Section B: Conduct Towards AdministrationSubsection B1: The Chief and Deputy Moderators and Site Owner
- Conduct violations against the Chief Moderator, Deputy Moderator, and the Site Owner will not be enforced, barring certain exceptions
- Exceptions to PA.A1.SB.SbB1.PI are limited to:
- Plausible, repeated, or serious threats
- Hacking or attempted hacking
- Staff Impersonation
- Doxxing or attempted doxxing
- Life- or health-threatening cyberbullying
- Violating the privacy of PMs not related to issues of moderation
Subsection B2: Other Moderators and Administrators
- Conduct violations against those moderators and administrators not covered by PA.A1.SB.SbB1.PI will not be enforced, barring certain exceptions
- Exceptions to PA.A1.SB.SbB1.PII are limited to:
- Threats
- Hacking or attempted hacking
- Staff Impersonation
- Doxxing or attempted doxxing
- Particularly serious personal attacks not related to their moderation duties
- Patterns of unceasing personal attacks not related to their moderation duties
- Life- or health-threatening cyberbullying
- Violating the privacy of PMs not related to issues of moderation
No, I don't mind being troll
Like when I called you a nigger and virtuoso a like, those insults (if you can consider them that) have a basis in fact.
You also don't see me calling any of the mods low IQ.
I can't get on the bus and not be called cracker 3 times
With that said, Ethang violated the rules. Not when he said I fucked a tranny, which is permissible. He violated the rules by making a personal attack on me.
...he is against freedom of speech and feels like attacking when he hears the word nigger.
Ethan personally attacked me in his first post.
Like when I called you a nigger...
How is this guy not banned.
And true, if you get your hookers from behind truck stops. Eew.Ethang violated the rules. Not when he said I fucked a tranny, which is permissible.
He was triggered because I insulted jews...
...and then he is so low IQ that he just makes random transvestite and IQ insults he thinks is clever.
he is saying stuff that is absurd. Like that I have a low IQ, I can't even feel insulted because of the absurdity of his insults.
80 days later
And since I'm professionally trained to handle them, I take up the call.
what's morally wrong with being a racist
However, given that racism is an ideology, what's morally wrong with being a racist anymore than any other belief?