A prisoner can be content. Contentment is just another word for what is the least I will accept.
Though a truly content person ceases to consider that which is not necessarily achievable.
Is like jumping out of one rut, only to slip into another.
Lenin Spreading The Communism
The only real critique of capitalism is that it creates an economic "survival of the fittest", and that the turbulences it creates might harm workers when firms go broke or "capitalists" try to exploit people through bad wages. But these problems are connected to the specific way in which we structure our economic system,....
Are You Really Free Under Capitalism?
The rich have been getting richer for many years at the expensive of;1} poor and middle class,2} the ecological environment that sustains humanity on Earth.
Did you get to choose what electronic device to own to type that claim or were you forced to create your own device?I find it ironic and silly that anti-capitalists use high technology that they personally own to explain why the means of owning said high technology is bad.
Many of the anti-capitalistic arguments seem similar to the philosophy of a Luddite, wishing for a time where nearly all of the purchasing choices and the responsibilities that accompanied those choices were extremely limited.
I don't think it affords me what I've got.
You probably don't need over a tenth of the stuff you have to be happy.
Is it scammery that I took all my unemployment money and shorted against the stock market? Maybe, but nobody forced the taxpayer to pay me for sitting on my ass unemployed. Right?
Some people work for as little as 3 US cent per hour, often more than 100 hours per week in conditions of poor air quality and extreme heat.
Believe it or not, nuance and constructive criticism exists. What if I flip the script and say you aren’t patriotic if you dissuade people from criticising the system they’re born into.
I'm just pointing out the irony of using the products of capitalism to criticize capitalism.