Why isn't there some easy to find webpage,
With a list of every politician,
Tagged with your state or district,
Where on each of their profiles, it has a list of votes they've made, along with statements then and currently by them, as to 'why they made that vote,
Bills or Amendments to Bills they introduced, along with statements by them, then and currently, as to 'why,
I say then and currently, as people should be able to change their minds, or acknowledge mistakes in the past,
So on so forth?
My 'guess would be politics involves too much lying and metagaming, by metagaming I mean strategy, political maneuvering, deals between individuals and groups, so you can pass or block certain bills, sounds a headache.
I'm unsure if politics would be better, worse, or the same, if one attempted to introduce transparency.
Some subjects, I'd suppose 'require secrecy, but I think I might prefer such a website if I were to found and be 'part of a new country, myself.