MisterChris (4/4) - Bull, Luna, Pie, Supa
Suzui Ryota!
(Suzui is the family name)
You are lame, boring, a loser... A best friend, pretty much the most morally benevolent character in the show and Yumeko's humble servant, though you don't see it that way.
Always helpful in intentions, rarely smooth in execution... Powerful because you're trusted, pathetic because you're naive...
Your role is the flavoured-compulsive Town Jailkeeper!
Every Night-Phase, you save and roleblock a player simultaneously.
If you were to be inactive and not send me a night action, I will use random.org to compel your action and let you know who it was acted on via PM.
Confirm by replying to this PM with a summary of your role.
You win with the Town.