The meaning of death

Author: Tradesecret


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Stephen why should I listen to foul mouthed person like you mr hypocrite.  Somebody was nice enough to email these to me. Very telling about your character:

You really are a vile, sick, attention seeking & heartless individual. And you should be banned from this forum. Very telling yet again how you find anything you don't agree with "funny" and "hilarious" like rape and suicide. My god your vile. Because your a pompous clown with his head stuck tight up his own dirt box. I would explain this to you but I am not about to waste my time on a boring, nauseating tit like you. Yes, Clown is so cutting a remark isn't it. I can only assume this will scar you for life and now your are in dire need of counselling. You stupid A hole You really are sad and PATHETIC Talking out of your arse again, Mopac asked because I don't know, you FKN idiot. Deary me. I don't believe you would notice the truth if it came up to you and banjo'd you between the eyebrows with a very large crucifix, to be honest. But your head is so far up your own jacksey you seems to have missed it, I should consult a surgeon, if I were you. Like I said, your a fkn hypocrite, who doesn't accept facts even when they are shoved in your gaping uneducated pie hole. yet you scream and cry like a little bitch away now, your stinking piss soaked sandpit awaits .

I can't wait to show the nob what a complete and utter braindead bellend he really is. But you are far too ignorant to understand what a retarded sea sponge would grasp without a problem, you repugnant, vile specimen. Your unnecessary insults will not win you an argument. You have a very poor understanding of your own scriptures ethang. This maybe because you have never questioned anything about them in your life but simply sucked in every lying detail that your priests and teachers have told you. And because of that relentless indoctrination you fail EVERY TIME to defend your own statements not to mention being totally incapable of explaining away these biblical contradictions without lying, putting your own words into the mouths of the characters and authors of these scriptures and rewriting complete passages. You are a failure and have probably failed at everything in your life. Your tag partner has made himself look a penis and left you all stranded on your lonesome. I am not interested in your opinion concerning who's daddy has the biggest dick. grow up! And responding to a question with a question of your own is not and never will be an answer to the original question. This is the usual a piss poor response from someone who has found himself painted into a corner. a "pussy" that knows AND understands these scriptures far,far better that you will ever live to know and understand.

After all if these are the words that come out of your mouth what right do you have to lecture anyone else? 

Stephen's avatar
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After all if these are the words that come out of your mouth.

What about them?  I will return in kind. And I admit to name calling. Such as stupid etc. But for a man of the cloth to talk of others peoples  lack of "common curtesy", while being  himself  extremely discourteous, well Reverend, what can I say?  and lest we forget your own thread telling us;

"Words are words. And that is all they are". #45  Tradesecret .

The Brother on the other hand has never written such vile and disgusting words on this forum as you do, and have done.

This is you calling out someone for their lack of - as you put it - "common curtesy".

Tradesecrete wrote: Stupid man. Dumb as fuck. Are you really this thick?Just continue to repeat your ignorance. #161
 Obviously you are an idiot.  #186

But you won't here me complaining about your own lack of "common curtsy", I can take it , Reverend.  But your hypocritical self,  it seem , cannot.

what right do you have to lecture anyone else? 

  I was not lecturing you. But I think you'll find that your god is. Or did you not ever read the bible? Well of course you haven't, have you Reverend?

Here you go, Reverend. Matthew 7:3-5

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite!, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

And there are a few other problems  with whole of your post above  Reverend. 

 I am not religious .  And  I also will call people  as I have been called, without complaint. YOU on the other hand, Reverend,  are supposed to "turn the other cheek".Matthew 5:38-44   

And there is this very apt verse;

"Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing". I Peter3:9

 I didn't read of you "blessing the Brother", Reverend. Why is that?

And the  references I have direct at ethang5 - the same man that you tell us all that you aspire to be like - HERE>>>#76  - and that you have highlighted above, I will stand by until the day I die. He is vile and he is disgusting. Have you not read his sick and vile racist and sexists posts highlighted in a link by another poster here>

Yes , Reverend, I stand by what I have said in every single one of those links and particularly what I have said about that vile disgusting individual about whom you say   " If I could be more like him, I would" . #76 

 Stick and stones. Stones and glass houses . Sawdust or planks, call it what you will but THE BIBLE and your god is the one calling you a "hypocrite"! Reverend. Matthew7:5

 I don't care what you say.  and let us not forget your often spouted mantra _   "Words are words. And that is all they are". #45  Tradesecret .

Get well soon , Reverend.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


OMG! Regarding your "shut down" post #32 towards the hypocritical Bible stupid and ignorant TRADESECRET, Jesus and I couldn't have said it better!

Whew, one of your better "put the fool in their rightful place" posts, praise Jesus for your talents in this respect!  :)

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Whew, one of your better "put the fool in their rightful place" posts, praise Jesus for your talents in this respect!  :)

And have you noticed how Timdim-esque Tradesecret's post are becoming, Brother?

They must have had an interesting time both combing my old threads for retaliatory comments from my large library of threads. Lets hope they both learn something for their concerted efforts.

Have a look see, Brother!

And from the Reverend;

Well, Dimtim8967 does say often that after reading the Reverend Tradesecrets posts, that he does imply to aspire to be like him,  doesn't he, Brother?
I don't think he has quite got to that stupidity lever quite yet:

#243     Timid8967  Wrote: "after reading some of Tradesecret's posts - which are on  balance, ok, I would be happy, no pleased  to be mistaken for him or her". 

And, in turn the Reverend Tradesecret aspires to be like  ethang:

 Tradesecret wrote: And if you think we are like each other, that is a huge compliment for me.  If I could be more like him, I would" . #76 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I didn’t trawl over your words. Lol! One of your fans sent me an email.  I couldn’t be bothered wasting my time. I copied and pasted. You are such a wonderful model for others. 

Fact is Stephen, no one has clean hands, least of all you.  Your words are so vile and yet you stand by them. Well that speaks volumes doesn’t? And that is your prerogative. But it discredits you having any say about other people. It really does. 

Your words should embarrass you. Your comments about rape, suicide, etc. really are low. It puts you mr non- religious into a league of your own. Stop playing the victim. It has not served you in the past and it will not serve you in the future. Stop with the hypocrisy. 

When you return to a reasonable position - treating others how you want to be treated, then perhaps your banishment into the abyss might cease. The fact that your best buddy Brother Thomas seems to be your only champion is delightfully amusing. Yet the character of the people you hang around with is telling. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Oh yes and you quoting verses at me out of context to try and silence is is cowardly.  But that is unsurprising for one of your character. Given you really don’t understand the bible - well except in the demented and tortured way you read it -  your comments to me are like water of a ducks back. 

After all,  you are the swine and the dogs that trample over the pearls.  
Stephen's avatar
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I didn’t trawl over your words.One of your fans sent me an email.

 Of course you did silly. And according to you know one listens to me anyway, so I can never see your problem.

And you,  just like dimtim - he that is so proud and "happy and pleased  to be mistaken" for you #243- are both of the belief that you will counter anything I have said with my own words.    Its not working, Reverend.    I stand by almost every word that I have said past and present on this forum. And I do apologise and take responsibility  for my own mistakes and actions if and when I make them..

Fact is Stephen, no one has clean hands, least of all you.  

 I agree, but it was you - a man of the cloth Pastor-  that hasn't heeded the words of your god and not me, I am not religious in the slightest. But then again , your attitude to words are that >>>  "Words are words. And that is all they are". #45  Tradesecret  funny then how you take offence when anyone criticises you, isn't it, Reverend, while you use foul and disgusting language towards others.

You that preaches and teaches at Universities about THE BIBLE>>.

" No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them".  #20.

You have thrown stones in glass houses and against the will of your god while using foul and abusive language in retaliation towards another,  just like the man  you tell us  you aspire to be like:

 Tradesecret wrote:  " "Ethang5 is a good friend of mine.  I have know him for a significant period of time. And if you think we are like each other, that is a huge compliment for me.   If I could be more like him, I would  If I could be more like him, I would . #76 

Well congratulations Pastor Tradesecret, you have achieved your goal with that hypocritical post aimed at the Brother along with the  foul and abusive language towards others, and you have become - not like -  but identical to the   vile and disgusting racist and misogynistic  man that you have aspired to be like all these years.

Stop playing the victim.

I have never complained about being victimised, Reverend. That will be you and often too, you hypocrite. Would you like reminding?

Oh yes and you quoting verses at me out of context to try and silence ....

I don't think so. Those verses show you to  be the hypocritical man of the cloth that you are. Look>>

Tradesecrete to the Brother wrote:
But I am getting bored with your inability to understand basic curtesy.

Do you mean this kind of intolerant and abusive curtesy, Reverend

Tradesecrete wrote: Stupid man. Dumb as fuck. Are you really this thick?Just continue to repeat your ignorance. #161
 Obviously you are an idiot.  #186

Interesting that you have created a thread dedicated to the gospel of  Matthew 7 isn't it, Reverend?#1 Tradesecret

Did you actaully read Matthew 7 for yourself? 

 Here you go, Reverend.

Matthew 7:3-5

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite!, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

I Peter3:9
"Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing".

When you return to a reasonable position...

 My position is just fine from where I am sitting , thank you, Reverend hypocrite!.

Get well soon Reverend.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a man, to a woman, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !!!! NEWSFLASH !!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 In prayer with Jesus last night, guess what?! Jesus said that to stay within the rules for me here at DEBATEART, YOU are to start a thread where members can ask you any questions about you or your assumed faith in Christianity, praise Jesus for coming through again! 

Now, the only problem you will have in this respect is that if you don't perform this act of starting a thread of your own as described above, guise what, you will be shown to continue to RUN AWAY from biblical and truthful axioms posed to you by me and others relative to your RUNAWAY status on this forum!! 

TRADESECRET, why didn't you think of this concept before to try and save face upon this forum? This is your chance to show the DEBATEART Religion Forum your assumed expertise with a question and answer program relative to your pseudo-christian position! PRAISE! 

When will you start, or are you going to turn into a COWARD and run away again?  LOL!

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a man, to a woman, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor:


As shown in the link below you made the faux pas of saying that I was a complete runaway to pseudo-christians posts to me, and the master of doing so. This misnomer by you was initiated on July 1, at 7:05 pm, as shown below.

Now, the date is July 16, 2021, 15 DAYS LATER, and you have yet to show evidence of me running away from Bible inept pseudo-christians like you! Tell us, do you enjoy having proverbial egg upon your face all the time, and now you are known for LYING because you cannot produce the evidence shown above, which goes against what Jesus hates the most: "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19)

TRADESECRET, you are so easily made the pseudo-christian fool within this forum.  :(


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a man, to a woman, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor:


Your admittance of being a SEXUAL DEVIANT is sickeningly shown in paragraph 12 and 14 down from your statement in this link:

Subsequent to your admittance of being a SEXUAL DEVIANT, you never answered me in how you can still call yourself a Christian as you blatantly go against Jesus' words relative to this topic, but you rather run away from this question as shown in the following links:

The membership is watching, therefore, how can you call yourself a Christian when you are an admitted DESPICABLE SEXUAL DEVIANT as explicitly shown in this post? 

You may BEGIN: 


drlebronski's avatar
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drlebronski's avatar
full transphobe mode. also im pretty sure the bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality but brother d thomas is an expert on the bible so he can tell me.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Please start your own thread. If you want to ask a question relating to religion do so. Otherwise stay on topic. This is placing you on notice. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Lol at you 

My email source has plenty of times when you played the victim. You are the biggest hypocrite on this site.  Here is a clue “first take the Planck out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the splinter out their eye”. 

Your nose is stretching out like Pinocchio. 

As for me I admit I said the words to you. As I recall I also conceded they were inappropriate. You on the other hand are proud of your gutter language. You don’t resile from any of the filth that you wrote. in fact you believe it was all quite appropriate. 

I say let the readers decide. 
Stephen's avatar
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My email source has plenty of times when you played the victim.

 You are the biggest hypocrite on this site.  Here is a clue “first take the Planck out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the splinter out their eye”. 

As for me I admit I said the words to you. As I recall I also conceded they were inappropriate. You on the other hand are proud of your gutter language. You don’t resile from any of the filth that you wrote. in fact you believe it was all quite appropriate. 
You are running out of steam Reverend.

And are now doing exactly what your mentor ethang - the vile man that you aspire to be like -  often used to do. He would derail even his own threads too, when on the back foot and after painting himself into a biblical or  theological corner.

Remember this Reverend>.

 Tradesecret wrote:  " "Ethang5 is a good friend of mine.  I have know him for a significant period of time. And if you think we are like each other, that is a huge compliment for me.   If I could be more like him, I would  If I could be more like him, I would . #76 

Well congratulations Pastor Tradesecret, you have achieved your goal  you have become - not like -  but identical to the   vile and disgusting racist and misogynistic  man that you have aspired to be like all these years.

I say let the readers decide. 

I don't think they are too interested, myself, Reverend.

Get well soon.

Stephen's avatar
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bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality.

Is that why there are multiple threads on the religion forum calling out that which god says about homosexuality and the punishment he has ordered for such practices?

Leviticus 18:22 -   Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 -   If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 

bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality.

 It helps if you read the thing before posting throwaway comments about that which you know nothing about.
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BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a man, to a woman, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor:

TRADESECRET, can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? Sure you can, Bible fool!

1.  Your relentless response to Stephen in your post #31 in this thread does NOT follow your topic of this thread, and you say that I don’t follow the threads topic? therefore you turned into a HYPOCRITE!

2.  You are a HYPOCRITE once again in your post below that is NOT pertaining to the topic of your thread in sheepishly denying your ungodly notions of which are TRUE, and will be proven as such in the future at your embarrassment AGAIN:

Please start your own thread. If you want to ask a question relating to religion do so. Otherwise stay on topic. This is placing you on notice." 

The ONLY one that is put on notice is YOU for being so Bible stupid and ignorant of which we have shown you to easily be!  As you possibley know, I am adding links to your inept Bible runaway list, of which if secretly known, you miss being the #1 Bible fool upon this forum. Soon you will take this positon away from the equallly Bible stupid FAUXLAW and we can have a celebration party for you in response, praise!  LOL

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a man, to a woman, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor:

Any updates upon you saying that I was the main runaway from addressing Bible ignorant pseudo-christians like you as shown in the link below FOR THE 5TH TIME YOU HAVE RUN AWAY FROM SHOWING THE PROOF OF YOUR CLAIM?!

Tradesecret equals a LYER and a HYPOCRITE to be added to their modus operandi!

Stephen's avatar
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Brother wrote:      TRADESECRET, can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? Sure you can, Bible fool!

1.  Your relentless response to Stephen in your post #31 in this thread does NOT follow your topic of this thread, and you say that I don’t follow the threads topic? therefore you turned into a HYPOCRITE!
Indeed Brother, and as I have already mentioned. Tradesecret has now achieved his aspirations to be just like ethang5  and has reached the stage where he is now derailing his own threads once he has painted himself into a tight biblical and theological corner. They are so alike aren't they? 

Do you remember this, Brother? 

 Tradesecret wrote:  " "Ethang5 is a good friend of mine.  I have know him for a significant period of time. And if you think we are like each other, that is a huge compliment for me.   If I could be more like him, I would  If I could be more like him, I would . #76 
Well  above#44 I have congratulated him on reaching his goal to be just like the vile man he has been aspiring to be like all his life and  do hope he appreciates it.

YOUR CONTINUED RUNAWAY QUOTE FROM MY POSTS TO YOU: "Please start your own thread. If you want to ask a question relating to religion do so. Otherwise stay on topic. This is placing you on notice." 

 He has started doing as like with myself. He's running out of steam you see Brother, so he is now trawling posts for soundbites and comments that he is incapable think of for himself .  Strange it is, Brother that a fully trained lawyer such as Tradesecrete claims to be would have to struggle to find the right words to fit the situation and so resorts to plagiarising others comments that have been initially directed at himself.

Tradesecret wrote: I am a lawyer.  There you go.  Now you know.  I always counsel my clients that "no comment" is the only wise thing to do when being questioned by the police.   #20
with all those feathers in his cap , one would think that he could come up with something original, but alas, he's just a failure at the end of the day.  His "clients" must be in their prison cells wondering - ` why in hell did I ever employ that plagiarising idiot`?

Timid8967's avatar
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Timid8967's avatar
bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality.

Is that why there are multiple threads on the religion forum calling out that which god says about homosexuality and the punishment he has ordered for such practices?

Leviticus 18:22 -   Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 -   If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 

bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality.

 It helps if you read the thing before posting throwaway comments about that which you know nothing about.

Another wonderful example of where Stephen answers for the Brother.  Are you sure you don't share a password?
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality.

Is that why there are multiple threads on the religion forum calling out that which god says about homosexuality and the punishment he has ordered for such practices?

Leviticus 18:22 -   Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 -   If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 

bible doesnt mention transgender or homosexuality.

 It helps if you read the thing before posting throwaway comments about that which you know nothing about.

Another wonderful example of where Stephen answers for the Brother. 
You will see that is was an open comment posted by drlebronski  directed and tagged to no one. But then you are dim aren't you tim.  And the response was to drlebronski too.

Are you sure you don't share a password?

I am absolutely positive. If you think otherwise please highlight your concerns and the matter to moderation. I did, and I was banned!

And then of course, prove it.

Then again, your lack of  input is dwindling, you are spent and have run out of steam and  so you have now resorted to-  in the image of he that you aspire to be likened to - Reverend Tradesecrete  and are now simply plagiarising.   Weak. so,so weak.

Get well soon to the both of you.

Timid8967's avatar
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Timid8967's avatar
So why should we believe anything you say? You are clearly a fraud.  It was addressed to the Brother. Not by name but by content.  

You answered - coincidence - hardly. It happens so often it certainly must be suspicious.   Freudian slips were mentioned previously by someone. 

It seems the log in your eye is stopping you from seeing clearly.  Perhaps it is time you took it out and stopped making a fool of yourself. 

I am not tradesecret.  If you believe I am, make your complaint.  Tradesecret like you is a theist.  Both of you avoid answering the simple question of your position - of why you are a theist - and the evidence you must believe to believe in god. 

Stephen's avatar
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So why should we believe anything you say?

I have never demanded anyone believe me. I personally don't give two fks either way? And I have admitted many times that I cannot prove many of my beliefs , theories and or ideas .
So you can take it or leave it is my motto, princess. I'm easy.

 Now. Off you trot. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
The only derailment here is responding to your ridiculous lies and distractions. but you are correct this needs to stop. 

To be clear I own all of my words. I might well wish I did not write all of them. But I own them. Unlike you I have the ability to be embarrassed by some of my words. I have a sense of boundary. You, on the other hand, are unable to distinguish and understand such things. Instead you purport to feign anger at others for injustice, cruelty, and evil as you see it. This of course is fraud because you don’t have a conscience. You just lie. When caught out with your words- you just say “I don’t regret them”.  
The problem of course is this proves the lie of everything you are trying to convey. If you don’t have a conscience, then purporting to find some underlying basis for the motives of some in the NT is insanity inspired. 
Stop being such a sad and pathetic person and start contributing to the topics in a constructive manner. Otherwise please leave the thread. 
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Instead you purport to feign anger at others for injustice, cruelty, and evil as you see it.

Well, we are all built different , Reverend,  and by gods grace, I am told. But I can rarely remember being angry and I wouldn't "feign " my anger . I wouldn't have to. I am on the other end of a keyboard so you wouldn't know either way, now would you.

I don't believe that I have ever been angry with you, I like you when you are the Reverend.  In fact I am trying to remember the last time I was angry with any member here:

Lets see. Ah, yes it was a vile comment made by the man that you aspire to be like; he said;

Ethang5 wrote: Why would any sort of jihadist keep me awake? Most of the world is not as run over with jihadists as England is. Only sheep or soldiers get killed by jihadists.   #144

Seriously Reverend, even though you tell us he " is a good friend of yours and aspired to be more like him, "  #76  Why would you aspire to be like such a vile person as he? 
And YOU a man of the cloth, too?  Of all the places you could have shown your reverence and diplomacy as a Pastor and a Chaplain, you ignored this completely!   It was me that had to remind this vile man that some of those "sheep" belonged to gods own flock. And yes I was extremely angry. He should have been banned for that comment but had only he had just returned from a lengthy ban for constant sexual harassment of a member.   You see, the man that you aspire to be like, well, he's also a misogynist too, you see.#17 Ragnar

To be clear I own all of my words. 

That will be  in reference to your comment that  "Words are words. And that is all they are". #45  Tradesecret wouldn't it?   Then why are you so disturbed by what it is that I have to say about the scriptures and by giving my "take " on them, if " words are just words"?

And lets not forget you have also said "The Bible is a book. It can't cause anything" .#3  Tradesecret

I might well wish I did not write all of them.

Well if I was you and insults aside,  I would be down right ashamed and embarrassed at some of the things that you had wrote about yourself . Fortunately, I am not. and I can assure you that my feet are firmly on the ground, Reverend 

When caught out with your words- you just say “I don’t regret them”. 

 That is not catching anyone out, you idiot, that is an admission coming from me , and made by me, I don't regret them. Unless you can find something in particular that you believe I should be regretful for, can you? Is there?

Stop being such a sad and pathetic person and start contributing to the topics in a constructive manner. Otherwise please leave the thread. 

I have and I do. If you do not wish to be challenged on your own comments then I can only suggest that you think really hard before posting anything else that you may regret. Because it is your own  lack of thought that causes you to paint yourself into a tight biblical and theological corner.

The only derailment here is responding to your ridiculous lies and distractions.

Then simply do not respond. It really is that simple Reverend. 
 I would though like to request that  in your LAST and FINAL response to me to simply put up links to where I have deliberately lied about anything.....if you can.

Get well soon Reverend.

Timid8967's avatar
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I have never demanded anyone believe me. I personally don't give two fks either way? And I have admitted many times that I cannot prove many of my beliefs , theories and or ideas .
Of course you do, or you would not get so precious about people dismissing your views.  And even in some circumstances - detailing their excuses for not believing you. 

You want people to believe your concocted stories which have no evidence to support them.  This is how you live your life.  And to say you don't care is nonsense.  
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a man, to a woman, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, now a LIAR and a HYPOCRITE,

Any updates upon you saying that I was the main runaway from addressing Bible ignorant pseudo-christians like you as shown in the link below FOR THE 6TH TIME YOU HAVE RUN AWAY FROM SHOWING THE PROOF OF YOUR CLAIM?! 

Tradesecret,  how many times are you going to RUN AWAY from your unsupported claim as shown above????!!!!!  LOL

Unfortunately for you at all times, you make it so easy for us to make you the pseudo-christian fool, sorry. :(

Timid8967's avatar
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Brother - you buffoon. 

When are you going to stop running away from my questions - and start to answer them.  you are a theist. You are one the true christian on this site. So you alone on this site - have to prove why God exists.  

Please begin. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Instead you purport to feign anger at others for injustice, cruelty, and evil as you see it.

Well, we are all built different , Reverend,  and by gods grace, I am told. But I can rarely remember being angry and I wouldn't "feign " my anger . I wouldn't have to. I am on the other end of a keyboard so you wouldn't know either way, now would you.

I don't believe that I have ever been angry with you, I like you when you are the Reverend.  In fact I am trying to remember the last time I was angry with any member here:

Lets see. Ah, yes it was a vile comment made by the man that you aspire to be like; he said;
Being differently built is not an excuse.  Your words reveal your anger.  You obviously have a short memory if you don't recall being angry with me.  

Ethang5 wrote: Why would any sort of jihadist keep me awake? Most of the world is not as run over with jihadists as England is. Only sheep or soldiers get killed by jihadists.   #144

Seriously Reverend, even though you tell us he " is a good friend of yours and aspired to be more like him, "  #76  Why would you aspire to be like such a vile person as he? 
Nothing you have said would make me change my mind about Ethang.  Over the years he has demonstrated that he is a good friend of mine. I don't resile from that.  I am not sure why you think quoting him out of context would change that.  We have all seen the vile things that have come from your keyboard.  His are his words and he can own them as well.   I have no issue wanting to aspire to be like him.  

And YOU a man of the cloth, too?  Of all the places you could have shown your reverence and diplomacy as a Pastor and a Chaplain, you ignored this completely!   It was me that had to remind this vile man that some of those "sheep" belonged to gods own flock. And yes I was extremely angry. He should have been banned for that comment but had only he had just returned from a lengthy ban for constant sexual harassment of a member.   You see, the man that you aspire to be like, well, he's also a misogynist too, you see.#17 Ragnar
I actually think you reacted in an entirely inappropriate manner because you failed to understand what he was saying.  And whether he is a misognist or not - which I doubt, is a big so what to me.  Jesus hung around with tax collectors and prostitutes. He hung around sinners.  And wealthy people.  You are the one who thinks that President Trump - is the best prime minister Uk never had.  When you bag Ethang but seem to lift Trump to high esteem - you really don't have a lot of credibility. Trump after all, has no credibility when it comes to the way he treats women.  So your hypocrisy is well demonstrated when you continue to suggest that it is a strange thing for me to be like Ethang. 

To be clear I own all of my words. 

That will be  in reference to your comment that  "Words are words. And that is all they are". #45  Tradesecret wouldn't it?   Then why are you so disturbed by what it is that I have to say about the scriptures and by giving my "take " on them, if " words are just words"?

And lets not forget you have also said "The Bible is a book. It can't cause anything" .#3  Tradesecret
Words are words. I have not said otherwise.  But now you are comparing apples with oranges. Shifting goalposts and trying to conflate the discussion.  You know that when i used that term or phrase I was referring to cause and effect.  You didn't get angry and report me because I suggested that I proved your argument along the bible causing people to do harm was as ridiculous as suggesting that clothes worn by females make men rape them. You didn't angry - did you? now you want to turn things around. Well good on you. 

I might well wish I did not write all of them.

Well if I was you and insults aside,  I would be down right ashamed and embarrassed at some of the things that you had wrote about yourself . Fortunately, I am not. and I can assure you that my feet are firmly on the ground, Reverend 
Your feet are firmly heading down the path - having entered the wide gate.  That is your choice and destination of choice. You have been rattled by the storms of life - and your house has been blown away.  But never mind, continue the charade of thinking you are safe and secure.  

As for me being embarrassed.  So what? I own my words.  I learn and I move on.  You are still reacting with fingers in your ears - "nup - those words are ok." Nothing wrong with them. Nothing abusive there".  Whatever.  

When caught out with your words- you just say “I don’t regret them”. 

 That is not catching anyone out, you idiot, that is an admission coming from me , and made by me, I don't regret them. Unless you can find something in particular that you believe I should be regretful for, can you? Is there?
You have been caught by lots of time on many occasions.   You just don't have the capacity to accept it.  I could and have produced evidence that everyone else can see - everyone but you.  It is a waste of time to produce it again. You would simply trample it underfoot again. Rather than have the humility to accept it. 

Stop being such a sad and pathetic person and start contributing to the topics in a constructive manner. Otherwise please leave the thread. 

I have and I do. If you do not wish to be challenged on your own comments then I can only suggest that you think really hard before posting anything else that you may regret. Because it is your own  lack of thought that causes you to paint yourself into a tight biblical and theological corner.
Stop talking garbage. you do what you do. you won't leave until you are good and ready.  You have never painted anyone - into a theological corner.  You by your own account just highlight stuff - you never attempt to prove anything.  So either you are bragging above and caught out in another lie or you simply don't have the comprehension to understand what painting someone into a corner actually looks like.  

The only derailment here is responding to your ridiculous lies and distractions.

Then simply do not respond. It really is that simple Reverend. 
 I would though like to request that  in your LAST and FINAL response to me to simply put up links to where I have deliberately lied about anything.....if you can.
Yes you would love that - so you and the brother can say - Tradey is running away again.  

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Being differently built is not an excuse.  Your words reveal your anger. 

Just like you like to read things into the bible that are not there, you are seeing things that are not there in my replies  to you , Reverend. I have told you, that I quite like you when you are the, Reverend. 

You obviously have a short memory if you don't recall being angry with me.
Well then lets us see  these anger towards you from me and remind me. You may even  get an apology, now wouldn't that be a nice arrow to your accumulated academic bow? 

Ethang5 wrote: Why would any sort of jihadist keep me awake? Most of the world is not as run over with jihadists as England is. Only sheep or soldiers get killed by jihadists.   #144

Stephen wrote: Seriously Reverend, even though you tell us he " is a good friend of yours and aspired to be more like him, "  #76  Why would you aspire to be like such a vile person as he? And YOU a man of the cloth, too?  Of all the places you could have shown your reverence and diplomacy as a Pastor and a Chaplain, you ignored this completely!   It was me that had to remind this vile man that some of those "sheep" belonged to gods own flock. And yes I was extremely angry. He should have been banned for that comment but had only he had just returned from a lengthy ban for constant sexual harassment of a member.   You see, the man that you aspire to be like, well, he's also a misogynist too, you see.#17 Ragnar
Tradesecret wrote: Nothing you have said would make me change my mind about Ethang.
No surprises there Reverend. I should imagine it is hard and that you are incapable supressing your other personas. But I am glad you won't change your mind. It simply gives me more opportunity to remind members here of the company that you prefer to keep and refuse to condemn or even call out.

I actually think you reacted in an entirely inappropriate manner because you failed to understand what he was saying.  And whether he is a misognist or not - which I doubt, is a big so what to me. 

Again, no surprises. And I don't particularly care what you think about me, Reverend. It is all irrelevant to me and the content of my threads.

Tradesecret wrote: To be clear I own all of my words. 

Stephen wrote: That will be  in reference to your comment that  "Words are words. And that is all they are". #45  Tradesecret wouldn't it?   Then why are you so disturbed by what it is that I have to say about the scriptures and by giving my "take " on them, if " words are just words"?

And lets not forget you have also said "The Bible is a book. It can't cause anything" .#3  Tradesecret
Tradesecret wrote: Words are words. I have not said otherwise
I know you haven't. And that is how stupid you are. Even Jesus speaks of "the power of words" yet you will have us believe that they don't, and can't,  effect anyone.    You even attempted to play down the bible saying " it is just a book that can't cause anything" , yet your best buddy the vile misogynist  ethag5 proved that to be entirely incorrect.  You should keep up with what he says contrary to your own beliefs, you follow this vile man enough. And very close too.

Tradesecret wrote: I might well wish I did not write all of them.

Stephen wrote: Well if I was you and insults aside,  I would be down right ashamed and embarrassed at some of the things that you had wrote about yourself . Fortunately, I am not. and I can assure you that my feet are firmly on the ground, Reverend 
Tradesecret wrote: Your feet are firmly heading down the path - having entered the wide gate.

Yep.  And talking of memory lapses, you have totally forgotten the meaning to the parable of the Lost Sheep, haven't you, Reverend.   And  this is not the first time you have summoned the bible in a vain  attempt to condemn me is it, Reverend?

Do you remember this from some time ago:

Tradesecret wrote: the serpent, satan, whatever - he is the accuser and you follow after him. you are his disciple. From my point of view - he is slime. You know like the stuff we find after a snail has passed by. creepy.  disgusting. Ugly. \ #24

Tradesecret wrote: After all,  you are the swine and the dogs that trample over the pearls.  your comments to me are like water of a ducks back.  #36
"Water off a ducks back" you say. Well I know different don't I ? My words have obviously effected YOU Reverend for you to have respond in such a way. And this  from YOU, that proclaims to be a Pastor, and Chaplain to your countries defence forces!#20  the parable of the Lost Sheep is certainly gone clean over your head hasn't it, Reverend?  I honestly dread to imagine what it is that you are teaching those University students that you claim to be tutoring:  HERE>>

 "No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them.  #20
And you have the gaul to be teaching others about that which you know nothing or very of yourself!?  They are being robbed by you. Just like those poor suckers in Jesus's time when the poor, desperate and needy  ran to the Pastors and Priests of his time to give over their last mite for a ticket to heaven and everlasting life.

When caught out with your words- you just say “I don’t regret them”. 

 That is not catching anyone out, you idiot, that is an admission coming from me , and made by me, I don't regret them. Unless you can find something in particular that you believe I should be regretful for, can you? Is there?
You have been caught by lots of time on many occasions.
Ok. (1)  at least you NOW know the difference between one being "caught out" and one actually admitting to something, don't you , our lawyer friend? You are a lawyer after all arn't you? you tell us so, HERE> #20. And  (2),  lets us see these many times  with links, if you want to continue to play such games.

Tradesecret wrote: Stop being such a sad and pathetic person and start contributing to the topics in a constructive manner. Otherwise please leave the thread. 

Stephen wrote: I have and I do. If you do not wish to be challenged on your own comments then I can only suggest that you think really hard before posting anything else that you may regret. Because it is your own  lack of thought that causes you to paint yourself into a tight biblical and theological corner.
Stop talking garbage. you do what you do. you won't leave until you are good and ready.  You have never painted anyone - into a theological corner. 
You didn't read the word -  "YOURSELF" - above there Reverend, very sloppy, very sloppy indeed .... for a lawyer#20
But that said, I have done so but usually I leave to the likes of you, the inept biblical ignorant to paint YOURSELF into a biblical and theological corner. Links available on request.

Tradesecret wrote: The only derailment here is responding to your ridiculous lies and distractions.

Stephen wrote: Then simply do not respond. It really is that simple Reverend. 
 I would though like to request that  in your LAST and FINAL response to me to simply put up links to where I have deliberately lied about anything.....if you can.
Yes you would love that -
It matters neither way to me. I have said, I like you when you are the Reverend.

so you and the brother can say - Tradey is running away again.  

 NOPE. I invite you to PLEEEEEASE stay around. Reverend  "Tradey"

 And I see that you have now taken your own thread completely off topic, just like your best friend of "many years" does when he is made to look the complete inept bible ignorant vile misogynist that he is and was banned for being.

 Get well soon, Reverend , "Tradey".