If the vest-maker makes Ragnar a vest NP1 he is bulletproof. If the gun-maker makes Ragnar a gun NP1, we have no need of a mechanic...
The mechanic is needed to role-block the saboteur, otherwise both abilities are lost when the gun backfires and the vest is faulty (unless only one is made faulty). This risk of this is minimized by knowing who the mechanic is each day, so if using this system and the shooter dies, we know the mechanic is scum.
and we can instruct Ragnar exactly who he must kill. If anybody other than specified is killed, Ragnar gets killed. At the end of Ragnar's NP, he gives gun, vest, and mechanic to a pre-agreed upon player who follows the same process.
This general process could work. My mind oddly goes to killing people being a general disadvantage. As long as no one dies, Mafia doesn't get closer to their goals. Mafia breaking the loop, would out themselves and invite a lynching.