nor do I necessarily think it is supernatural. 

You care for this person - even though you have not talked to them in many years.  And did not consider her close. 

Yet to think of her for the first time in years - perhaps - simply on the basis of a similar name hours or days before she passed? 

Our brains are pretty amazing.  And so are our thoughts about different people.   

Often we think of someone at the same time they are thinking of us.  I don't know what that means. And I certainly don't know what it means in your case.  

I don't believe in ghosts. I believe when we die - we either go to God or we don't.   So I don't have the type of explanation that you might be seeking. 

Yet, I have had thoughts about people I know - just before they die. I am not sure what this is supposed to mean.  Or that it is meant to mean anything. 

I never pray for a person once they are dead.  I pray for their family and networks that are left behind.  Once someone is dead - they are dead. Finito. 

Still I hope you find some meaning in what has happened to you. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
I don't believe in ghosts.


There are at least 17 biblical verses that spring to my mind about Ghosts but you don't believe in ghosts.🤣 

I will wait for you to give us your definition of what Ghosts are.

I never pray for a person once they are dead.

What kind of Pastor and Chaplain are you!?🤣
Chaplain to your "countries Defence Forces" and you never pray for the dead!????

"Tradey " Tradesecrete wrote "I am qualified by certified colleges with proper accreditation.  I am also a chaplain to our Countries Defence forces, a position I could not have without proper qualifications". #20

Not even all those Australian soldiers of the Australian Defence Force that you minister to and  that had died in the Iraq and Afghan wars!???

Did you not at least pray that they will be forgiven for their sins!??

Once someone is dead - they are dead. Finito.  #14

Is that what the bible says ?

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

No I don't pray for the dead.  There is no point. 

I pray for their families. Once someone is dead - they have to face their own consequences. Choices they made in life.  Families are the ones who suffer from death. 

Besides - I am not catholic. I can't pray for people's forgiveness. You just show your ignorance. 

As for ghosts. LOL! I don't believe in ghosts.  Yes, the Holy Ghost or Spirit is not a ghost per se.  I am not bothered in the least by your skepticism.

janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
Another thing it might be a signal of, if we entertain supernatural ideas, is something regarding you and the friend and how you lost ties. Perhaps a message along the lines of not to so readily cutting ties with people and spending times you have left with those that matter.
I have never treated friends well. Not badly, just not well. I've never had a close friend ever in my life. She was pretty close at the time at least. I have always been somewhat immature and irresponsible. I have grown a lot in this matter in the past few years (in being more responsible/loyal towards those I care about). My empathy and sympathy have grown. This has taken a lot of work. And more than a little help from somewhere/someone. 

I think I may have been a really horrible person, at least very uncaring in past lives. I know what it means to love people now. And how to love people without need of reciprocation.  I feel this life has been one huge lesson for me. I see it is the same for others as well. I see people being tested,and I see myself being tested all the time. The whole of human life may just be an ethics lesson.

janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
Though not a close friend, her passing has obviously touched you and put you in a better place, and you are better for it. Thanks for sharing these intimate feelings.
Thank you and you are welcome.

janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
I mean.. literally the only reasonable explanation is "concidence". Unless you can demonstrate some other cause I don't see how it can be anything else, unless your thinking of it caused you to affect that person - maybe you called them or contacted them - and that somehow led to their deaths. However, that is extremely unlikely, the most reasonable explanation is.. well, a concidence. 
I think you know by now I don't believe this is a logical world.

janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
Sorry for your loss. My personal take would be she probably came by to see you before she went on because she hadn't seen you in so long. It's also my impression whenever we think of someone that's passed they kind of hear that and come and check on you but that's my personal opinion. Can't verify any of it.
I think it was something like this. The whole thing definitely feels benign.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
I think I may have been a really horrible person, at least very uncaring in past lives. I know what it means to love people now. And how to love people without need of reciprocation.  I feel this life has been one huge lesson for me. I see it is the same for others as well. I see people being tested,and I see myself being tested all the time. The whole of human life may just be an ethics lesson.
I relate to this also, especially recently IRL myself (less along the lines of learning to love, more along the lines of learning to genuinely forgive). Do not lose faith in the angel/aliens and signs unless they tell you to do something that completely runs against the grain of both sanity and morality.

I believe in supernatural things, I don't know the details of your mental health but as long as you take it indeed as an ongoing ethics lesson, I think your signs are guiding you well.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

I don't believe in ghosts.

? There are at least 17 biblical verses that spring to my mind about Ghosts but you don't believe in ghosts.🤣 

As for ghosts. LOL! I don't believe in ghosts.  Yes, the Holy Ghost or Spirit is not a ghost per se. 

Then what is it if not a ghost as THE BIBLE claims it is?  And didn't a woman speak to a ghost on behalf of Saul?

No I don't pray for the dead.  There is no point. 

I agree but then we have Peter I believe praying for the "dead"Tabitha, or Dorcas  when Jesus himself said praying for the dead was pointless.  Then again doesn't the bible suggest that Jesus prayed for the "dead" Lazarus? <<< That is a question and not an assertion. 

Besides - I am not catholic. I can't pray for people's forgiveness. 

I know your not a Catholic.  So are you saying that because you are not a Catholic that it is not your choice  that you can't pray for the dead, Reverend "Tradey"?
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
I beleive she is still here, some where and how.
Other than she’s in your thoughts, the atoms that made up who she was are still with us. I’m not just talking about a single frame in time but across her lifetime. Most cells in our body get replaced every 7-10 years. You most likely share some atoms with her. 

I was going to talk about respiration, etc. But I had second thoughts. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a woman to a man, and then to unknown, and then back to a man, and then went to unknown again,  the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT, and obviously had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, has turned into a HYPOCRITE, and a LIAR, teaches Christianity at Universities in a “blind leading the blind” scenario, and is a False Prophet, says that Jesus is rational when He commits abortions and makes His creation eat their children, and that Jesus is rational when He allows innocent babies to be smashed upon the rocks, has now changed genders 5 TIMES in their profile page, and now has reading comprehension problems, 

Addressing this time your "leaving the door open" to make you the Bible fool again regarding your post #13:

YOUR QUOTE OF ME MOCKING JESUS: "Mocking Jesus and Christians is one thing. Leading others up the path is another thing altogether. Again I refer you to Luke 17:1-3." 

I am not mocking Jesus, but only showing Jesus in what He truly is, do you have a problem with this?  Regarding your Luke 17:1-3 reference, you have yet to show me where you posted this Luke 17:1-3 within context FIRST relative to my continued request to show me where it resides, understood Bible runaway fool?  How many times are you going to RUN AWAY this request that you said you would produce as shown in the following link, but you have yet to do so?: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/6683-for-single-christian-men-that-are-looking-for-a-wife?page=8&post_number=176  

This is just another weak post of yours in where you have to lash out in vane in hoping that no one will see that I completely own you and your faith. I've seen this act many times over the years, and you show your Bible stupidity by having to use this ruse. Truly sad, and we expected nothng less from you.


Yes, it is unacceptable in you having to RUN AWAY from 115 Jesus inspired posts that I have given you to date in recent times! Thank you for coming up with this statement that describes you to the "T" relating to your true Satanic modus operandi!  Priceless.

YOUR QUOTE GRASPING FOR STRAWS AGAIN:  "Janesix is asking a question based on her interpretation of her experience, not seeking to be bashed by someone who has no clue about Jesus."  

Correct, Janesix is using her "INTERPRETATION" in the same manner that you use your Satanic interpretation of the Bible that I easily slap down by using biblical axioms, where subsequently, you run and hide from them!

YOUR DUMBFOUNDED QUOTE RELATIVE TO CHRISTIANITY AND JESUS: "I find it profoundly disturbing that you misrepresent Jesus and Christianity with your garbage"

You mean the same alleged garbage that you have ran away from in my posts to you 115 times to date?!  If said posts were garbage, then prove them wrong instead of RUNNING AWAY from them and NOT defending the faith like Jesus wants you to do: "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ," (2 Corinthians 10:5) Tradesecret, can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? Sure you can!

Furthermore, I  have requested a debate with you upon the topic of Jesus' true modus operandi, but guess what? YOU RAN AWAY SCARED from doing so in knowing that I would easily make you the continued Bible fool that you are. Therefore, STFU next time until you debate me on the topic of Jesus' TRUE modus operandi, understood milquetoast pseudo-christian Tradesecret?! 

YOUR ONCE AGAIN CHILD LIKE QUOTE OF UNSUPPORTED CLAIMS: "The FACT that you have been abused as a child is itself disturbing - but this is not a persuasive reason to attack an entire religion mocking it to relieve your own grief.  It is sad and pathetic really.  "Mocking Jesus and Christians is one thing. Leading others up the path is another thing altogether. Again I refer you to Luke 17:1-3.

In you using an unsupported assertion that I was abused as a child is once again; “look over here about my claim referring to Brother D. Thomas” is taking the lime light off of your despicable proven SEXUAL DEVIANCY!!!  Tell us, how were you used and  abused by friends "AND FAMILY MEMBERS" is your ungodly sex acts with them as explicitly shown in this link, that you can deny all day long, but it has your moniker on it and it has your name on ithttps://ibb.co/0XTZRpr

YOUR QUOTE IN WHERE YOU "WISH" YOU HAD MY LIFE:  "Why don't you get a life and grow up?”

I have a life that you can only dream upon, where 1/1000 of it is within this esteemed Religion forum in making you one of the most blatant Bible stupid fools this forum has ever seen, bar none!

Tradesecret, may ask a pertinent question?  Seriously, why do you allow me to easily Bible Slap you Silly®️all the time in front of the membership at your embarrassing expense?   You are excused once again in your continued removing one foot to insert the other MO, whereas I will continue to show this forum your complete Bible stupidity and ignorance of same, understood? Yeah, you understand.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a woman to a man, and then to unknown, and then back to a man, and then went to unknown again,  the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT, and obviously had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, has turned into a HYPOCRITE, and a LIAR, teaches Christianity at Universities in a “blind leading the blind” scenario, and is a False Prophet, says that Jesus is rational when He commits abortions and makes His creation eat their children, and that Jesus is rational when He allows innocent babies to be smashed upon the rocks, has now changed genders 5 TIMES in their profile page, and now has reading comprehension problems, 

YOUR OUTRIGHT BIBLE STUPIDITY IS SHOWN ONCE AGAIN: “I am not catholic. I can't pray for people's forgiveness.”

Whether being a “Cafeteria Catholic” or not, you once again turned into a BUFFOON relative to biblical axioms regarding your quote above, where you can pray for peoples forgiveness if need be! H-E-L-L-O?!

1. This passage precludes that you can ask forgiveness for others: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,” (1 Timothy 2:1)

2. This passage substantiates that you can pray for members forgiveness, lets say, in showing you your complete Bible stupidity and ignorance: But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44)

3. In the following prayer request for you, you can pray to Jesus for peoples forgiveness:Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

4. Here is a prayer request relating to your SEXUAL DEVIANCY as proven by Jesus and myself umpteenth times, where you can pray for forgiveness in this despicable act of yours: Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)

Tradesecret, it is truly amazing in how you can still post within this forum subsequent to me and others in showing your Bible stupidity ad infinitum! LOL!

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


First off, great to see you back, whereas the rumor was that you had to take a break from the outright Bible stupidity from Tradesecret and their cohort in crime, EtHAMg5, where you were probably thinking in how in the hell can this Satanic Duo be so Bible stupid!   It never ends, does it, and "Tradey" allegedly gets paid at Universities for actually being dumbfounded of the JUDEO-Christian Bible like we shown them to be! WTF!

As shown, we zeroed in upon "Tradey" making themselves a Bible fool again relative to where "she," 'him," "unknown," "him," or "unknown" made the ungodly statement of " I can't pray for people's forgiveness”, where in biblical fact, we showed them that they can in the following links below:

At what point does "Tradey" realize that they too should take the action of what FAUXLAW did, and to save further embarrassment within this prestigious forum, just make a silent exit stage right of DEBATEART Religion Forum! 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

“I am not catholic. I can't pray for people's forgiveness.”

Whether being a “Cafeteria Catholic” or not, you once again turned into a BUFFOON relative to biblical axioms regarding your quote above, where you can pray for peoples forgiveness if need be! H-E-L-L-O?!
It is a happy day when you AT LEAST try and give some reasons for your assertions. Perhaps there is hope for you yet.  Again, I won't hold my breath.  Yet for the record, none of these verses directly provide evidence supporting that people can pray for people's forgiveness after they are dead

1. This passage precludes that you can ask forgiveness for others: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,” (1 Timothy 2:1)
You need to distinguish between how a Catholic prays for forgiveness and others.  Catholics - absolve people's forgiveness.  Protestants say with Jesus that only God can forgive sins. Hence our argument for why Jesus is God.  The Pharisees believed only God can do it. Jesus did it. They thought that was blasphemy. Why? Because it is a clear indication by Jesus that he had authority as GOD to forgive sins.  

This verse here urges Christians to pray to God for all people. My view is that this is only talking about alive people. If you wish to extend to this dead people, good for you. I don't see any reason to do so. Once someone is dead, the line is drawn in the sand. Life is when forgiveness is granted. Not after death. 

2. This passage substantiates that you can pray for members forgiveness, lets say, in showing you your complete Bible stupidity and ignorance: But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44)
This verse does not substantiate asking for forgiveness for those who are dead.  I agree we should pray for our enemies. Pray that they fall to their knees and repent to God for their sins - so that God might forgive them.  This verse is again talking about alive people. Not dead people.  It is impossible for a dead person to repent - therefore impossible for them to be forgiven. Luke 17:1-3 clearly indicates that repentance is required for forgiveness.  "If they repent, forgive them". 

3. In the following prayer request for you, you can pray to Jesus for peoples forgiveness: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
Again, a great verse.  But again, nothing to do with the dead.  It is possible that you might like to extend this to dead people.  But dead people in my view fall into two categories.  One they are in Heaven with Jesus, so have everything they need. Or two they are in Hell - being punished for their sins.  The parable of Lazarus and the rich man - indicates poetically the state of the person who has died without Christ. No forgiveness for them. 

4. Here is a prayer request relating to your SEXUAL DEVIANCY as proven by Jesus and myself umpteenth times, where you can pray for forgiveness in this despicable act of yours: “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
I am not a sexual deviant. I deny once again your lies.   This verse is urging people to watch and pray - and to avoid temptation. It is nothing to do with dead people being forgiven. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

I don't believe in ghosts.

? There are at least 17 biblical verses that spring to my mind about Ghosts but you don't believe in ghosts.🤣 

As for ghosts. LOL! I don't believe in ghosts.  Yes, the Holy Ghost or Spirit is not a ghost per se. 

Then what is it if not a ghost as THE BIBLE claims it is?  And didn't a woman speak to a ghost on behalf of Saul?
God is not a Ghost, if you are using the term ghost to refer to a person who was alive and is now dead, wandering around the earth trying to ease their pain.  Or even if they are not trying to ease their pain - just scaring people. God is a Spirit. That means he is not material in the way humans are. But it does make him a ghost - like a dead person trying to get to heaven or whatever.   Most translations do not use the term ghost because it is misleading in our culture. 

It is true that a seer was asked by King Saul to raise the ghost of Samuel.  I suspected you might raise this example. We can read about this in 1 Samuel 28.  What happened there is in the narrative. What does it mean in respect of ghosts. I can't say for sure. What we do see is something that looked like an old man wearing a robe and who seems to know what God is going to do - tear the kingdom from Saul and give it another.  Was it the ghost of Saul or another kind of spirit? I don't know. I am content to think it was Samuel's spirit. It does not make me believe in ghosts. Not in the sense of lost souls trying to find a way to a better place or in the sense of trying to right a particular wrong or seeking forgiveness.  Here clearly, Samuel was resting - and was awoken.  His response to Saul was - now you are cursed. Or perhaps he was reiterating that since God has turned away from Saul, that his fate was sealed. Certainly there is the interesting element here that since God had turned away from Saul, that Saul wanted information from somewhere else. 

Was Samuel a ghost?  Perhaps - but not in the sense most of understand ghosts. This is an interesting case. 

No I don't pray for the dead.  There is no point. 

I agree but then we have Peter I believe praying for the "dead"Tabitha, or Dorcas  when Jesus himself said praying for the dead was pointless.  Then again doesn't the bible suggest that Jesus prayed for the "dead" Lazarus? <<< That is a question and not an assertion. 
There is a difference between praying for the dead - asking God to forgive their sins and praying that God will raise them back to life.  I, personally am not in the habit of praying for either. I am not Jesus nor am I Peter.   For the record, I did not die on a cross either. Peter had witnessed these things in the presence of Jesus. I have never witnessed the same. A few charismatics I know, testify they have. I am a skeptic.  Yet, I also recognize that my faith does not lay in that particular direction.  I am probably too caught up in the experience of people's emotions around death - I don't want to raise hopes and see them dashed. This is probably why I would not pray for them to be raised from the dead. But it is also the reason I would not seek their forgiveness of sins now they are dead. Raising people's hope for them on either score would be wrong in my view. If they were not a believer - then their families know this already - and pretending that this person's sins have been forgiven or that they are going to heaven will not bring comfort to those who know the truth. For those who think everyone goes to heaven anyway - there is no point talking about forgiveness anyway.  My job is not to raise false hope. It is to present the truth.  Death is the line in the sand. 

Besides - I am not catholic. I can't pray for people's forgiveness. 

I know your not a Catholic.  So are you saying that because you are not a Catholic that it is not your choice  that you can't pray for the dead, Reverend "Tradey"?
No not at all. I am saying it is how I understand the Bible and what my role is. But thanks for asking. 
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
As for ghosts. LOL! I don't believe in ghosts.  Yes, the Holy Ghost or Spirit is not a ghost per se. 

 didn't a woman speak to a ghost on behalf of Saul?

  I suspected you might raise this example. We can read about this in 1 Samuel 28.  What happened there is in the narrative. What does it mean in respect of ghosts. I can't say for sure. What we do see is something that looked like an old man wearing a robe and who seems to know what God is going to do - tear the kingdom from Saul and give it another.  Was it the ghost of Saul or another kind of spirit? I don't know. 

So for all of your convoluted lawyer word salad waffle , it WAS a ghost  but you don't believe in ghosts. I see.

. What does it mean in respect of ghosts. I can't say for sure.

 Well I can  IF THE BIBLE is to be believed. It was a ghost! 

Was it the ghost of Saul or another kind of spirit? I don't know. 

 It was the ghost of SAMUEL !!!! that she brought up you bible ignorant clown🤣 LOOOOOOK  >>>

"11 “Who do you want me to bring up?” she asked.“Bring up the ghost of Samuel,” he answered. 1 Samuel  28:11

I don't know. 

Well I do IF THE BIBLE is to be believed, it was the ghost of  Samuel, NOT SAUL as the scriptures make perfectly clear.

 You need to keep up with scripture Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete. But there again you never have read the bible for yourself although you charge Universities to lecture and tutor their students in holy scripture. They are being robbed by you Reverend "Tradey". But you are also a lawyer after all, and a master of small print so its to be expected. But didn't know  your Saul from your Samuel, lawyer man. GOD! I would hate you as my lawyer.

  I suspected you might raise this example. 

BS!   As usual you were simply caught out by your own bible ignorance, AGAIN!.

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if you are using the term ghost to refer to a person who was alive and is now dead, wandering around the earth trying to ease their pain.  Or even if they are not trying to ease their pain - just scaring people.
Was it the ghost of Saul or another kind of spirit? I don't know. I am content to think it was Samuel's spirit. It does not make me believe in ghosts.

The words ghost and spirit are interchangeable and even sometimes "soul".
Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit....he saw a ghost, he saw a spirit. The ghost of Christmas past, the spirit of Christmas past. A ghost appeared to me, a spirit appeared to me...a ghost haunted the house, a spirit haunted the house. Benevolent ghost, malevolent spirit ect ect it's like saying coke or soda. One person says ghost the other spirit but a ghost is the spirit of a person who has left the physical body, a spirit is the ghost of a person who has left this world. Or, a spirit (ghost) is simply an immaterial entity. 

If you were to see a ghost or an apparition that is also a spirit there is no distinction other than what is usually told in folklore. The idea that "ghosts" are simply dead beings that haunt people is basically a childish or limited concept and probably what you are used to hearing about. Every single soul that occupies a physical body has a spiritual body, or ghostly body that departs when they lose their earthly body.
I know Christianity has this bizarre idea of a resurrection that souls will remain in the grave until an appointed time but trust me on this one, get used to the idea of leaving the physical body when you die. Once the physical body can no longer sustain the soul your spiritual body will separate almost immediately after the heart stops and the brain shuts down.

Ghosts or spirits aren't just lost souls that wonder around and scare people lol, although there are many spiritual beings that hang around this planet there are many reasons for why they are here and what they do. Also spirits aren't just limited to earth they come and go and they do interact with people in many different ways. Ghosts are not dead people, they are simply spirits that have moved on after leaving the material vessel. Angels are also spirit beings although distinct from human souls in that they inhabit heavens instead of earth. Demons, well known throughout the Christian belief are also spiritual beings so it is clear the Bible supports the existence of such phenomenon.

"A person's spirit or soul"
"The spirit of a dead person"
"a ghost is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear to the living"
"The belief in the existence of an afterlife, as well as manifestations of the spirits of the dead, is widespread"
"the seat of life or intelligence : SOUL"
"a disembodied soul"

"the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body"
"the incorporeal part of humans"
"the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person"
"the nonphysical part of a person"
"A force or principle believed to animate humans and often to endure after departing from the body of a person at death; the soul."

Most translations do not use the term ghost because it is misleading in our culture.

Probably but it's mainly due to folklore or misconceptions about the term or what a ghost is, not really because there is a difference in usage. The term ghost often registers to a person something paranormal like a haunting or something of that nature and ironically the term paranormal is also not limited to ghost sightings it has a more universal meaning.
Having said all that, there can be some differences between spiritual entities in how they appear and what their intentions are. God's creation is stock full of an endless variety of souls, spirit beings, creatures and things of all types, shapes and sizes.