I didn't ask anyone to die for my crimes or sins or misdemeanours.
By all accounts, and after all the claims made by Christians of humans having “free will” someone did take it upon themselves and committed suicide on my behalf and I didn’t have a say in the matter.
And the idea that I would ask or want anyone to suffer for my crimes or sins is abhorrent and it appals me. Neither my brother nor Jesus is my keeper. And I will suffer and `bare my own cross, ' as it is I that am responsible for my own actions.
But who does the bible say is responsible for our crimes/sins?
The bible seems to suggest we alone are responsible. Deuteronomy11:16 “ take heed of yourself”.
And when the omnipotent lord God himself, he having unlimited power, appears to be unable to locate Able asks his brother;
Genesis4; 9 “Where is Abel your brother?”
He said, “I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?
“Am I my brother's keeper?”
Is this to say that I am not responsible for anyone but myself, my actions and my own behaviour?
Nowhere will we find a single reference where Jesus admits to his inner circle of coming to specifically do die for their sins. There are a few verses that could be crowbarred into suggesting that he did as much, such as John 3:16, but it will be a struggle to squeeze these words into the mouth of Jesus and sins are not even mentioned, only belief.
I find it appalling that someone is said to have taken responsibility for something I am alleged to have done and had suffered what the scriptures describe as the most vicious, cruel and sadistic death ever dreamed up by humans, voluntarily!
I find also applauding that someone had taken it upon themselves to actually “sacrifice” themselves without my knowledge or consent! On my behalf.
I have directly asked people on this forum (one being a man of the cloth), wouldn’t they too be appalled and find it abhorrent if someone just took it upon themselves to take responsibility for their own sins, crimes and mistakes and sacrificed themselves via an horrific death? I have had no follow up response as of yet.
And as an afterthought:
We notice too that god doesn’t address Cain's reply of responsibility but exiles him for his crime of murdering his brother. Cain complains at gen 4:14 that “it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me.” but it is never explained who will actually kill Cain considering there were only four humans on the planet at the time of the murder and with them now being a man down leavening only three?