Timid8967, the Hell bound Atheist fool,Hell is a place that the unintelligent believe in. A typical fear mongering tactic by those who have nothing better to discuss.
LOL @ you. Brother might be a fraud. Yet, you might be as well. You seem to touch on a lot of ideas given that you say you don't know much about Christianity or the Bible. Hell is a real place that is reserved for Satan and his angels. To suggest it is used as a fear mongering tactic is puerile. Jesus refers to Hell more than any other person in the Bible.
I as a True Christian, and even pseudo-christians like the ever so dumbfounded of the Bible TRADESECRET and FAUXLAW, all have to unfortunately masturbate our minds to feel good about Jesus actually existing, otherwise our faith is ZERO! Therefore Jesus has to exist to us where we have to run away from all that mumbo jumbo Satanic science stuff, and arguing actual empirical facts that Hell bound Atheists use in showing that Jesus didn’t exist! We laugh. LOL
It probably ought to be said - that as a confessor of believing in imaginary friends, and gods, that you have ZERO credibility to assure us that you are a True Christian. In fact, I suspect that pseudo-christian applies very aptly to you. Tradesecret and Faulaw are dumbfounded if they believe in god the way you do. I don't have a clue about what you are mean: mastubating your minds. Whatever does that mean or look like? but if believing in god is just about feeling good- then I am glad I am a non-theist. science is not satanic - satanic is just another made up imaginery thing .
Don't put Fauxlaw and me into the same group as Brother. Brother is a fraud. Fauxlaw is a LDS. I am a Protestant. Yet the evidence for God is not just a feeling. We don't believe in imaginary friends. Brother is a fraud. Don't confuse science with satanism. Christians think science is a good thing. Satanism on the other hand is superstitious nonsense.