Yeah. Unfortunately, this entire thread, and what is going on is exactly the same pattern that has repeated over a million different discussion forums and website since the beginning of the internet, and IRC platforms.
A moderator takes some action for which a small subset disagree. Instead of acting like adults and starting a genuine discussion, they spend the next few weeks throwing their toys out of their pram, making ridiculous posts like this, and others, trolling, rolling around in histrionic faux rage because you don’t have the capacity to realize that collaborative websites aren’t just about your feelings.
its almost some free speech nonsense, where people basically decide to bash a moderator as some sort of authoritarianism out of control Nazi for daring to take a stand against something you dont agree with.
its ridiculous sh*t like this, that makes moderators reluctant to do anything at all, which leads to deterioration of websites as “anything goes” invariably means a race to the bottom. It’s why it took years to get Bronto banned on DDO, and why a bunch of Russian bot accounts are still there.
So pull those training pants up, and act like a grown up.
As as I said: people like you are literally the reason we can’t gave nice things.