though more specifically to increase the density of educated people in the US. So, I would just say it's a case-by-case basis, same as it is now.
Fair enough, but I am still having trouble visualizing the world you want. What are a few changes that should be made?
though - it actually isn't by much - where 0.7% of adults identify as transgender between the ages of 18-24, 05% of people over the age of 65% identity as trans - like - you do realize that this is the exact argument had against gay people right? The comparison is blinding with how obvious it is.
You just accidentally proved my point. This article is from 2016. People who were 18-24 in 2016 are people in my cohort, who were adults before this craze took hold. Transgender identification is far, far higher among current teens. Here's a concurrent 2016 study that found 3% of high schoolers identify as trans or nonconforming: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/02/05/more-u-s-teens-identify-transgender-survey-finds/306357002/
Here is a study that found 2%: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2019/01/24/cdc-nearly-percent-high-school-students-identify-transgender-more-than-one-third-them-attempt-suicide/
These numbers are four to six times the background rate of gender dysphoria observed in other age cohorts. Moreover, it tends to cluster within friend groups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUPHqTkL5Nw There is definitely something going on, what do you think it is?
And this is a big question that a lot of cis people have, and the answer is simple, what defines or distinguishes gender is your experience, unless you have a specific way of measuring neurologic connections with regard to interpreting data, it is literally the only way you can distinguish, so you know how you do that? You just ask the individual, its the same thing as being straight or gay.
I mean being gay seems pretty objective. You are attracted to your same sex. But you are failing to identify what even defines gender. If it's just what someone says why do we need to give people puberty blockers . If it is all just what people identify as, and an adult man can have functioning breasts, why do we need to block puberty?
Though the confusion is understandable you being an admitted bigot isn't - that's just being a dick.
I don't care. I view this as incredibly destructive and I'm willing to be called whatever names necessary to push back on it.
Um... you do realize that you need a job to pay for.... anything? Right? Like, do you think that if these workers COULD get a better job they wouldn't? Like what the hell? People HAVE to pay for rent, for food, for water, for electricity, all of the above - of course they agree - a lot of times its the only work they can find!
Yeah, and I don't have a problem with that. If we ever get to a point where there simply aren't jobs to be had (such as a great depression situation, or early on in the pandemic) the government should step in to help people, but if times are normal and people can get a job what is morally wrong with expecting them to pay their own way? Businesses should of course be regulated to provide fair wages. Nothing is free. The men fixing utility lines and whatnot have to be paid from somewhere, the only question is if it's going to be through a corporation or through the government. I simply don't see the moral obligation I have to take care of someone who doesn't want to work