YOU: "THAT IS THE WAY I READ IT. But it doesn't make my findings any truer than your mindreading, heart reading omnipotent so-called god any more real."
This is your problem in a nutshell - the way you see/read it. If you want to understand the authors meaning you must understand what the author is saying, to whom, and in what time frame. Rightly understanding the author's meaning is call exegesis. Reading into the Scriptures your meaning is called eisegesis. Proper hermeneutics is the key to understanding Scripture.
YOU: "Using a so-called all powerful super being to explain away all the anomalies and enigmatic verses in these gospels doesn't work for me as I am sure it isn't good enough for millions of others in the 21st century."
He provides the evidence and what you consider anomalies and enigmatic verses have REASONABLE explanations. Your analogy of Scripture has not made sense.
YOU: "You obviously do not take my personal opinions or findings as I read them and simply dismiss them. So exactly what is your problem?"
Personal opinions are a dime a dozen. I dismiss yours based on the Scriptures and how you read things into verses that are not conveyed or supported. Give me evidence that your personal opinions are true.
YOU: "What I believe and or suggest about these unreliable gospels doesn't affect you in any way, does it."
No, because for one, the gospels are not unreliable and what you believe is your own business. What you believe affects you. I challenge you to discredit the gospels using proper hermeneutics and exegesis.
YOU: "And let me just remind you again: this sub-forum is titled -
It is not titled Religion for believers ONLY. And it is not titled Religion for the faithful ONLY, either. It is for anyone to discuss religion and not for the religious to have a monopoly and use it for your own religious propaganda.
It is not compulsory for you to address my questions or opinions."
I address your questions and your thread because I care about truth, and I want to push you to demonstrate that what I believe is wrong and unreasonable and what you believe is the truth. I am confident in Scripture and the Preterist interpretation enough to put the challenge to you.