Since errors sneaked into my previous response in post 1192, here is the corrected version :
[*] So, if Christianity is true, then
- Atheist believe there is no universal, etcetera morality and they would be wrong. (0 points)
- Christians believe there is a universal etcetera morality and they would be right. (1 point)
- Atheist believe their morality is a preference and they would be right. (1 point)
- Christians believe their morality is from a true, universal, etcetera source and they could be right. (1 generous point)
Score : atheists 1 – 2 Christians
If atheism is true, then
- Atheist believe there is no universal, etcetera morality and they would be right. (1 point)
- Christians believe there is a universal etcetera morality and they would be wrong. (0 points)
- Atheist believe their morality is a preference and they would be right. (1 point)
- Christians believe their morality is from a universal etcetera source and they would be wrong. (0 point)
Score : atheists 2 – 0 Christians
Hence, on average, atheists score better.
[**] You forgot to answer my question.
[a] Even after your embellishments, [b] I still dislike the biblical god's morality and justice, [c] as I suspect do most people who are not infatuated with him. [d] Assuming God's existence (something yet to be proven), [e] why should those people adopt God's morality and justice [f] i.s.o just relying on their own ?
All these great, subjective attributes you praise God with, [g] presumably reflect your and God's personal opinions, but [h] why should people who find the guy a powerhungry, immature jerk, worship the him ?
[a] It is reasonable to believe based on the biblical accounts. If you think otherwise, then present your arguments instead of just asserting once again.[497] Why should I value your assertions? That is all you present. I gave you a reasoned argument.[498] Show otherwise from a biblical perspective since we are speaking about the Bible.
[b] Ah! Your dislike! Coming from no greater authority than you who crafts morality in your own likeness and preference, there is no point in further discussion since you think what you believe is the moral right without justification. You just state it, and that makes it moral to you.
[c] Rather than infatuated with you, such as I witness with 3BRU7AL.
[d] I can and have given you reasoned evidence for His existence. Can you give a more reasonable argument against His existence?[499] That is the point of this thread.[500] I can also show you how prophecy is a reasonable proof and from the information available from history a better explanation and reasoning than I believe you or others can present.[501] If you think otherwise, then put your money where your mouth is and show otherwise instead of making assertions.[502] You can open another thread on the topic of prophecy if you like?
[e] If the biblical God's morality is evil in your opinion - you shall not murder, lie/bear false witness, steal, covet what is not yours, commit adultery, you shall honour your parents, then what is yours? What do you propose? You shall murder, lie/bear false witness, steal, covet things belonging to others, commit adultery, dishonour your parents. Is that your moral standard that you want others to adopt??
Then the question becomes why should I believe you, a relative, limited, subjective being who thinks their moral standard, the one they make up, is the actual good, the actual right.[503]
[f] Show me your own has what is necessary for morality and is not just a subjective opinion that has nothing to fix morality on that is not shifting and changing.[504] Show me you have a real unchanging best to compare better with. With quantitative values, I can show you the actual standard of best measures and what we compare better with when there is a dispute.[505] How does your qualitative standard have such a comparison?[506] You say you are the standard that better is measured against.[507] Why should I believe that you, a relative, subjective, limited in your thinking being, can provide such a necessary standard, especially when you can't even justify why abortion is right when I believe it is wrong. You are masquerading as a standard that should be trusted, aren't you? If not, why do you believe what you do? You do not fool me, although you may fool others.[508]
[g] [ . . . ]
[h] First, you grossly misrepresent the biblical God or what is revealed about such a God.[509] Your own prejudice gets in the way of thinking this through, IMO. The biblical God reveals He rewards the innocent but justly judges the wicked.[510] That is what you read in the pages of the OT. I could cite you many examples but do not wish to document them now. You see that God identifies the wickedness and then brings judgment on it. Jesus says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to little children - those pure of wrong actions. You see how God brings to life in a better place those who are innocent. You witness humanity's inhumanity, and you continually blame a God who you deny.[511] Go figure??? It makes no sense.
[497] Your fallacy of choice : shifting the burden of proof. That your embellishments are reasonable to believe based on biblical accounts is your claim, so you prove it.
[498] What assertions ? A reasoned argument for what ?
[b] You and God like God's morality! Coming from no greater authority than God who crafts morality to his own liking and preference. You and God think that what you believe is the moral right without justification. You just state it, and that makes it moral to you.
A difference is that I realize the limitations of my morality and presumably God does as well of his, but you do not.
Another difference is my preferences are for the moral principles themselves, regardless of who issues them.
[d] [499] Yes, I can, but I dont' have to. No evidence against a supernatural entity is required in order to not assume its existence. In addition, the fact that Christians are unable to come up with decent evidence despite the motive and resources available, is strong evidence against God's existence.
[500] You are mistaken, as you too often are. This thread is not about whether God exists. Read the OP to discover what this thread is about.
[501] You claim you can prove things, but I know better.
[502] What assertions are you talking about ? You are again avoiding clarity (the Christian's enemy).
When you make a bald assertion, I challenge it in my response to it and point out what assertion I am challenging, to promote clarity (the skeptic's friend).
[e] Stop pretending to be stupid. Me disliking God's alleged morality does not mean I disagree with everything about it.
I don't propose anything, but I prefer well-being based morality.
So, you can provide no good reason, even if God were to exist, for someone not infatuated with God to adopt GM. What a surprise !
[503] You have committed another loaded question fallacy, for I have never said my moral standard is the actual good, the actual right. You on the other hand have asserted yours is. Go ahead and prove your assertion.
[f] [504] Your fallacy of choice is the straw man, for I have not said my moral standard has what is necessary for morality.
An excessive reliance on fallacies in an indication of a deficient worldview.
[505] Notice that the standard of weights and measures was actually decided by humans by convention. God had nothing to do with it. Humans did not do the same for morality, but you claim God did. So, go ahead. Prove God's moral standard is indeed the standard agreed upon by convention.
[506] It does not and neither does the international standard of weights and measures. This again illustrates how you assume controversial aspects of you worldview to base this discussion on. Constructive debates are based on agreed upon assumptions, not on the assumptions merely convenient to one side.
[507] I am sure you would have liked me to say that. Alas, I do not.
That whole [f] paragraph is arguing against a perversion of my worldview. My worldview allows me to explain why you straw man it. Does your worldview also allow for such an explanation ?
[508] You are fooling yourself.
[g] That is again a pile of off topic rubbish. Dude, I don't believe the falsehoods you want me to believe or say. I believe in reality and say true things.
[h] [509] Is that a fact or just your personal opinion ?
[510] Their innocence and wickedness are decided by God's personal, self-serving moral standard, what you omitted to mention to promote confusion (the skeptic's enemy). You like God's personal standards because you are infatuated with God and God likes them because he is selfish. Other people have different preferences and that those preferences don't meet your personal criteria is irrelevant. Again, you fail to provide those people good reasons to adopt God's standards. You just assume that because you and God like your criteria, everyone must like them.
[511] You are mistaken again. You want me to continously blame God for humanity's inhumanity, but alas, I do not.