This is the section that throws up red flags to me. Hate speech is an ill-defined term which has often been used to silence people for political reasons. It seems completely unnecessary here, as vulgarity and invective are both banned. The inclusion of hate speech implies to me that the hate speech which is banned is something aside from invective or vulgarity, otherwise it would be redundant. The problem is that when I think of 'hate speech' that isn't covered under 'invective' or 'vulgarity', all that comes to mind is stuff that shouldn't be banned, and the banning of which acts as the camel's nose under the tent when it comes to censorship. The rest of it seems more reasonable, but that term in the wrong hands could lead to a stifling of free discussion and I don't see why it shouldn't be removed.TLDR: Either A. Hate speech is covered under 'invective' and 'vulgarity', in which case it is redundant and can be removed to avoid confusion, or B. It represents a new category of thing which is banned, in which case the term presents a dangerous slippery slope to censorship and should be removed to keep the site a place of open discussion.
100% all of this.
This has played out in ALL the online discussion websites I've been to. You have Progressive zealot moderators who use the anti-free speech term "hate speech" to justify banning right-wing people over comments like "African Americans have lower IQ than Whites" or "Lower Hispanic income is partially a result of heritability". In effect, "hate speech" becomes whatever these Progressives get upset over, and thus most Conservatives end up getting shafted.
As is clearly pointed out here by Resurget, there is no reason to have "hate speech" in the SPES. If you bake this into the SPES, you've giving Progressives like Ragnar and RM (if he ever gets in) ammunition to ideologically ban people who upset them.
Still, I think the SPES is a major upgrade that overall is better than what is currently in use. It just would be a lot better still if this anti-free speech "hate speech" was removed.