Pedophilia is an act that forever scars children. A crime and an unconscionable act.Homosexuality between consenting adults is not.You do not have a valid point. One is objectively harmful to humans and by extension society one is in your opinion "sinful".
It still sounds like it is personal to you.
I take the view that all so called sexual orientations can be compared and contrasted. I take the view that every sexual orientation outside of marriage as God designed it is sinful. This includes heterosexuals sex between consenting adults. For me it is not personal.
I totally reject pedophilia. And I suggest all people should. Yet I don't call for it be ridiculed. It ought to be prohibited and those who commit the offence - ought to be subject to the death penalty. Yet it should not be ridiculed.
I reject your position that I do not have a valid point. I said - labelling someone's sexual orientation as sinful is not ridiculing it. I used pedophilia as an example - specifically to note that as detestable and evil as it is - calling it sinful is not meant to ridicule it. I won't ridicule pedophiles - despite the fact that I reject absolutely everything about them . And if this is the case with one of the things I most despise - then other things I call sinful clearly are not meant to ridicule them. I could have used de-facto couples - of consenting adults who are not married - to make my point about ridicule. But it would not have made the same point because most people don't see people "living in sin" as sinful.
The point stands. Calling a sexual orientation sinful is not subjecting it to ridicule.