Assumption: Intelligent aliens exist, and they match or outperform our intelligence. They also have a technological head start
Question: would the aliens be able to launch a successful invasion of Earth?
So.. yeah it depends on two things:1) How technologically ahead of us are they
2) How much experience and skill do they have in war
Er.. I suppose a third thing too:3) How large their army is.
Eh not necessarily. They could just bombard us from space.
Assumption: Intelligent aliens exist, and they match or outperform our intelligence. They also have a technological head startQuestion: would the aliens be able to launch a successful invasion of Earth?
The thing is though, distance in space is vast --- really vast. Travelling at speeds upwards of C would essentially be to cut away all communication with your home. The aliens could not get access to the experience of other invasions. In fact, they would lag behind technologically. Unless their spaceships are literal planets, they won't be able to improve on their technology during their travels. Therefore, the distance between them and us, in lightyears, dictate the difficulty of invading us.
There are two possibilities:
- They send their spaceships randomly in all directions
- They wait for signs of life and then react
You would be surprised by the number of things that are "mathematically possible". Still it doesn't prove that one could feasibly build one, even with superior technology.
And no, there is no reason for such an invasion. This topic is merely a "Hollywood concept", the twist is that we apply logic to it, without scrutinicing its premise.
Why can't aliens be spiritual beings?For that matter, why can't demons be physical beings?