Yes cover up, there is a conspiracy to keep such information from the public, they only agree when their asses are on the line. If the Government provided some of the videos then why are complaining that no documented evidence has been shown?
This is exactly what I meant by dishonest! I literally explained that I hadn't seen any evidence, and then, as soon as I got evidence I analyzed it! You're evidence was suspect to say the least, and the entire point of discussion was that the video presented wasn't compelling whatsoever. It didn't demonstrate that what that was was actually alien, it proved that something unexplained was going on, the entire fact that people jumped to "ALIEN!!" Proves that their is confirmation bias going on.
Which is why I presented this documentary, to show there is documented evidence ALONG with testimonies (which is what you asked for). Your very own government officials have documented accounts of UFO activity. I don't care what you believe about testimonies, they are included as evidence, that is how they are defined.
You not caring about how testimonies are proven by studies to be categorically unreliable? That is the height of being unreasonable, the videos prove that their have been unidentified flying objects, which, the details cannot be made out - most vehicles in the sky are identified by a radio broadcast or some sort of clear shape or marking, several air crafts that were at first said to be identified were identified later on because the crew realized that the quality was so shoddy they couldn't properly make them out. Thus, investigation needs to go on and actually demonstrate what that is - because so far, its not very compelling evidence to prove aliens.
You have numerous people that witnessed alien bodies, they were recovered and removed from the public eye. You have no idea what the hell they did with those remains, and there was no further open study that was allowed to show what they actually were (besides the fact they were not human, otherwise there would have been no cover up). Put two and two together, there was a UFO that crashed, beings that WEREN'T human were recovered, what the hell do you think was the alternative outcome? only a real dumbass would not be able to identify humans as humans or an aircraft that was not of this world. Skepticism can only go so far before it just makes a person stupid.
Incorrect, there are people who have claimed to witness alien bodies..... and their is no evidence of that.... their is no evidence of anything except for claims and reports without citations. The entire documentary is laughable at best. Any skeptical look at the evidence would let you know of how untrustworthy the film is, and how untrustworthy the people are, or, how much the film misquotes people.... you know... a cursory thought would let you know that, so, this is why I find extreme open-ness not a good thing. Your entire foundation of your claims are unwarranted.
Are you fcking kidding me? you think this has anything to do with what I want?? I'm still considering this as a possibility this has nothing to do with what I want. What an insult, do you have any idea how often I remove myself from the core of my own beliefs to follow evidence? how many Christians do you know of that would present evidence for aliens lol? Roderick might be the first that I personally know of. This has zero to do with what I want, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend there is no documented evidence and testimonies that show otherwise. By now you should have realized how open-minded I am, my beliefs are rare and my posts are unorthodox to say the least. I don't give a shit about what "I want", that has never been my motivation, not at anytime in my life. That has no influence on my decisions. I'm interested in things outside of my own knowledge and experience, now that is what gets me going. But as I've said before I'm not stupid either, I wouldn't have presented this if I thought there was good reason to just sweep it under the rug.
Being "open" to evidence isn't the problem, its being accepting of it to a ridiculous agree, do you think that saying someone has confirmation is an insult? Its a descriptor of reality, everyone has it - and yes - by the fact that you believe in quote "spirtual beings" I would be remiss to not think that you want this to occur. My point is that all of the evidence is so uncompelling that a large portion of it is confirmation bias, frankly however, I was mostly referring to Roderickspode, and if you stopped cutting off context then maybe you wouldn't try to make yourself out to be the targeted one. Let's back up, shall we?
"This is exactly about what people construe as evidence, as people are typically accepting of every little thing whenever it comes to things they want to be true, conformation bias and all that. That's all I've seen today." This was in reference to the video that RoderickSpode presented specifically, as attributing that to aliens would in fact be confirmation bias unless there was more reasoning then what was in the article. Being interested is all fine and good, however, there comes a point where someone is unreasonably accepting evidence, which was my point, and then you decided for a tirade about yourself.
You have officially missed the point.
What friggin arguments would you be looking for? you asked for documented evidence and I gave it to you. The only arguments I have in favor of this discussion would be from common sense, and I don't see you being open to pretty much anything at this point. Sorry.
I'm open to things with actual evidence behind it, case in point - evolution, the big bang, medical drugs, etc, etc... How about a deductive argument with more than testimonies, your "documented evidence" was a fancy term for a collection of testimonies that are even easier to find out how untrustworthy they are. "Common sense" is a fun argument, how about we just use logic? Is that so hard?
Again are you fcking kidding me? is this supposed to be a joke because you have no idea what you are saying. What conclusions have I assumed to be true? have we ever discussed this? if not, then why would you be making any assumptions? I'm not a close-minded little brat, so I'm willing to look at the evidence and make adjustments as to what I may have thought was true. If you had asked me about aliens five years ago I would have probably laughed, but I'm willing to incorporate such a thing into my worldview because of being open minded about it. It actually works believe it or not, and I've given it quite some thought along with judging the evidence.
Let me remind you of what you said in response: "This is where it seems you don't know what you're talking about. You don't even know there is credible documented evidence that shows they might exist, then you claim they are all false lol. Wow. " Uh huh, and again, you are trying to make yourself seem like the targetted one? "Is this a joke?" No, this is me calling you out for your assumptions in your arguments and how you tend to dismiss notions. Spirits... for one thing, again, I am quite aware, I have yet to see the compelling evidence - I am open minded to evidence that is actually considerable. If I was to accept every testimony or documentary on netflix without critical thought I would also believe that aliens made the pyramaids and not... you know, ramps with people using them... Or or that the government is actually controlled by the Illuminati. Not accepting bad evidence isn't "close-minded" its having standards of evidence.
What tactics? I don't have an agenda, I don't have any motives other than sharing what I believe to be the case. I don't use tactics I use logic and evidence as a key factor
How about I just list the ones from this:
1. Cutting off most of the context from a statment
2. Misrepresenting your interloquitur
3. Resulting to insults and tirades whenever someone criticizes you
I could go on, but I think thats a starter - and the quote (if you bothered with context) was about how you laughed anyone who disagreed with your conclusions, your conclusion being that your "evidence" was at all compelling. You did this without actually looking at the argument I was making, another part of the tactics I was describing, perhaps you do all of this unintentionally? I find that hard to believe.
WTF are you complaining about? I have no idea what you are going on about. But to sit there and try and frame me as someone who believes what I want or that I base my beliefs around confirmation bias makes you an ass. At first I thought maybe you were a bit more intellectually open than some of the others, but after reading through your responses more it seems you're just another biased, rigid brainwashed little prick. You need to grow up some, you really have no place in a forum tailored to spiritual discussions or anything outside the realm of atheism. We need folks willing to follow logic, evidence, commonsense and those who have no bias and preconceived ideas. You're a dime a dozen, get in line and don't accuse me or project on me I'm a guy who has no care in the world about the way I want things to be. That's never been the life I've lived or the path I've taken. If you believe I'm being manipulative in any of our discussions you are a poor judge of character, I won't even bother engaging you anymore.
Everyone has confirmation bias, I have confirmation bias, and as the evidence you have provided is.... very suspect, and I believe you to have intelligence, the explanation for both of those things happening is confirmation bias. The funniest bit, the part your responding to isn't even about confirmation bias, there is no mention of it in that entire paragraph that you took that from. There is no "framing" here I am simply pointing out, that to me, it seems like the evidence being presented has been accepted as a part of confirmation bias, as I pointed out, I hadn't even said you had it explicitly. I am a "biased, rigid brainwashed little prick." Thanks for the insult, how about we do this logically huh? I don't accept evidence willy nilly, how exactly does that make me "brain washed" my entire household believes in aliens and god, I am as far away from "brainwashed" as one can get in this regard. You seem like a prick to me, literally, going on tirades and insulting me because I don't agree with something you say, and say, "It seems there is some confirmation bias going on." Like the actual hell?
"I have no place here" You have no place in telling me where to go or not go, how about you actually learn something, I am not going to just sit back and just let you insult me because I offended you because I called out your tactics. I'm not judging characters by calling out manipulative tactics, I'm calling out action, you can be a good person and also manipulative, you can be a bad person and not manipulative at all, that has literally nothing to do with it. See the difference now is that I have an actual reason to be offended, I don't think pointing out some facts and saying, "This might be the case" is exactly a proper starter for your little tirade. Out of the two of us, I think there is a clear more mature person here. Isn't that ironic.