Well, I suppose it's worth introducing myself now that I'm becoming involved in the site. Username's whiteflame, I've been an avid debater for quite a while now, both online and offline (though chiefly the latter). These days, I've been spending more time voting than debating, though I'll happily engage in either activity. I'm game for a range of topics, though I'd say I favor policy and scientific topics. While I do enjoy a good long written debate, I'm also game for live debates through Google Hangouts. My inbox is always open, and if you're interested in a debate or want me to vote on one of yours, hit me up.
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
I am quick to say when I think something or someone stinks, I want to be just as quick when I think someone is super.
I am glad to see whiteflame here. He is quality through and through. The class of this site just went up with his joining. Mike, if you don't know him, get to know him. Whiteflame, welcome man. I hope I didn't embarrass you cuz you aren't a toot your horn kind of guy.
Hope you like it enough to stay.
I'm sadolite. Used to be a master printer for 22 years now a master stone cutter and fabricator for the last 18 years. Other skills include home remodeling with all sub skills involved. Mechanical machine repair and CNC operations. Auto mechanics, boat mechanics, motorcycle mechanics small engine mechanics. Small part time business owner.
Agreed. WF is OG to the site. If it came down to a desert island scenario, I'd die for him and/or join whatever group he formed.
He is the realest DDO member there is with bsh1 as a close rival. Everyone else is lacking in the ways they are in terms of loyalty, integrity and kindness to even users like me when the rest of the community piled on us.
Sounds just like him. So we do agree on something.
That's not possible with the thang around.
BoT is literally BoT on ddo. he's an old timer who kind of lost interest with the site much like danielle (danielle is 2 generations of user elder to him community-wise though and her and sadolite are the only 2 still-active users to entirely predate me by a generation as I was among the Gen2 users of the site)
anyways here is BoT:
Oh I know. But there was a rumour going around that BoT was the sock of AirMax. Surely you heard it?
Either way, the more the merrier.
I think I'm wrong. This user is also an elder to the site, albeit a far less sociable or well known one:
I'm me.
If we could organize an ironperson BP live debate, I'd be 100% down to do that. Random topic with 15 minutes of prep time.
Though I would prefer if we got 5-7 minutes of prep time in between speeches, since in non-ironperson BP rounds, I spend a significant portion of my partner's speech writing my speech.
Though I would prefer if we got 5-7 minutes of prep time in between speeches, since in non-ironperson BP rounds, I spend a significant portion of my partner's speech writing my speech.
I guess the problem with that is it gives Closing teams an unfair advantage. So maybe not.
Yeah, I don't know if the prep time would work with the format. We could do some kind of hybrid format that would include some prep time, but I'm not sure just yet what that would look like.
Maybe we should just ditch the prep time and do a standard BP round, albeit with all four debaters ironpersoning.
I'd be down.
I'm smithers, aka Benjamin.
I'm an IRL debate adjudicator for competitive debates. I major in Neuroscience and psychology. I'm a musician, I play various instruments for various bands and compose and produce original music too. I'm also a fan of RTS games and horror movies.
Debate topics I'm interested in (when I have spare time):
> Music composition contests
> Philosophy topics
> Science topics
What's up everyone I'm SupaDudz coming from DDO! I am a debater for a world-renowned school as a Sophmore-JV Policy. I like Neoliberalism Kritiks and Brain Drain DA's. My skill is writing economy good cards.
Don't worry, that was for the sophisticated adults... I'm 15 and live my life like a normal teen would expect I have a functioning and pretty smart brain. Here is some cool stuff about me.
>I am 100% Greek according to a DNA test, so I love my Greek culture
>I am looking to major in business or creative writing
>Some of my passions are writing, broadcasting, and sports
>I play competitive baseball, but my favourite sports to follow are football and basketball
>From Chicago
>Meme enthusiast ;)
>I have a social life outside of school. Yes I have friends that I talk too
>I like to be creative and use my imagination
>Love video games, some games I have skill at our Overwatch, Fortnite, and Minecraft
>My mains in Overwatch are Hanzo, Genji, D.va as tank and Zenyatta for healer
To any teens that feel intimidated by the big boys. Don't be... I am here to help and guide just like what happened to me in DDO. Contact me, PM me, and get involved! I am happy to answer any questions.
No, Airmax is the head moderator of DDO. I am the Deputy Vote Moderator. Although he is a close friend and one I respect greatly.
I made this same mistake before, it's because the order of the stickied threads alters to last updated.
Oops! Lol.
12 days later
I'm warren42. I came here from DDO.
I enjoy a good debate when I have the time, but I mostly will be hanging in the forums (and playing mafia, if it catches on)
I'm a college student studying business, hoping to work in a sports or outdoors-related company (looks like a professional team is the most likely)
My hobbies include debate, mafia, photography, guitar, and sports, particularly boxing, soccer, basketball, and football.
I was an avid user of DDO and I hope that this site can give us what DDO could not anymore.
Aloha, warren!
Kinda long time, no see! How are you? Still abroad?
Nope. Finally back stateside and working on my Master's. Doing pretty well. How about you?
Here from DDO. Logged in for fun to see it abandoned (would love the scoop on that). Sad to see that after seven or so years on and off. Here for mafia and maybe some votes here and there.
Congrats! I'm doing alright. I'm in my junior year now, had an eventful summer, back on the grind.
Sounds good.