You are taking this all far too personal.
You can't ultimately make senseof anything unless you first presuppose such a Being.
And youwill never explain away these enigmatic, confusing, vague and anomalous verseswithout bringing such a being into play. This being is your answer toeverything. It is not mine.
Your beliefs are your own privatebusiness. I CAN'T change those beliefs. They are ingrained in your nature.
They are.I have said I believe many, if not all the characters in the NT existed. I havesaid I believe Jesus was or at least thought himself to be, rightful king ofthe Jews.
It is when you state things that areuntrue on a public forum that I object.
That youbelieve are untrue, is what you mean. This is simply your opinion.
I do not care that you hold thosebeliefs/claims.
I thinkyou do, you just don't want me to give my opinion on the New Testament. Youtoo, like those gospellers seem to want to hush up and hide the fact that thereis something else clearly going on under the surface of the scriptures.Something I believe is more sinister. I also believe if it was up to you Iwouldn't be posting here. Yet I have abused no one or broken any rules. This isthe problem with religious fanatics; they don't like anyone having a differentpoint of view to themselves.
You are free to believe/claimwhatever you like.
Yes Iknow I am, and as much as you object, you are entitled to those objections.. Ihaven't ridiculed or mocked your religion and I haven't abused or mockedanyone. It is simply the case that I read these scriptures with an open mindand from a somewhat historical angle. You just take them as "gospeltruth" truth via faith, I do not.
It is your loss if you haven'tinvestigated your worldview enough to know what holds it together and howrational and logical it is or is not.
I don'tbelieve I have "lost" anything.
I care about truth and I see youmisrepresenting it.
No, youonly believe I am misrepresenting these scriptures. You see me asupsetting standard beliefs, just for questioning the scriptures. You areobviously upset about my questioning simply because you know they are difficultto explain away and controversial without a supernatural being to relyon. They shouldn't be to you. Try simply answering my questions withoutrelying on a supernatural omnipotent being.
You are free to claim whateveryou want. When you have nothing but assertions and private belief to back upyour claims I choose to expose those beliefs on the grounds of lack ofreasonable evidence.
I haven’t even started to give myevidence. I have been far too busy debunking your responses and explanations forwhich you have no comeback. That alone speaks volumes to me or anyone readinghere.
Your beliefs do not affect me inwhat I believe.
I didn’t expect them to affect you or anyone else. And ithas never been my aim to convince anyone of anything. I have made that veryclear and plain on more than one occasion now. What I have wrote are MY questionsand my theories and my opinions. How many times do I have to make that clear toyou?
What matters is not your claimbut whether it is true or not. Anyone can claim anything.
They can, and I stick to my claim: One only has to scratch the surface of these vague andanomalous, sometimes enigmatic half told stories and one finds a much fullerand sometimes intriguing story altogether that leaves myself and many others questioningthe validity of the "god " inspired gospels.
I don't care that you can claimsomething. I care when your ideas bring others into a false view of reality.
Well this is clearly you, acting as father or mother wanting to nanny everyone in the world who thinks different. Do you believe that those who post here are children without a mind of their own, their own opinions and views or ideas? Again you’re speaking of yourpersonal opinion and belief. You are entitled to YOUR VERSION of the truth. Ijust happen to believe that there is a much bigger story under the surface ofthe scriptures.
You are taking this far too personal. Try approaching my questions with your own mind. Just for once.