ethang5, the perpetual RUNAWAY,
Regarding your "outer space" post #37, which is a normal operating procedure with you, you stated the following straw grasping quotes:
YOUR STRAW GRASPING QUOTE #1: "I keep telling you but you're kinda slow. Jesus is omniscient, He already knows everything, He "discovers" nothing"
The verse in question is inspired by Jesus, obviously you know this to be a Biblical FACT, therefore when Jesus is omniscient and discovers nothing like you explicitly stated, then Jesus' words that state "and the Lord will discover their secret parts" is moot, and a lie made by Jesus because He doesn't have to discover anything, remember? Huh? Do you understand biblical Logic 101? Now, are you calling Jesus a LIAR with His true words as represented in Isiah 3:16-17 because you cannot have it both ways, HELLO? Lol!
YOUR STRAW GRASPING QUOTE #2: "When someone like Isaiah does it. If you do it, it would be perverted because YOU are perverted."
Your blatant ignorance always precedes you, I will say this once again, it is Jesus' inspired words that came through the mouth of Isaiah, of which again you obviously do not understand this simple biblical axiom! Therefore, what did Jesus perceive to be a woman's "secret parts?"
YOUR STRAW GRASPING QUOTE # 3:" Of course you are completely clueless that words have more than one meaning, and that "discover" can mean something other than your perverted mind thinks."
For comedy relief, of which you are the best with your "step in poo statements,' give us at least 3-4 OPINIONS, that are not FACTS, of what the word "discover" means since to you, it does not relate to a woman's private parts. You may begin.
The Lord says "Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the lord will discover their secret parts." (Isiah 3:16-17)
Ethang5, the perpetual RUNAWAY, in the passage above, who is the "Lord?" Yes, it is Jesus, as the serial killer Hebrew God only, Yahweh incarnate. Therefore when the passage states "Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, barring the discovering of their secret parts, it is Jesus performing this act!!! 2+2=4, oil and water don't mix, and you are one of the most blatant bible ignorant pseudo-christians on DEBATEART bar none! LOL
YOUR REVEALING STRAW GRASPING QUOTE #5: "I ignored the repeat stupidity in the rest of your robotic post. And you don't have to beg for attention from me Dee Dee. I'll be here for you.
No, you didn't "ignore" my followup posts, you ran away from them because you could not address them once again! You give credence to my pet name for you as "ethang5, the perpetual RUNAWAY, therefore I have to thank you for admitting this fact!
[ UPDATE: It has been ONE YEAR, 5 MONTHS, AND 21 DAYS since ethang5 as even "tried" to post a new thread upon his own! LOL! ]
DebateArt, to prevent any more total embarrassment for ol' ethang5, I will be giving him a class and subject matter on how to create a new topic of his own because he is closing in on One and One half years of being silent and too scared to actually create a new link by himself. Help is on the way!