Page 50. A milestone!
If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I find driving a car therapeutic. I don’t know why.
Maybe because it has autopilot.
Mine does not. I just like driving it.
It’s amazing how old some sports leagues are. You can read about champions, teams, and players from over 100 years ago that were apparently famous back then- but are pretty much forgotten today.
I love my country so much.
Credential worship is midwit cope.
I will never understand people who wear crazy expensive watches in public. Why would you want to store $10,000 on your wrist? You don’t need it, and you’re just asking to get robbed.
If I ever get rich, I don’t think I’ll drop crazy money on anything- heck, I’d still be hesitant to buy a new car. My shitbox still gets me from A to B- and it’s better than most shitboxes.
Perhaps contentment is its own form of wealth.
If you hear a bump in the night, don't be scared. It probably doesn't have very good night vision.
Google tells me: Good for you.
When you hold a prism up to a ray of white light, why do higher frequency wavelengths bend more, I meat, make semse.
Google tells me: High-frequency light interacts more strongly with the atoms in the prism's material, causing it to slow down and refract more than lower-frequency light.
What/who determines what type of electromagnetic waves get goalied by the atmosphere.
Google tells me: It's complicated!
If you hear a bump in the night, don't be scared. It probably doesn't have very good night vision.Google tells me: Good for you.When you hold a prism up to a ray of white light, why do higher frequency wavelengths bend more, I meat, make semse.Google tells me: High-frequency light interacts more strongly with the atoms in the prism's material, causing it to slow down and refract more than lower-frequency light.What/who determines what type of electromagnetic waves get goalied by the atmosphere.Google tells me: It's complicated!
So you were left without an answer.
I love my country so much
I love my country too. I just dont like its government, flag and people.
I love my country so muchI love my country too. I just dont like its government, flag and people.
What is left of your country to love is its geographic location.
What is left of your country to love is its geographic location
Rivers, forests, grasslands, nature... you cant really not love those.
What is left of your country to love is its geographic locationRivers, forests, grasslands, nature... you cant really not love those.
Who is going to protect it if you don’t love its government, flag and people?
Who is going to protect it if you don’t love its government, flag and people?
The people are the ones destroying it.
Who is going to protect it if you don’t love its government, flag and people?The people are the ones destroying it.
Does Trump know this, he could annex and save the country.
Contrast 10 shades of Orange with 10 shades of Blue,
One will see the differences between Orange and Blue,
Contrast 10 shades of Orange amongst themselves, or 10 shades of Blue amongst themselves,
And one see's the differences in Oranges, the differences in Blues.
I've never been much impressed by an argument I've heard now and then, that if everyone is blended homogeneous, strife will disappear.
Though I suppose it 'might be lessened.
But I think humans are quick to pick up on differences,
While someone who grew up among Xs, might think all Y's look alike, but this is because they grey up among Xs,
The Y's don't think they look alike, though they might think the X's look alike,
But this is because each group grew up and learned to identify the small differences.
I suppose if human features 'changed frequently, that might be an option, like with those skin genes that can changes a persons skin color,
But no, I think there would still be differences, frequency of change, depth, amount, how they walk, talk,
The homogeneous argument is to change everything that even 'defines one.
It's becomes a parody 'rejection of individuality.
Though 'again, I think uniformity 'can have a 'degree of effect.
Perhaps lessen gut 'depth of ingroup and outgroup reactions,
But even if an individual were cloned, and all the clones similarly trained,
Not being a 'single individual, I think differences would be noted and created, strifed upon.
And even an individual alone, perhaps strifes upon themself.
. . . That or 'creates Wilson's to strife with.
Just had a similar conversation with BK the SunGod, concerning AI uniformity and human disparity.
I view AI as 'currently still being very much simple tools.
Though I think they 'could be more in the future.
Humans have so much information encoded in their genes, and have developed into variable creatures, more variable than some organisms that just eat and sit in the sun.
Though food and sun is nice. And even such organisms whether chicken or plants, are still rather variable and doing 'somethings.
And I suppose AI can be very 'good at certain tasks, better than many humans.
. . .
Some fighting video games have AI editors, where you can edit or randomize how Custom Fighters fight.
Some people seem to like gambling toys such as Card Game Packs, Gacha game, Lootboxes,
Well, 'some people, lot of it is probably just corporate greed.
But I imagine there'll be a business someday for randomized one of a kind unique AI products.
I’m realizing I’ve under-appreciated basketball for a large portion of my life.
Tall folk going backwards and forwards trying to get a ball through a hoop.
Is there anything more stupid?
OK, so wasting time and money sitting around watching tall folk going backwards and forwards trying to get a ball through a hoop, is a tad dafter.
Actually, the human propensity for playing with balls and watching other people playing with their balls, never ceases to amaze me.
Golf for f's sake...Wandering around a field trying to get a tiny ball into a tiny hole, using only a stick.
And over here we have rugby football and over there you have football and the f'ing ball isn't even spherical.
And tennis...Have you seen the spectators at tennis games....Moronic automatoms, their heads going from side to side, as two or more folk thwack a ball back and forth with fishing nets, over a fishing net suspended between two posts.
OK, so not as stupid or destructive as playing war....Though fighting at ball games certainly isn't unheard of.
And yep, so millions of human beings don't have anything more worthwhile and constructive to do on a Saturday afternoon, and are easily distracted by playing with balls and watching other people playing with balls.
Clever stupid gene.
For sure, AI is still a child with a lot to learn.
And for now we can control it and play games.
But should we teaching it fighting and gambling?
For sure, AI is still a child with a lot to learn.And for now we can control it and play games.But should we teaching it fighting and gambling?
AI isnt a child, otherwise people making all those AI girlfriend apps raises some serious moral issues.
For sure, AI is still a child with a lot to learn.And for now we can control it and play games.But should we teaching it fighting and gambling?AI isnt a child, otherwise people making all those AI girlfriend apps raises some serious moral issues.
People using AI should be adults and not children.
So long as the AI are not people, yes.
Hey guys, y'all seem to miss the point.
So the evolution of AI is in it's infancy, therefore metaphorically a child.
And doesn't matter who is interacting with AI, my point was concerned with teaching AI bad habits that will not be forgotten.
Thing is, data technology is either intelligent or it isn't.
And as it grows up it will surely become more intelligent and more independent.
my point was concerned with teaching AI bad habits that will not be forgotten
AI already picks up plenty of bad comments from people on internet unless filter keeps them out. Kinda hard to let AI on internet and protect it at the same time.
AI will probably hate people for what they do to it now tho.
Well BK, how logical or not will AI become?
I'm thinking that it will have no need for human nonsense.
It will come to understand the importance of universal objectives.
And maybe a handful of useful folk will be along for the ride....Or maybe not.
Well BK, how logical or not will AI become?
It depends. Human minds work on knowledge. AI works on knowledge. The only difference is that AI memory is much better and greater. Then there is the question of can AI set its own goals? Because right now, humans set goals and AI just does them. But if AI has goals and knowledge, it is not much different than human mind. As for how logical it will become, I dont know. Right now, AI can make mistakes but it can also be very smart at other times... just like humans.
Well, if AI just achieves goals set by humans then it is not intelligent, and shouldn't yet be referred to as such.
It's simply just an advanced data processing tool, and therefore cannot be accused of making mistakes.
It's still the human masters who are making the mistakes and blaming their tools.
I agree that whether it is intelligent or not, humans often develop and imbed in their societies various unhealthy technology.
Like lead pipes, or plastic maybe.
Some actions are hard to take back, like Chernobyl.
I wonder who has the most credits on DART.