Even if your worst-case suggests 200k deaths form COVID, which is a highly suspect number considering all the cases of deaths reported WITH COVID being added to the numbers of death FROM COVID...
the current numbers are almost certainly low. Since the tests are/were in such short supply, they didn't bother testing alot of dead people because they didn't even have enough for the living.
We are talking about an increase from 2.7 million to 2.87 million dead a year. That's a 4% increase in morbidity, and the country is supposed to go into a tailspin panic over that?
The mortality rate of the seasonal flu is about 0.1%. The mortality rate of corona virus is still a bit hard to say and varies based on how well countries have contained it. But numbers vary from 0.6% to like 3%. That is 6 - 30 times more deadly than the flu. Where the hell did you get 4% from?
People are outraged because WHO and people in the media told them to be outraged. This level of panic isn't universal across the globe. America has gone full crazy with the authoritarian lockdowns, mostly triggered by US corporate media with the wall to wall panicporn coverage.
are you kidding? America has done the bare minimum. In alot of places they didn't even bother with the bare minimum. That is why the US is now the epicenter of the epidemic.
Even if the numbers are fairly close to seasonal flu, Panicporn media certainly won't allow the public to know that as it will directly lead to a mob riot against authority for overreacting and the media itself for instigating the whole scam.
the numbers are nowhere near to close to the seasonal flu. something like 6 - 30 times more deadly.
I heard some protesters actually smashed some windows out at CNN's headquarters. Your temple is under assault HB. Are you not concerned?
I don't even watch CNN. I've told you that already. But you don't actually care about facts or reality, do you?